Selfies At The Graveyard (Memorial Day Special)

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Obi Wan: today is the day to mourn for the dead

Anakin: but I already did that when they died

Ahsoka: ...

Obi Wan: just try and be respectful today, okay Anakin?

Anakin: fine. Though I'm not going to do my laundry!

Ahsoka: are you still terrified of washing machines after that mishap?

Anakin: no, I just don't want to do my laundry

Obi Wan: -sighs- I'm bringing this flower arrangement to Qui Gon's grave

Ahsoka: it looks beautiful. I'll be there too

Anakin: Qui Qon? Now that's a name I haven't heard in a long time. XD he was so cool he was like this hippe jedi

Ahsoka: oh, I heard about him. I hear he made the best brownies

Obi Wan: that was very true. Oh, how I miss him...

Anakin: didn't he also have a lawn mowing business?

Obi Wan: what? No

Ahsoka: oh, I heard he owned a flying RV and he traveled across the galaxy

Obi Wan: where did you guys here these crazy rumors?

Anakin: camels

Ahsoka: what?

Anakin: just kidding. I heard random gossip about him

Ahsoka: I heard from master Yoda, who always tells me about what all the young jedi we're like. Though he's so old he might not remember everything correctly

Obi Wan: okay, probably so. I'll pick you guys up in my jeep and then we can put this flower arrangement at his grave

Anakin: why flowers? If I died, I would have much rather someone put something yummy like brownies at my grave

Ahsoka: what about a rubber chicken?

Anakin: no!!!!

Ahsoka: 😂😂😂

Obi Wan: I'm here.

Ahsoka: woah, were did you get a red jeep at?

Anakin: yeah! I was the one who was supposed to have the cool car!

Obi Wan: a van isn't really cool, and I won this from a bet with Quinlan Vos

Ahsoka: what was the bet?

Obi Wan: it was quite a crazy one. Had to do with Plo Koon and a shampoo. That's all I'm at liberty to say

Anakin: eh, that Vos dude is kinda weird

Later, at the graveyard...

Obi Wan Anakin, what are you doing?

Anakin: taking selfies, that's all

Ahsoka: of you and graves?

Anakin: what? Gotta put something up on Space-stagram for memorial day.

Obi Wan: why not a picture of you and your mom?

Anakin: because I look like a dork in the only photo I have of her

Obi Wan: fine, go ahead and post selfies of you and dead people on the internet

Anakin: okay!

Ahsoka: sometimes I can't belive you Skyguy

Obi Wan: me neither

Anakin: look at this dude? How do you even pronounce that name?

Obi Wan: gerald? Jair-ald

Anakin: oh, I was thinking it was more like, ger-lad

Ahsoka: lol, seriously?

Anakin: yeah. Poor dude must've always gotten his name mixed up. Hey, what are these graves for?

Ahsoka: oh, each one of those are a grave for the rubber chickens you killed. It was Hardcase's idea to give them a "proper" memorial service

Obi Wan: no use in talking him out of it. Actually, I wouldn't be surprised if he shows up here with flowers for all of them

Anakin: that's it. We're leaving!

Ahsoka: wait until those chickens ghosts start haunting you!

Obi Wan: wait! Anakin! Don't take my jeep and leave us here!

Ahsoka: -sighs- too late

Obi Wan: oh Anakin...

😂😂😂 lol, so they had to wait until Hardcase showed up to get back to town. Poor Anakin and his phobia of rubber chickens... Well, today is memorial day to celebrate all those who've died, but that doesn't mean I can't try and make you laugh. Lol, to all the fallen star wars characters and people in general. You will be remembered

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