Second Cousin

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Mia was deliriously excited to hear that Aunt Glimmer and Uncle Bow are going to be having a baby. Which means that Mia is going to be having a second cousin. Glimmer and Bow are indecisive on what to name their kid though."


"Hi Aunt Glimmer." Mia greets her aunt as she enters into the queen's room.

"Hey sweetie." The queen is just relaxing on her bed as the kitten climbs up and sits next to her.

"Is that the baby inside?" She asks as she points to Glimmer's pregnant belly.

"Yep, that's them."

"Do you know if it's a boy or a girl?"

"We don't know yet. The doctor said it's most likely to be a boy though."

"Can I feel the baby?"

"Sure you can."

The kitten slowly puts her soft paws gently onto the queen's stomach as she feels a little bump.

"Woah! I can feel them!" Mia said excitedly as Glimmer chuckles.

"How long does it take for them to come?"

"It takes about 9 months, it's the same thing that happened with your Mama. We only got 2 months left."

"Really? Awesome!!! I can't wait to see my cousin!"

Glimmer chuckles again. "I'm sure you are."


2 months later, The Catradora Family walks down the hospital where a bunch of people and staff members are almost scattered around as they see the princesses all lined up in front of the hospital door where Glimmer is.

"Oh thank goodness you're here." Perfuma said.

"The baby's coming isn't it, Aunt Fuma?" Mia asks.

"Yes....the baby's coming in any minute now."

"Yay!!!" She cheers.

They wait for 10 minutes straight and all of a sudden, they hear Glimmer screaming, which does scare Mia a little bit as she hides behind Adora's legs.

"Oh don't worry, honey. The baby is here." The blonde said while comforting her.

They then hear some crying which it's pretty much a confirmation that it is the newborn baby.

"It's the baby!" Mia gets ecstatic. "I wanna go inside and see them!!"

"Woah calm down kitten, you have to wait a few more minutes ok?" Catra said.


A couple minutes later, Mia gets a little antsy for all this waiting. She really wants to see her second cousin so bad. Luckily the doctor came in the waiting room and tells them they can see Glimmer, Bow and the child. Which cranks Mia's excitement up a notch.


They enter into the room where the couples are and sees Glimmer holding her newborn baby.

"Mia, I want you to meet your cousin......Antoine."'s a boy. She shows Mia her child and gasp loudly in happiness.

"Wow!!!" Mia wowed.

"Awww!!!" Catra and Adora at the baby.

The baby has both of Glimmer and Bow's features. He has the same glittery eyes as Glimmer but has Bow's cute ears, and obviously he's mixed with their skin colors. Catra who was holding Mia sets her onto the end Glimmer's hospital bed to get a little closer.

"He's so cute, can I hold him?" Mia asks.

"Sure you can. But be careful."

Glimmer gives the fragile child to the kitten as she holds him around her arms. The baby starts giggling at her. It makes her smile so much.

"He's beautiful." Mia said. The couple begins to smile at how cute they look. LuLu comes into the room as well to join her and Antoine to look at their cousin.

"First Mia, then LuLu, now Antoine." Bow said.

"Yep. It's crazy. This family is getting bigger than it already has." Catra responds as Mia continues to hold her second cousin.

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