Chapter 150: All I need is you...

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Deku had been in and out of consciousness in the days that followed. He never stayed awake long enough to have a proper conversation with him and even when he did speak to somebody he was still completely out of it. It was partly due to how long he'd been out for but it was mainly to do with the drugs he was on to numb the pain and he was taking a good amount of them. All regulated to make sure he didn't overdose of course but that didn't mean they didn't give him a slight high when he regained consciousness for a minute or two. Naturally Deku wouldn't remember any of the conversations that he had in this state and it was probably better that he didn't. Meanwhile Uraraka had been visiting him each day, something she'd become very accustomed to doing over the last few months and quite frankly she couldn't wait to have him back at the dorms and to wake up next to him in the morning so she could run her fingers through his messy and fluffy green hair while he slept. Quite simply she'd missed having him around and she was done visiting him in hospitals, or prisons, which she planned on mentioning to him the moment he woke up. In regards to her wounds from their fight she didn't really need too much treatment. No broken bones, no serious injuries of any kind, she was just a little banged up and the wound on her cheek was patched up properly. It had taken 4 stitches to do so however the doctor assured her that the cut wasn't deep enough or bad enough to leave any scars and that it wouldn't leave any permanent marks. Right now she was in a waiting room in the hospital, waiting to have her stitches removed as the wound had properly healed and she planned on visiting Deku straight after. Deku on the other hand was still fast asleep and he'd had quite a few scans, especially on his head, to make sure he hadn't sustained any serious damage to his brain or anything like that since Uraraka had dealt some serious punishment to his head during the fight. However Deku was perfectly fine, besides from being concussed, having multiple bruises and cuts but nothing too serious. The drugs and painkillers were mainly to help him recover a little quicker as his head would have been in unbelievable pain if they'd let him wake up naturally from his unconscious state but the doctors had decided this would be the least painful way for him to recover despite having nothing majorly wrong with him. Although Uraraka suspected that they just wanted to be sure that the cure had worked before they allowed him to wake up again and she probably wasn't too far off. Naturally Deku had had other visitors too, even Bakugo. However the blonde simply stopped by to leave a "get well soon" card behind. It would have been a nice gesture if it wasn't for the fact that inside the card he'd written "I'm not talking about your injuries, you're fine, stop being a bitch and come back to school so I can kick your ass again! I'm talking about your pride since you let Round Face beat you in a fight and that's gotta hurt! Anyway hurry up and get your ass back into school. I'm getting bored of fighting Todoroki" much to Uraraka's disapproval. She politely reminded him however that she'd achieved something that he couldn't by beating Deku without him using his quirk. Something all of his classmates had failed to do and Bakugo wasn't too pleased about Uraraka's little reminder as that's when he left but not without sticking his middle finger up at her as he did. Anyway getting to the point, Deku was finally beginning to stir as he awoke from his drug induced sleep.

"Uhhhhh. My head. Wait a minute where am I? Where's Ochako? Did she beat me? I mean him. I mean-...I can't think straight my head is spinning" Deku said aloud as he sat up straight way too quickly and he suddenly felt very dizzy.

"Take it easy. No need to rush you've been put under for quite some time" a very familiar voice said next to him. He very slowly turned his head to the side to his teacher sat by his bed.

"Mr Aizawa! It's great to see you but did-" Deku began about to fire off question after question to his teacher however Mr Aizawa was anticipating this and cut him off. Not to mention he'd just heard him ask a bunch of them already.

"Before you ask, yes you have been cured, Uraraka won, you're in the hospital and the others are all ok, seriously injured, but ok. Uraraka on the other hand just needed a few stitches for that wound on her cheek, which she's currently having removed around now I would think. She should be here as soon as she's finished" Mr Aizawa explained.

Izuku x Ochako fanfic "All I Need Is You..."Where stories live. Discover now