Robbing Count Dooku

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Padme: so, as you all know, we need money

Anakin: why not just use the republic's money? I don't pay those taxes for nothing!

Obi Wan: ...I didn't think you paid your taxes

Anakin: of course I do! I'm not a total mad man!

Ahsoka: that can be debated over

Satine: yeah, what's wrong with using the Republic's money?

Padme: well, considering that we spent a ton of money getting revenge on Fives and then Obi Wan, Anakin, and Ahsoka all used nearly every ounce of money we had on segways! We have none left!

Rex: wow. Bankruptcy

Satine: your point is?

Padme: we must rob Couny Dooku

Ahsoka: seriously?

Anakin: ohoho, I'm in!

Rex: that's a crazy idea

Fives: oh, I'm up for it!

Jesse: count me in!

Hardcase: oh, me too!

Tup: no no no no no! Guys we can't rob! That's like, bad

Dogma: so is eating uncooked meat

Jesse: wait you eat uncooked meat?

Dogma: no, why would I eat meat if it was uncooked?

Padme: it's not that illegal. I mean, we're in a war, we need that money!

Satine: for what?

Obi Wan: that's the real question

Padme: ....okay, I admit, I really want to buy some new shoes!

Anakin: should've guessed that's what you wanted. Don't you have enough shoes??

Padme: no way

Anakin: I've seen your closet

Padme: who's in on the plan?

Ventress: wait, you're telling me that your going to sneak into Count Dooku's house, and rob his money?

Padme: yes

Vos: we are so in! Aren't we Ventress?

Ventress: ....yes, yes we are. But I call his 50 foot TV!

Anakin: there is no way I'm missing this

Ahsoka: ...I mean...if you guys are doing this anyways, there's no reason for me to miss out

Rex: -sighs- I guess I have to keep you all out of trouble

Kix: nope. I'm not breaking anyone out of prison when you get caught

Tup: me neither

Dogma: I have stuff to do

Fives: like butcher a pig?

Dogma: yes

Tup: what???

Dogma: just kidding...mostly...

Hardcase: he's probably going to eat bacon

Jesse: ???

Hardcase: I'm in! I call the refrigerator!

Padme: uh, okay?

Satine: you all are crazy, you know, just crazy

Padme: so are you!

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