Crying Wolf

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YOU GUYS, WE REACHED OVER 4K VIEWS! You have no idea how much I appreciate it, if I had any idea I would have wrote this much sooner, trust me

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YOU GUYS, WE REACHED OVER 4K VIEWS! You have no idea how much I appreciate it, if I had any idea I would have wrote this much sooner, trust me. Thanks so, so much!

A few days passed, everything somewhat calmed down for the most part, but tension was still very high. Caroline avoided Tyler like the plague, having told Andromeda how he showed up to her house, Andy left it alone. She had little else to say to him, she was still very deeply hurt as was her blonde friend. Matt avoided all three of them, much to Caroline's distress.

As for Andy, her life was far from normal as it began to include a new presence in her life. Since that day she broke down, Elijah stuck to her like white on rice, fixing dinner, packing Regulus's lunch, picking up Reggie from school so Andy could speak to her teachers about all the work that she missed. He was being so helpful, and so caring, that Andromeda was so close to tearing her hair out and vocalized her thoughts on it often.

She did not need help, she had been handling things alone for years and was bloody damn good at it, and here waltzes in Elijah. Elijah, perfect, chivalrous, and keeper of pinky promises, Elijah. Elijah, who helped Regulus with his violin lessons, as well as his French, so that Andromeda could catch up on homework. Elijah, who Regulus absolutely adored and followed around everywhere, the Original never once complaining or showing annoyance as he would smile at the child and give him a pat on the head.

Elijah, who deep down, Andromeda was growing so attached that the idea of waking up and not seeing the Original sitting at the kitchen island nursing a mug of coffee, with his warm oak eyes turning into molten pools of honey and gold as he gazed out of the window to greet the sun, gave a near painful tug at her heart and Andy was bloody terrified.

The two faced each other now, both on opposite ends of the kitchen island and the atmosphere was so intense that Reggie was hiding upstairs watching Nicktoons on the new tablet Elijah had bought him. Andromeda was still fuming over that one.

"What is this?" Andy's voice cut the silence, tone filled with disbelief and a touch of outrage that made Elijah inhale deeply as he almost braced himself. "Papers, Andromeda." He stated simply, and Andy's glare was scathing as her voice dripped with sarcasm.

"Really, I couldn't tell. What are they for, Elijah?"

"They are logs of all my assets, properties that I have acquired-"

"Elijah, I will ask you one more time. What are they for?" Her voice was cutting, face a careful blank mask, but her eyes were a hail storm that pierced him. "If you sign these documents, all that I have acquired throughout the centuries will belong to you-"

"These are not just leases of property that you have sustained, these are different bank accounts under my name, Elijah!" Andromeda bellowed, and the Original did not flinch as her normal cerulean eyes flashed a brilliant crimson.

"In the event that something should happen to me, I would like to know that you and young Regulus are taken care of." He bluntly said, and Andy closed her eyes as she deeply inhaled, letting a large sigh escape her as she sagged against the kitchen counter behind her. Elijah's eyes didn't leave her not once, he knew exactly what he was doing. He did not trust the Salvatore brothers, especially Damon, to protect her and with the increasing likelihood of Klaus potentially finding out about the doppelganger, which most likely he already has, Elijah wanted his little family safe and out of harm's way.

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