Willy Wonka #1

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Imagine you're working in a candy store and you meet a mysterious customer, who, unbeknownst to you, happens to be Willy Wonka.

It was early in the morning as you were walking to work at the local candy store, with your little brother, Charlie, heading to school. You both just read a poster from the famous chocolatier, Willy Wonka, at a nearby telephone pole about a contest that allows five children to visit his factory for the first time in years when they find a golden ticket in a Wonka chocolate bar. Afterwards, you and Charlie went your separate ways and you headed to the candy store.

You and Charlie have always talked about the chocolate factory, what it would be like to go there, and meet Willy Wonka himself. It's always been a dream of you and Charlie's to go there ever since you both have heard stories from Grandpa Joe when he worked for Willy Wonka years ago. It really fascinated you a lot.

Unfortunately, you couldn't afford to buy a Wonka chocolate bar to find a golden ticket because you give all of your money to your family to help support them. Hopefully, one day, you'll get to meet Willy Wonka. But you didn't know when though.

Since your boss was coming to work later, you were in charge of opening up the candy store. When you got there, you unlocked the door, walked inside, and turned on the lights. You walked behind the cashier counter, hung up your jacket and scarf on the coat hanger, and you put your black waist apron on.

After that, you went to the back room and started putting candy on the shelves. Then, after you were done, you stood behind the cashier counter, turned on the radio, and you waited for customers.

Ten minutes went by and not a single customer came in. You were surprised because after people saw the poster on the telephone pole about the contest, they should've came into the candy store already to buy Wonka bars and possibly find a golden ticket inside it. You were bummed, but at the same time, you were glad that there wasn't a crowd of people to deal with so early in the morning. But that'll change later on.

Since you were starting to get a bit bored, you grabbed a newspaper near the entrance and you leaned on the counter as you started reading it. While you were reading, a song that you heard from the radio earlier came to your head. Without thinking, you started singing part of the song, quietly.

Come with me

And you'll be

In a world of pure imagination

Take a look

And you'll see

Into your imagination

"What a voice of an angel." You gasped and jumped a bit when you heard a man's voice out of nowhere. You put your hand on your chest, since your heart was racing a bit, as you sat up, looked up, and saw a man standing in front of the counter, smiling at you.

He was a bit taller than you, but his black top hat didn't count. His hair was brown with a bob haircut that went down to his jawline and his skin was pale like he's never been outside before. He had a black heavy coat on, with dark purple latex gloves covering his hands and funny looking purple sunglasses that were covering his eyes. He was also holding a colorful cane in his right hand.

Not only were you embarrassed because you jumped out of your skin in front of a customer, but you were even more embarrassed that you sang in front of someone. You've never sang in front of people other than your family. You would get stage fright so easily.

"Oh, my gosh. I am so sorry. I didn't even hear you come in." You apologized, as you took a couple of deep breaths and smoothed out your apron. "Oh, there's no need to apologize, my dear. I shouldn't have scared you in the first place. But I couldn't help but listen to the sound of your lovely voice." He said, in a smooth voice.

You blushed at the comment. "Oh. Um, thank you. That's actually the first time someone has commented on my singing voice. In fact, you're the first person other than my family to actually hear me sing." You said, as you put away the newspaper. "Oh, really? That's nice that I'm the first." The man said, a bit cheerfully and he also giggled a bit. You chuckled, nervously.

Then, the man, gently, took your hand into his purple gloved hand and asked, "And what might your name be, my dear?" "It's (y/n)." You answered. "(y/n). What a lovely name for a beautiful woman like you." The man said, while smiling, and, then, he leaned down and placed a soft kiss on the back of your hand. Your heart skipped a beat and you blushed even more. Whoever this man was in front of you was absolutely charming and also handsome as well.

Afterwards, you slightly shook your head and, slowly, released your hand from the man's gloved hand and said, while smiling a bit, "Anyway, what can I help you with today, sir?" "I'll just have one regular chocolate bar, please." The man said. You nodded and said, "Sure thing. That'll be one dollar, please."

Then, the man set a dollar on the counter and he slid it, slowly, towards your direction. You took the dollar and you put it into the cash register as the man grabbed a Wonka bar off the little shelf that was next to the counter.

"Strange that what's-his-name chocolatier is finally opening his chocolate factory?" The man said, as he leaned against the counter and tore the wrapper off the Wonka bar. You looked up at him, oddly. "You mean 'Willy Wonka'." You corrected him. "That's the one. What are your thoughts about the contest, (y/n)?" The man asked, and ate a small piece of the chocolate bar, while looking at you.

You thought about it for a moment until you finally spoke. "It is strange that Willy Wonka is finally opening his chocolate factory. But personally, I think it's wonderful that he's doing it for those five lucky golden ticket winners. Me and my little brother always talk about going there one day, seeing the chocolate factory, and meeting Mr. Wonka. We're happy that it's finally happening. Unfortunately, I know that our chances of finding a single golden ticket are very, very small." You said, while looking down a bit after saying the last sentence.

The man looked at you, curiously. "Why do you say that?" He asked. "Well, my family and I can't afford a lot of things, including Wonka bars, as we're trying to take care of ourselves in our little home. My father and I work. But still, I can't afford to buy a Wonka bar right now since I'm helping my family. It's more important anyway." You said, while looking down as you leaned against the counter next to the cash register, almost close to the man.

After a short pause for a few seconds, you heard the man break a piece of his Wonka bar. "Here." He said, while smiling. You turned and saw the man holding a piece of chocolate out towards you. "Oh, no, sir. You don't have to do that. I'm fine." You said. "Please, (y/n). I insist. It's to keep your strength up and not to lose hope of finding a golden ticket. Do it for you and your little brother, sweetheart." The man said, sweetly. You blushed after he called you 'sweetheart'.

Then, you, slowly, took the piece of chocolate from the man. As you grabbed the piece, your fingertips barely brushed against the purple latex of the man's gloves, making you blush a little. "Um...thank you. That's very kind of you, sir." You said. That smile never left that man's face as he said back, "You're welcome, (y/n)."

Moments later, the man stood up straight and smoothed out his coat. "Well, I must go, my dear (y/n). It was nice talking with you. I hope we meet again someday, sweetheart." He said, as he tipped his top hat at you and he walked out of the candy store.

You watched the man walk out the door and walked away from the candy store. He was a very strange man. But at the same time, he was very sweet, even when he offered you a piece of his Wonka bar to you. The one thing that you regretfully forgot to ask him was his name before he left. 'Who was that man?' You thought to yourself, while you took tiny bites of the piece of chocolate and stared at the entrance of the door, thinking about him.

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