Pool Party

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Ahsoka: This party is amazing!

Anakin: Yeah! Cannonball!

He jumps into the pool

Obi Wan: Anakin, you just got water in my tea!

Anakin: It already had water in it, didn't it?

Obi Wan: Not chlorine water, no

Padme: This party is pretty awesome.

Satine: Yeah, we should rent this pool out more often

Barriss: Why is it on top of a building though?

Tup: ...It's kind of scary

Padme: Because this is Chancellor Palpatine's private pool...which is on top of the Senate building

Ahsoka: Which also happens to be the tallest building on Coruscant

Satine: Ya

Aayla: We should get a pool installed ontop of the jedi temple

Adi Galada: That would be awesome!

Kit: Oh yeah!

Shak Ti: But as soon as Mace Windu finds out, he'll say its off limits, and then just keep it for himself

Anakin: So then we go swimming at night!

Ahsoka: Eh, I guess that would work

Shak Ti: Arg! I can't tell if this is sunscreen or my tattoos on my face!

Luminaria: Well my skin is green, so yeah, I can tell

Lux: Imagine if sunscreen was green.

Barriss: Woah. Dear, you're changing my life with those thoughts

Rex: Hey, what happened to the 501st?

Ahsoka: I was wondering the same thing

Fives: Attack!

They all come in with water guns and squirt everyone

Rex: Seriously?

Cody: Now my sunglasses are soaked

Obi Wan: Well, rip my tea. Anakin, you really need to keep your men under control

Anakin: Hey, Jesse, hand me that water gun

He squirts Obi Wan with it, who in return throws his tea all over him

Obi Wan: Don't try it again

Anakin: Now I smell like tea!

Padme: Better than your usual garbage smell

Satine: #roasted

Shak Ti: Why does he smell like garbage?

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