Chapter 110: Anybody home?

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"Mom? You home?" Deku called as he closed the door behind him. He only got silence in response.

Guess she's not here.

"Oh hello you. You're getting fat" Deku said kneeling down to greet the feline that was sat down in front of him which was starting to get a little on the pudgey side.

"Mom's been overfeeding you huh? You need to start doing more exercise" Deku said stroking the cat who happily accepted. That is until she didn't accept and she clawed at his hand cutting him slightly.

"Ow! What was that for!?" Deku questioned annoyed at the furry creature who simply meowed at him before licking her paws.

"I always was more of a dog person" Deku snarled at the cat who seemed to understand what he was saying as she gave him a nasty hiss in return before scampering off and disappearing into the house somewhere.

She better not sneak attack me or something or I swear I'll use Black Whip to throw her out the window. I better get my hand cleaned up.

Deku walked into the kitchen and turned on the tap at the sink and held his hand under the water to wash his wounds. Looking out the window he could see the various different undercover operatives keeping an eye out for anyone that might attack his mother at home.

Wait a minute if they're all here then where's mom? They're supposed to follow her so if they're all outside then she should be home. So where is she?

"Mom? Are you here?" Deku called out only to yet again be greeted by silence in response.

Something's wrong. Now I get why Charlie was so hostile.

"Hello? Mom if this is some kind of prank it isn't funny" Deku called out turning the tap off and finding himself so bandages to wrap his hand with. He made a very quick and very messy job of it but for now it would have to do. He was worried for his mother's safety.

Ok Izuku just relax. I'm sure she's fine let's just start searching for her room by room. There's no way All for One has taken my mother this soon. He should still be severely injured and healing from his wounds then again he could've sent someone to- no no no no no no NO! Mom is fine. She's fine. She's here somewhere. Just relax.

Deku began to search the house. He already knew she wasn't in the kitchen so he checked the living room first.

"What the...this place is a mess. There's bottles everywhere too. What's she been drinking?" Deku asked aloud. There were stains all over the couches and the carpet too where she'd clearly spilt her drinks and there were empty glass bottles scattered all over the place. Deku picked one of them up for closer inspection to see what his mother had been drinking as if her life depended on it.

"Oh no. Mom...what have you done to yourself?" Deku asked aloud reading the label. She'd been drinking wine. And a lot of it. Deku counted at least 10 bottles just in the living room. Who knows how many she'd already drank and thrown away.

"Mom?" Deku called out again his worries changing from her possible kidnapping or an attack to simply whether she was sober or not. Once more he got silence in return.

Where the hell is she?

He continued to search the house checking his room next.

Not in here. Why would she be?

Then he moved onto Inko's bedroom.

Nope not in here either. Then I guess I know where she is.

Deku walked down to the bathroom before taking a deep breath standing in front of the door. He could already hear the shower running.

What is she doing?

He swung the door open to discover his mother fully clothed with an empty wine glass that had clearly fallen from her hand to the floor and thankfully hadn't broke while she herself had passed out. Except she was sat underneath the shower which was continuously soaking her as she slumped down on the floor soaking wet in her clothes.

"Mom!" Deku exclaimed rushing to her side. He checked for a pulse and thankfully found it and he could feel her breathing on his face too.

Thank god. That's one less thing to worry about.

"Izu...Ku?" Inko questioned her eyes squinting at him as they slowly tried to open as she stirred from her slumber.

"Yes mom it's me. It's me. I'm here" Deku assured her brushing some of of her hair back out of her her face.

"Finally. I've...been wondering...where you've... been...for the...last...couple of... months" Inko muttered half conscious caressing her son's cheek and smiling weakly at him. She was conscious enough to know that her son was here and had finally come to visit her although she was still incredibly drunk and hadn't realised where she was lay yet.

"It's good to see you mom. What have you done to yourself?" he asked as a tear fell from his eye but he quickly caught himself and wiped away his tears.

"What are you... talking about?...I'm fine...I'm just a bit wet...did I pee myself?" Inko asked as she started laughing hysterically as if it was the funniest thing in the world but Deku didn't find it so amusing. Although he did crack a smile seeing her laughing and happy. Even if it was only because she was hammered.

"Come on let's you get cleaned up" Deku said now seeing the sick that her clothes were covered in and how much of it she'd gotten on the floor.

"I'll be fine Izuku... just fetch me more wine... pleeeeease" she said giving him puppy dog eyes and trying her best to convince him to get her another glass although she wasn't sure where her last one had gone to begin with.

"No. You're not having anymore" Deku demanded causing her to pout at him.

"Oh but Izukuuuuu...I'm saaaaad" she whined like a child still not fully aware of her circumstances and drunk out of her mind.

"Why are you sad mom?" Deku asked his curiosity getting the better of him.

"Because you hate me" she whined avoiding eye contact with him and trying to cross her arms angrily at him however she couldn't figure out which way her arms had to go and ended up awkwardly and confusedly staring at her arms trying to figure out which one went under and which went over.

"I don't hate you at all" Deku protested worried that she'd done all this because of him.

"Yes you do. That's why you don't visit me anymore. You don't call. You always have an excuse to avoid me. All because I kept the truth about your father from you and now that you know you can't handle it" Inko explained sobering up for a brief moment. Despite her drunken state her words rang true and she meant every last one of them.

"Mom I don't hate you. I love you" Deku protested.

"No you don't. You never visit anymore" Inko objected.

"But mom. I'm here. Right now. Visiting you" Deku reminded her. She looked at him confused for a moment until all of the sudden her mouth hung open in surprise and her eyes widened as if a light bulb suddenly switched on in her head.

"Oh yeah! you are! My son doesn't hate me! Yay!" she exclaimed before she passed out and was out cold again. Deku sighed and shook his head.

"Oh mom. I'm so sorry I made you feel this way. Right now though you need fresh clothes, water and some sleep to help you sober up because this is no way for you to meet your granddaughter" Deku said aloud although he was talking to himself at this point.

I know this isn't the end of that conversation she'll want to talk about it in more detail when she's in a better state of mind but for now it's time I repaid all those years of great parenting that you gave me. Let's get you cleaned up mom...

Izuku x Ochako fanfic "All I Need Is You..."Where stories live. Discover now