Chapter 147: Prison break - final part?

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"AAAAAARRRRRRRRGGGGGGHHHHHH!" was the cry from the swarm of villains that suddenly came flooding out from the doorway where Deku was standing, all of them running straight past him. However Deku didn't move, he simply stood there, staring at Uraraka with a big grin on his face.

"Something's wrong" Uraraka said to Mirio as she watched Deku curiously.

"Something is very wrong, we've got a lot of powerful villains heading right this way, we need reinforcements" Mirio replied, preparing himself for a fight.

"No I mean with Deku. Something is wrong with Deku" Uraraka insisted trying to make her case but Mirio wasn't interested he was more concerned about the incoming horde of villains.

"We don't have time, we have to focus on the rest of the villains. Right now he's not a threat he's just standing there so he's not our primary concern right now" Mirio said raising his fists, ready to fight. Uraraka looked from Mirio, to Deku, who was still staring straight at her, then back to Mirio, trying to make up her mind about what she should do.

Do I go after Deku alone? Or do I listen to Mirio and help them fight? Why is he looking at me like that as well? Is Maindo controlling him?

"Uraraka come on! We need you!" Mirio yelled over the noise of the charging villains who were getting ever closer. Uraraka spun her head around to Mirio to see he was still staring straight ahead, ready for action. She looked back towards Deku but she couldn't see him anymore, the horde of villains was blocking her view. However it only helped her make her decision.

"I'm with you" she said raising her fists, prepared to fight alongside them. Deku can wait. Right now her friends needed her help and she wasn't about to turn her back on them just for her own personal desires.

"Alright then. Brace yourselves. On my mark" Mirio said as the villains continued to charge forward. Uraraka noticed that Nejire was charging up an attack however the more she charged it the more tired she'd be afterwards. Someone would have to pull her aside.

"Don't worry I'll handle that. Just make sure you get out of the way when I say so" Mirio said noticing the look on Uraraka's face and knowing what she was thinking. She nodded to him and braced herself, ready to get out of the way as soon as she could.

"Hold" Mirio said as the villains got closer and closer by the second.

"Mirio come on they're getting a little close" Tamaki begged starting to worry they were waiting a little bit too long.

"The closer the better. Just a little more" Mirio said as they continued to hold their ground, none of them moving a muscle.

"GET OUT OF THERE!" Gran Torino yelled from behind them worried for their safety. However Mirio simply held a thumbs up to the old man which told him everything he needed to know.

"Alright they clearly have a plan but they'll need our help. Officers are you alright with the prisoners?" Gran Torino asked.

"Yes sir, don't worry about us we can handle it from here. Go help them" the sergeant replied.

"Ok good. Come on, they need our help!" Gran Torino exclaimed leading the charge as the rest of the heroes followed closely behind him. All except for Mt Lady who simply started to maneuver her way around the island to get closer to where the villains were coming from, her feet deep beneath the water.

"Mirio come on they're right on top of us!" Tamaki insisted. If they waited any longer he was worried they were going to get trampled they were just mere moments away from touching distance. However Mirio was finally happy that they were all close enough.

Izuku x Ochako fanfic "All I Need Is You..."Where stories live. Discover now