Edward Scissorhands #3

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Imagine you thinking about Edward Scissorhands after coming home from Christmas vacation.

*Requested by Tridnaexo*

You were sitting on your window sill, staring out into the busy city, thinking about something. It was one day before your Birthday, yet you weren't excited about it. You've been this way ever since you came home from Christmas vacation at your Aunt Peg and her family's home, you had one thing on your mind that you couldn't get off. It was Edward Scissorhands, a man with scissors for hands that your Aunt Peg had found in the old abandoned mansion up on the hill near the suburban neighborhood where she and her family live.


You were spending your Christmas vacation with your Aunt Peg and her family while your parents were vacationing up at the mountains. When you arrived at her house, you met Edward. He was timid at first, but he softened up when you told him that you're Peg's niece and she's told you so much about him and you treated him sweetly. You both got to know each other and the two of you spent a lot of time during your vacation. You even kept him away from your cousin, Kim, because she kept staring at him like she was interested in him, even though she has a boyfriend named Jim.

Christmas Day came and it was your last day to spend time with your Aunt Peg and her family, which bummed you out because it went by so quick and you didn't want to leave Edward. He was even sad that you were going home the next day. You both were already so close, even though you both have known each other for a short time. You developed feelings for him ever since you met him and got to know him the whole time during your vacation. But you didn't know if Edward felt the same way too.

Since you didn't have the nerve to tell him how you felt about him, you decided to express it with an idea. After everyone went to bed just an hour before Christmas was over, you told him you had a gift for him for Christmas but it was outside, which made him confused. Then, you took him outside into the backyard and you both stood in the center of the yard. Edward asked you what it was that you had for him. Then, you held up a mistletoe right above him and you leaned in and kissed him, gently, on the lips. After you kissed him, Edward looked at you, mesmerized. Then, surprisingly, he asked if you could do it again and you did, only this time, he kissed you back.

It was the most memorable moment of your life. Too bad you had to go home the next day. It broke your heart that you had to say goodbye to Edward and go back to the city with your parents.


Ever since you came home from your Christmas vacation, all you kept thinking about was Edward. You felt depressed whenever you thought of him. All you wanted to do was go back and be in his arms, carefully, around you and having him hold you close to him. You wished you could see Edward and spend another moment with him.

Your thoughts were soon interrupted when there was a knock at your bedroom door. "Come in." You said, looking at the door. Then, your bedroom door opened and your mother walked in. "Hey, (y/n). Getting ready for a special day tomorrow, sweetheart?" She asked. You frowned a bit and said, "Honestly, I'm not excited about my Birthday tomorrow, mom." "It's about Edward, isn't it, (y/n)?" Your mother asked, as she sat on your bed. You nodded, sadly. "I can't stop thinking about him. I love him, mom. I know we've known each other for short time during my vacation, but I swear, I can't help but think about him and this feeling that I have in my heart won't go away. I just wish I could see him again." You said, looking down.

Your mother looked at you for a moment until she pulled something out of her pocket. "Well, how does this sound for an early Birthday present?" She asked, which caught your attention as you rose your head up, and, then, she handed you an envelope. You grabbed the envelope, opened it, and pulled out what it was inside. It was plane ticket to Burbank, California, where your Aunt Peg, her family, and Edward lived and it was flight that was heading out in a few hours. You looked up at your mother, surprised. "Mom? Are you serious?" You asked, calmly, trying not to freak out. She smiled and said, "Happy Birthday, (y/n)."

"Oh, my gosh! Thank you so much, mom!" You said, loudly, as you got up from the window sill and gave your mother a hug. She chuckled and hugged you back. "Oh, mom, thank you so, so much. This is the best Birthday present ever!" You said. "You're welcome, (y/n). I hate to see you upset and I know how much you love Edward. So, I made arrangements with your Aunt Peg for you to come down and stay with them for the week." She said. You gasped, excitedly. "Thank you, thank you, thank you! I can't wait to see Edward again!" You said. "Well, you better get packing, (y/n). Your plane leaves in six hours." Your mother said, as she pulled away from the hug and stood up. You, then, went to your closet, took out your suitcase, and started packing your clothes and necessary items you wanted to take.


Your Aunt Peg picked you up from the airport as soon as you arrived later in the evening. After driving for a while, you both finally made it to her house, with you, anxiously, waiting to see Edward again. You got your suitcase out of the trunk and headed to the front door, with your Aunt Peg following you from behind.

As soon as she unlocked the door, you walked in and was greeted by your Uncle Bill and your cousins, Kim and Kevin. When you didn't see Edward around, you asked, "Where's Edward?" "He's in the backyard cutting the bushes as usual." Your Uncle Bill said. "He's been depressed ever since you left, (y/n). He's been asking if you were ever coming back." Your Aunt Peg said, sadly. "Now I'm here, I'll help make him feel better." You said.

Then, you set down your suitcase and headed to the back sliding door. When you walked outside, you could hear snipping nearby. You turned around the corner and saw Edward, cutting a bush into the shape of a heart. You smiled as you walked towards him, slowly. "Edward." You said, softly, but loud enough for him to hear you. He stopped cutting the bush and, then, he, slowly, turned around. His face brightened up when he saw you. "(y/n)." He said, as he started walking towards you. Tears of happiness were running down your cheeks as you walked up to him.

When you both stopped in front of each other, Edward looked at you, head to toe. "Is it really you, (y/n)?" He asked. You chuckled, softly, and said, "Yes. It is me. I've missed you so much, Edward. I couldn't stop thinking about you." "Me too, (y/n)." He said. Then, you walked up to him, carefully, making sure that his scissorhands weren't in the way, and you wrapped your arms around him. He, slightly, wrapped his arms around you and held you close to him, just as you always imagined when you were thinking about him and being reunited with him. You looked up at him and, then, you leaned up and pressed your lips against his. He kissed you back, gently, as you moved your arms and wrapped them around his neck.

You, slightly, pulled away from the kiss and said, "Best early Birthday present ever." Edward smiled down at you and said, softly, "I'm glad, (y/n)." Then, you smiled and pressed your lips against Edward's again and he kissed you back.

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