Darth Vacation The Wise

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Padme: and were here!

Shak Ti: yeah, that only took, like three whole days!

Luminara: it was Plo's fault! He kept insisting we stop at all these stores.

Barriss: yeah, he's not the only one...

Plo Koon: you made us stop just as many times as I did Luminara!

Luminara: 😒

Lux: can we go already? I want to jump on those lava rocks.

Satine: what if you fall in the lava?

Barriss: yes, dear. Only Jedi can

Lux: #sad

Shak Ti: interesting....

Barriss: why are you even spying on us?

Lux: yeah!

Shak Ti: because I want to make a better news report than Aayla

Satine: okay are we going to chat all day or go visit this weird place?! I still don't understand why everyone wanted to come here so bad.

Barriss: me too

Padme: ok, ok lets go. I'm going to post this all over space book. You guys make sure to do the same.

Shak Ti: okay

Plo Koon: fine

Lux: hey what's that sound?

Barriss: another ship???

Anakin, Obi Wan, Ahsoka, Maul, and the 501st have hacked into this chat

Anakin: what's up losers?

Fives: were not losers!

Rex: I think he meant the others

Ahsoka: I can't believe were finally here!

Echo: I can't believe you made me buy tickets to come to this place!

Obi Wan: we all should've expected something like this for agreeing to come on a trip with Anakin.

Anakin: whatev

Padme: Anakin what the bantha are you doing here??

Palpatine: everything is coming along as I have forseen....

Ahsoka: wait, what?

Palpatine: nothing! Nothing

Barriss: #sithlordconfirmed

Maul: I used to be a Sith lord, but Obi Wan cut me in half, and my master abandoned me. It sucked.

Satine: okay we keep getting off track. What are you guys doing here?

Anakin: oh, we just decided we'd show you guys how to have a good time! Which is something Padme knows nothing about!

Padme: Anakin Skywalker I'm coming for you!!!

Obi Wan: so uncivilized...

Jesse: can we go yet?

Hardcase: I just want to try one of those freshly grilled crabs. I'm starving.

Maul: I made you guys brownies and you wouldn't eat them

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