Edward Scissorhands #1

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Imagine you meeting Edward Scissorhands.

It's been a week since you and your older sister moved into your new apartment near a suburban neighborhood in Burbank, California. It was the only apartment that was closer to your sister's work and it was close to the college you're going to attend to in the Fall. You were happy about moving into your own apartment.

But at the same time, you haven't made any new friends since you've moved in. You had friends where you previously lived. But after your high school graduation, your friends went to different colleges and none of them were attending to the same college as you were. Since there was only two more weeks left until you started school, you hoped that you would make a new friend soon.

It was a nice summer day outside. Since you were alone at the apartment while your sister was at work, you decided to go on a bike ride and explore the nearby neighborhood. Plus, you needed to get out and get some fresh air after doing so much unpacking and organizing around the apartment.

You locked your apartment door, unlocked your bike from the bike rack, and you rode around the neighborhood. The neighborhood was very peaceful and pleasant and everyone seemed nice. You saw different colored houses and cars, which fascinated you. There were children playing outside. You would even wave at people when you rode past them from the sidewalk.

But, then, something caught your eye. You spotted a black mansion on top of the hill. It looked abandoned and it seemed like nobody lived inside it. But yet, you were still curious to know what was up there.

You rode your bike down the street to look for a way up the hill. A couple minutes later, you reached the end of the street and you noticed an entrance way, with a broken rusty gate door on the ground. You got off your bike and you started walking, with your bike, towards the entrance.

"I wouldn't go up there if I were you." You a little girl's voice from behind you. Then, you turned your head and you saw a little girl, standing a few feet away from you, with a bouncy ball in her arms.

"Why not?" You asked, raising an eyebrow. "Because it's haunted. My big brother even told me that a monster lives up there." The little girl answered. You glanced up at the mansion, looking a bit confused, and, then, you looked at the little girl.

"Well, then, I shall go greet with this so-called 'monster'." You said, somewhat sarcastic, and, then, you continued walking towards the entrance.

It took a while to get to the top of the hill, but you finally made it. Once you got to the top, you could see the mansion close by. You parked your bike by the gothic-like metal gates before you entered through them. You moved some vines that were hanging down on the gates.

After you went through the gates, you observed what was in front of you. Shrubs and bushes carved into different types of animals, even one carved in the shape of a hand and different colorful flowers all around. "Wow. This is incredible." You whispered, as you smiled all around the wonderful sight in front of you. 'Maybe someone does live here.' You thought to yourself.

Then, you glanced up at the mansion and, for a split second, you saw something move away from the broken window. You furrowed you eyebrows. 'Or should I say they do.' You thought to yourself. "Hello? Hello, up there?" You called out. But nobody didn't answer or come back to the window.

Since that didn't happen, you walked towards the front door. You walked up the steps and saw a large door knocker on the door. You used it to knock on the door three times. After you knocked, you waited for someone to answer. But no one did.

Then, you opened the door, slowly, and you walked inside. You walked down a couple of steps and you noticed all of the equipment and machinery that were covered in dust and cobwebs. 'I guess nobody lives here. I must be seeing things in my imagination.' You thought to yourself, once again.

Suddenly, you heard a creak coming from the large staircase in front of you. "Hello? Is someone there?" You called out, as you looked up at the staircase. You stepped a little closer towards the staircase and, then, you noticed a dark figure standing in the middle of the staircase. It looked like a man.

"Oh, my goodness. I'm so sorry. I thought nobody lived here. I shouldn't have trespassed in the first place. I'll just go." You said, as you were about to turn around and leave. "Don't go." You heard the figure say, calm and softly. You turned around and you saw the figure coming down the stairs.

"O-Oh, okay. I was worried that you would be mad at me for—" You started to say, but when the figure reached the bottom of the stairs and stepped into the light, you noticed something about him. He had scissors for hands. He wore a black leather outfit and he had little scars on his face and his black hair was messy. He also seemed nervous and innocent.

You were shocked. 'This is the monster? He doesn't look like one.' You thought to yourself.

He stopped in front of you, but not too close because of his hands. "W-Who are you?" You asked. "Edward." He answered, calmly. "Edward." You said, quietly. "And who are you?" He asked. "My name is (y/n)." You answered, as you stepped a little closer towards him. He seemed a bit timid when you stepped forward. "It's okay. I won't hurt you, Edward." You said, which calmed him down. "And I won't hurt you either, (y/n)." Edward said, sweetly.

You looked down at Edward's hands and you, hesitantly, reached your hand to touch it, gently. "These are your hands?" You asked. "Yes." Edward answered. "Why do you have scissors for hands?" "I'm not finished." Edward said. You were confused on what he meant by that.

But, then, you changed the subject. "Is there anyone else here with you?" "No." Edward said, while shaking his head, slowly. "What about your parents? Your Mother? Your father?" You asked. "He didn't wake up." Edward said. At first, you didn't get it, but, then, you realized what he meant when he said that. "Oh. I'm sorry to hear about that, Edward." You said, with sympathy in your voice. "It's okay, (y/n)." Edward said. "So, you just live up here all by yourself?" You asked. "Yes." Edward said, while looking down, sadly.

Then, you put your hand on Edward's upper arm and you gestured him to sit down. "Well, here. Tell me all about yourself, Edward. I won't leave." You said, as you both sat down on the floor together.


For over an hour, you sat on the floor with Edward listening to each other. You both were talking about each other. Edward even told you about the time he stayed with the Boggs down in the suburban neighborhood.

"So, after Kim left, you never saw her or anyone ever again?" You asked. "Yes." Edward answered. "Aw, Edward. That's terrible having no one, especially Kim, not come up here to see you and you living up here by yourself." You said. "It's okay, (y/n). I like it up here anyway and I don't want to scare people, especially since I'm a monster to everyone else." Edward said, innocently.

It broke your heart when Edward called himself a 'monster'. He did not look like a monster to you. He looked like someone who needed a friend.

You put your hand on Edward's knee and said, "You're not a monster, Edward. Not even to me. I wouldn't even be here if I thought that you were a monster. People just don't understand how different you are. Don't ever think that you're a monster, Edward, because you're not. You're just very...unique."

After you said all of that, a smile formed on Edward's face. "Thank you, (y/n). It means so much that you care about me." He said. "Of course, Edward." You said, while smiling.

Moments later, you looked down at your watch and you saw it was 5:30 pm. You stood up and said, "I have to go, Edward. My sister will be home soon." Edward stood up, looking a bit sad. "Will you be here tomorrow, (y/n)?" He asked. "Of course I'll be back tomorrow, Edward. After all, you're my first friend since I've moved here." You said, while smiling. Edward smiled back at you. "I'm glad that I'm your friend, (y/n), and I'm glad that you're my friend too." He said.

When he said that, it melted your heart. You were glad that you found Edward and he became your friend, even when he's different.

You hesitated at first, but, then, you stepped closer towards Edward and you wrapped your arms around his torso. Edward was surprised at first, but, then, he wrapped his arms around you, making sure that his hands were away so he wouldn't hurt you with them. After he wrapped his arms around you, he leaned his head against yours as he held you close to him.

Moments later, you carefully pulled away from Edward and you looked up at him. "I'll see you tomorrow, Edward." You said. "Okay, (y/n)." Edward said, sweetly. Then, you turned towards that door and you left.

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