Chapter 126: A new pro hero

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"Where is he? I can't believe they haven't let any of the citizens come back to Hosu yet. Were they expecting me?" All for One asked himself aloud. It'd taken longer than he would've liked to recover from his injuries. His contact on the inside had informed him that Deku was now awake though, finally able to put up a fight.

"Maybe I should've just killed him when he was in a coma. Then again, it's more fun this way" All for One said cracking his knuckles, excited at the thought of facing off against his son again.

"HEY UGLY! WHAT ARE YOU SUPPOSED TO BE!? SOME SORT OF WEIRD DARTH VADER COSPLAY!?" Bakugo screamed off to the right of him. He was stood atop a small building, looking down at the villain. All for One turned to face him, annoyed by his comments.

"You should learn to respect your elders. Katsuki Bakugo" All for One said knowing full well who it was. He'd done his research and he knew about every student in Deku's class. Their quirk, their names, their families, their aspirations, what drives them, etc.

"FUCK YOU!" Bakugo screamed back in response admittedly a little thrown off that the villain knew his name but he couldn't show weakness.

"Now now. No need for us to argue. I'm just here to see my son. Is he ok? I heard he was in a coma. I hope that wasn't my doing" All for One said chuckling a little.

"You know full well that he's awake. We caught your little spy" Todoroki said appearing behind All for One, on the opposite side of the street to Bakugo, stood atop a building slightly bigger than the one Bakugo was stood upon. However Todoroki was holding a man over the edge by the scruff of his coat.

"Master! Please! Help me!" the man screamed begging for All for One to help him.

"No. You failed me so you're on your own. However I have to say I'm impressed boys. You two are pretty smart trying to surround me like this. Awfully foolish of you though. You don't seriously think the two of you could ever hope to stand against me do you?" All for One asked as Todoroki threw the man behind him back onto the roof, freezing him on the floor.

"Who says their alone?" Mr Aizawa asked appearing from the hospital, walking out of the main entrance, alone.

"Ah Eraser. It's good to see you again so soon. Will you abandon these boys to their doom as well?" All for One questioned chuckling as he did.

"I'm not going to abandon any of my students. Never again" Mr Aizawa said continuing to march towards the villain.

"That remains to be seen. Even still the three of you must know you don't stand a chance. Where's my son? Tell me and I'll let you live" All for One said offering them an out but they didn't take it.

"Nice try but we're not telling you anything. What do you even want with him anyway?" Todoroki asked.

"Answer my question first and then maybe I'll answer yours" All for One said throwing it out there seeing if Todoroki would take the bait.

"You want Deku? You'll have to get through us first" Uraraka said emerging from her hiding spot and joining Mr Aizawa in his march towards the villain.

"Ah Ochako Uraraka. My son's love interest. So good to finally meet you. You'll forgive me if I don't approve of your relationship. My son is far too powerful to be with someone as weak as you. You'll never be good enough for him" All for One teased trying to get under Uraraka's skin.

Just remember what Deku said. Tune him out and don't take what he says seriously. He'll say whatever he has to just to get into your head and wind you up. Don't engage him in a verbal confrontation just keep quiet and let him run his mouth.

Izuku x Ochako fanfic "All I Need Is You..."Where stories live. Discover now