He's Your Grandfather

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Glimmer is standing in the middle of the hallway at Bright Moon looking at the mural on the wall of both Queen Angella and King Micah.

"Hi Aunt Glimmer." Mia comes in greeting her auntie.

"Hey Mia."

"What are you looking at?"

"Oh, just this art of your grandmother."

"It looks beautiful."

"I know."

Mia takes a little look at the mural and notices that she sees a bearded man above Angella.

"Who's that above Grandma?"

Glimmer looks a little above and knows who she's talking about.

"Oh, that's King Micah, who is my dad."

"He's your dad?"


"Woah! I never knew that. Does that mean he's my grandpa?"

"Yes. Yes he is.

"Wow! I would like to meet him. Do you know where he is?"

Glimmer doesn't really know what to say to her niece other than her father being no longer with her and her mother.

"He's......he's somewhere. I don't know where he is now."

"Oh." Mia notices that her aunt is little sad, so she walks up to her and hugs her.

"It's ok auntie, we'll find him."

Glimmer chuckles. "Thanks sweetie."

She picks up her 4 year old niece and walks her down the hallway of the castle.

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