Non-Binary Guardian

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Catra hears a knock on the door as she walks up to it and opens it and reveals to be not other than the one and only Double Trouble.

"Hey! DT is nice to see you! It's a been a while." She gives them a hug.

"Oh it's been a while too, kitten. How you've been?"

"Oh you know, doing the usual mom stuff."

"Really?! Where's Mia, it's been so long."

"Oh she probably won't remember you."

"Who's at the door, Mommy?" Mia says as she walks into the living room.

"Oh my god! Look at you! You're so big now! You look just like your mom." DT gets giddy as they first see the 5 year old kitten and smiles uncontrollably.

"Uhhh........who is this?" Mia hides behind her mother's legs.

"Mia, kitten. This is Double Trouble, or you can call them DT for short. You may not remember them but they are your unty. (Which is one of many terms if aunt or uncle are non-binary)

"Uhhh, they? I don't see more than one and he looks like a girl."

"MIA!!!!!" Catra shouts at her. "DT, I'm so sorry."

"Oh no no no, you don't need to apologize. That's nothing new to me. I always handle it perfectly."

"Ok, well your welcome to come inside and make yourself a home."

"That's fine with me." DT comes into the room and gets comfortable.

"Come with me." Catra picks up Mia.

"What? What did I do?" They enter the kitchen as Catra sets the kitten on the counter.

"You didn't do anything wrong, sweetie. It's just....." Catra takes a deep breath. "DT is a little.....different."


"You see, DT is a non-binary, that means they are not a specific gender, and we use they or them as pronouns.

"Huh?" Mia tilts her head in confusion.

"Look, just be polite and respectful, can you do that for me?"


"That's my kitten." The two then return back to the living room where DT is sitting on the couch.

"Can I get you anything, DT?"

"Oh no, I'm fine and my my, you and Adora have a wonderful place, so well structured."

"Oh why thank you. I'll be in the kitchen if you need anything."

"Ok that's fine."

"Mia, would you like to sit next to DT to keep them company?"

"O-Ok, Mommy." The kitten climbs up on the couch as she sits next to them that is a couple inches away from each other, while Catra goes back to the kitchen.

"Sooo Mia, it's been a little while, you probably don't remember me, but I remember seeing you as a little cub."

"You were?"

"Yep, I was there. When I first heard you were born, I was so proud of your mothers, they came a long way together."

"How long you know my Mommy?"

"For a very long time. We were like buddies together."

"Wow, that's cool. My moms have a lot of friends."

"Yep, they do."

"I'm sorry that I thought you are girl."

"Oh no it's ok, everybody around me has the same reaction. It's nothing new, it's easy for me to deal with."

"Ok. I just never heard of non-binaries."

"I don't blame you. It's always nice to learn some new things."

Mia nods in response.

"Oh and do you wanna know something new about me?"

"What is it?"

"I have the power to transform into anybody I want."

"Woah!!! Really!!??"

"Yep. Watch this." DT gets up from the couch as they prepare themselves to shapeshift.

"3, 2, 1......." They quickly transform into Catra as it surprises the kitten. "TA-DA!!!!"

"WOAH!!!!!! That's so cool!!! You look just like her!"

Catra peeks her head from the kitchen and sees DT copying her. It brings back memories with her and them.

"Why Thank you, why thank you." The lizard bows down as they turn back to their original self.

"Oh wait! Do the She-Ra thing!" Catra says as she comes into the living room.

"Oh right!" The lizard transforms into the Princess of Power.

"For the Honor of Greyskull!!!" They say her iconic catchphrase as they blow a raspberry as it makes the feline laugh so hard.

"That's so cool that you can do that." Mia said.

"It's the greatest power I've ever had." They transform back.

"I think you two are gonna be great together." Catra added.

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