Tarrant 'Mad Hatter' Hightopp #2

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Imagine you're escaping from an asylum and you return to Underland and reunite with Mad Hatter.

When you were eight years old, you fell down a rabbit hole after following the White Rabbit, and discovered Underland. You thought you were in a dream, but, then, you realized that everything around you when you were in Underland was actually reality. You felt like this place was more like a home to you than where you live in the real world with your snobby, etiquette, rich parents.

You were very close to everyone whenever you went to Underland. But not as close to Tarrant Hightopp, also known as 'Mad Hatter' to everyone. But to you, you called him 'Hatter'. You would sneak out of the house to go to Underland to mostly see Hatter. You both would play lots of games together, like Hide-N-Seek, for instance, go on adventures, make hats, play in the Field of Flowers, and have tea parties together, with all your Underland friends.

As the years gone by, you were eighteen years old and you were still sneaking out of your parents' house to go to Underland without them knowing. Your friendship with Hatter grew more and more closer than ever, you were starting to see him more than just a friend. You saw him as someone you wanted to be with for the rest of your life. Someone to hold hands with, say sweet sayings every moment of the day, cuddle in bed, kiss you, have a family together, and more importantly, say 'I love you'. But you couldn't tell Hatter how you felt about him because you were worried that it would ruin your friendship and you didn't want to lose that. But you hoped that one day, you would confess your feelings to him.

Unfortunately, you never got the chance to tell him. Everything changed when you got home from what seemed like your very last time in Underland. Your parents confronted you about your absence. When they asked you where you were, you confessed that you were with your friends in Underland. Your parents immediately had you confined to your bedroom until you were picked up and sent to an asylum.

Being in an asylum was the worst experience in your life. You were placed in a padded room while wearing a straitjacket, you took medication that supposedly makes your memories of Underland go away, talking with a doctor about Underland, and you were sent to a room where you went through shock therapy. It was a living hell for you being in that horrible place and you were never gonna forgive your parents for having them do this to you.

Even though you endured so much torture in the asylum for the next three years, you still never stopped thinking about Underland and your friends, especially Hatter. You fought as much as you could to not let the medication or shock therapy forget about them. You kept them all on your mind for all these years and you hoped that one day, you will return to them and be reunited with Hatter. There was no way you weren't ever going back to your parents after what they've put you through.


It was a dark, stormy night as you, now twenty-one years old and in your hospital gown and robe, were walking down a hallway after you finished your dinner, which the food was disgusting as usual. As you were walking, you saw a staff member rolling a cart full of laundry. You thought up an idea as you approached him. "Excuse me, Jerry. Would you like me to help out with the laundry? I've been a good girl and I should work more often." You asked, trying to sound courteous. "I don't see why not. Have you taken your medication, (y/n)?" Jerry asked, raising an eyebrow. You looked up at nearby clock and it was 8:05 pm. "It's not time to take my medication, Jerry. Dr. Burton doesn't give me my medication until 8:45." You explained. Jerry thought about it for a second until he said, "Okay, kid. Go on and do the laundry, then, go to Dr. Burton in forty minutes." "Sure." You said. Then, you took the cart full of laundry and headed to the elevator that leads to the upstairs laundry room.

After going up the elevator, you looked all around to make sure no one was around, which there wasn't. After that, you wheeled the cart as fast you could to the laundry room. When you got there, you quickly shut the door and locked it and, then, you shut the blinds that were on the door. Once that was done, you went over the 'donation' box full of different clothing articles that the staff takes away from the patients and throws them in there for donation. You grabbed a dark blue t-shirt, a pair of jeans, a dark gray lightweight jacket, socks, and black converse shoes and, then, you switched out of your hospital attire. Surprisingly, every clothing article fitted you.

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