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"No, you fuck off." I said to James with a scowl as I waved my hand in dismissal. "There's no way in hell."

James and I were in a heated debate. He was trying to tell me that the Celtics, the Boston fucking Celtics were better than the Hawks. Ri-fucking-diculous.

"Listen man, we got Tacki Fall, Marcus Smart, goddamn Jayson Tatum-"

"All guys I, and the world, have never heard of before." I could hear some of the crew laughing from behind me although it was true as fuck. "All I gotta say is one name, Vince Carter." He dropped his head back laughing. "Ya know what, I'll give you some young blood- Trae Young."

"You know what? We'll see see come season time. Who gonna go the farthest-"

"Lakers!" James and I both looked up at Robyn as she walked through with her hands up, a cute smile on her lips.

But that cute smile would do nothing for the bullshit she just said. "Hell is you talkin' 'bout?" I said with a scowl. "Get out, get the hell out."

She smacked her lips and waved me off before walking over and doing the opposite by sitting right in my lap. I raised my hands with a sigh as she pulled out her phone, making herself comfortable.

"Disgrace." James mumbled while shaking his head and standing up. "The both of you."

He then walked out, leaving me alone with this damn girl on my lap. It was times like these where I got confused. Was she just super affectionate? Testing me? Seeing if I'd pull something? I could never tell.

After the other night, she acted as if nothing happened, as if I didn't try to kiss her and she blatantly said hell no. It was mad confusing. It had me on some 'pulling pedals off a flower' shit. Does she want me? Does she not?

"Oh shit." I zoned back in when she answered the phone. "Hey baby, you here?"


I raised my eyebrows she she stood up in excitement, her native tongue coming out strongly again which let me know she was talking to someone who could understand her ass. "Okay yeah. I's come now, mhm." She then hung up, grabbing her jacket and starting to the door. I watched her. As she pulled the door open, she looked back at me with furrowed eyebrows. "You coming?"

I honestly didn't want to come and pick up whoever she called baby. I just.. didn't want to. "Nah," Her head tilted when I turned and laid on the couch I was sat on. "I'm good."

"Okay.." She then closed the door behind her and walked out without another word.

Before I could even rest my eyes, my phone rang and I pulled it out to see a FaceTime call from my sister. Oh great..

"Bitch." She said as soon as I picked up, seemingly getting her hair braided. "Imma kill you." My eyebrows raised when she raised the phone and I saw her best friend.

"Sup Ash." She raised one hand and waved before going back to braiding, the phone lowering. "Why are you going to kill me?" I asked Aaliyah and she smacked her lips.

"You are literally on tour with Rihanna.. and I had to find out from mom? Do you really hate me that much? You know how much I love her." I raised my eyebrows when she raised her hands to her face, pretending to cry. "After all the secrets I kept for your ass."

"Liyah you don't keep secrets for me, you keep them to use as blackmail." She lowered her hands and looked through her fingers with pursed lips. "Exactly. And shut up, I already have backstage passes for you and Ashley for the Atlanta show."

"See? That's why I fucks with you." She suddenly switched up and raised a can of Arizona tea, tapping it against the camera with a nod. "Bless up." I shook my head, chuckling at my weird ass little sister. "I need to know the shits through. Is she always a sexy confident beast?"

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