How I Write The Clone Wars Text

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So, today I'm going to be explained the process of how I write the clone wars text, as well as some random facts about me and the clone wars. Feel free to just skip around.

1. I was inspired to write the clone wars text. So yeah. I first read @jedi_duck 101 Star Wars The Clone Wars Text, but shortly after I discovered it, she said she was done making them. So you know, I was devastated, but a few months later, I got the wattpad app, and I just couldn't help myself from making my own version of The Clone Wars Text

2. How I write the chapters. So, I really wish I knew how I came up with this craziness. It really is just random thoughts that come into my brain. Sometimes I do have an idea of what I'm going to be writing about, but other times I just start making the characters chat with no idea as to what's going to happen

3. Being stocked up. So I actually write several chapters all at a time, and then it might be like a week or more before I even began to start writing things again. I usually have about 10 chapters written and ready to publish. So I've never actually got writer's block before, and writing comes pretty easily to me. I only update once a week though just in case I suddenly have a lack of inspiration or I am too busy to write anything. (And I don't want to spoil you all :)

4. Writing. So the shorter chapters I usually can finish writing in under 30 minutes in one sitting, but the longer and complex chapters usually take several different times to come and write.

5. Ending it all. Believe it or not, I was once going to end the clone wars text. The finale was going to be the whole vacation chapters, if you ever wandered why they were so long. However, I suddenly got a lot of fan support at that time, and I realized that I couldn't give it up.

6. Ships. So, when I first started the clone wars text, I was going to make it be funny but believable. (That of course is not what they're like now.) So, when it came down to the ships I wanted to include, I was going to have Anidala, since it did actaully happen and it had comedic value to their "secret" relationship. I was also going to have Obitine, since its oh so cute. And at first I thought about adding Luxsoka to it, but then I realized that all three of these ships were just your average ships. They could actaully happen in the series, and I just felt like adding Luxsoka would be unnecessary and it wouldn't give any excitement to the story to have the three obvious ships. So instead we went with Rexsoka. I did not plan on doing this at first, I mean I did want the characters to have a lot of interactions, but nothing romantic. But, as the chapters edged on, I realized that it was pretty comedic. I mean, a teen jedi with a 10 year old clone who looks 30? Now that is some spice. They also get along really well, and I just knew that this ship was going to fit in perfect for my craziness. Plus Rexsoka became my favorite clone wars ship.

7. I was a Luxsoka

Believe it or not, I was once a Luxsoka shipper. When I first saw the clone wars I thought they were meant to be. But, as the series continued, I realized that Ahsoka kinda got over Lux and honestly Lux got kinda annoying. I mean its not a bad ship, but you can clearly see in the final Onderon chapters that Ahsoka chose to be a jedi rather than follow her feelings. And so then I became a Rexsoka. When I first saw that this was a ship, I really couldn't believe it. I mean is Rexsoka weird or what? I won't deny that it is. But the more I thought about it, the more I liked it. And so it became my favorite relationship out of the clone wars. They get along so well and they're both survivors and they have many of the same experiences. They really do make best friends if you ask me.

8. Different characters in the spotlight. So you might've noticed that I usually tend to stick with certain characters at a time. The reason is because it takes me a while to master their personality in the clone wars text. For example, I didn't really add Maul in until the later and more recent chapters. And it usually takes me a while to really perfect their characters. I mean Maul is like this ready for revenge master mind. And I somehow turned him into this crazy old man with a shoe addiction. I wish I knew how that happened.. but I do tend to make the characters pretty stereotypical. Anakin is your crazy man, who does the most insane things. Rex and Ahsoka are usually the only sensible ones. Obi Wan at first was kind of always tired and exhausted, but lately he's had a little more sass. Satine is just that one friend who's always there. And then Padme is bossy. (Just like Leia) I really do love the clones, so I make sure to give them pretty unique personalities. Tup is the scaredy cat, Jesse is the I'm ready for anything dude, Fives is the shipper, Echo is the nerd, Dogma is like that guy who everyone thinks is a murderer, and Cody is just there. Same with Kix. And Rex, well Rex is just Rex.

9. Making Barux happen. Of all the crazy things I've ever done, making Barriss and Lux a couple is by far the most unbelievable. I really don't even know how that came to be. I had just made Rexsoka canon, and then I was just kinda messing around with the characters, and then poof! Barux is real. I remember just thinking how insane that was as I was writing it. But I mean it gave some humor to the situation. But I don't blame you all if you don't ship it.

10. Revising and editing. I don't really do much revising, but I usually check through for any grammar mistakes, and I of course add a meme at the end. I mean, who doesn't love memes?

11. Future characters. So as I've mentioned earlier, it usually takes me a while to find the right spice to add to the characters. And this step really is important, because if every character acted just like they did in the actual show, there wouldn't be quite as much humor to it. So one of you suggested I do a chapter with the bad batch, and I am currently working on their character traits. It really does just take time for me to really perfect their little funny trait.

12. Not a long term fan. So many of you cloned wars fans have been watching it from the start, but not me. I didn't actually discover it until 2018, litterly about a month before the new trailer for season 7 dropped. I had always liked Star Wars movies, but I never really got in depth with them. One day though, I was messing around on the internet, and I discovered the clone wars. It was really the clones that brought me into it, as it really hit an emotional spot there. And then I found out all the other epic stuff about the clone wars, and I became a big fan.

13. Copying- so a recent problem I've had to deal with is copying. On one hand, I feel good knowing that people like my work so much that they use it themselves, but on the other hand, it makes me feel kinda mad that they used my ideas and they couldn't come up with their own. So what do I really do about this? Well, I've found it's best not to do anything. I really really appreciate though if they mention that the idea originally came from me though, if they did re-use my ideas. But its always way better to come up with your own ideas.

14. Fan support is everything. I know, it might not seem like your votes, comments, or requests are very important, but their everything to me. Without fan support, this story wouldn't even be here today. Waking up to sometimes 90+ notifications is honestly amazing. Thank you all for the support that you bring me. Its everything. I mean, truthfully, this is the most successful thing I've done on the internet.

15. Writing is my life. I am always writing. Rather its tcw text, a fanfiction, script, novel, schoolwork, or even a comment, I always have something to say. Words and stories have power. They can brighten a person's day, or dull it. Words can sway people, or make them see something they didn't see before. Its everything to me, and to the world. Stories are the very thing that connects us. Without writing, I truly don't know where I would be.

Braidzella out-

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