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November 26th

I fumbled with my phone as I clicked on Instagram for the first time in a cool minute. "How the fuck.." I scrolled to the left before clicking the live icon. I made sure I didn't click any filters this time, knowing it always took me an additional five minutes to make those go away.

Omg she's back

I smiled when the comments started rolling in. "I am back, hi." I propped the phone up on the counter, a book holding it up. "How are you guys? I missed you."

Majority of the comments were a bunch of emojis, a lot of 'hi from- blank' and some 'We've missed you' that was sweet.

"How am I looking? I look decent on here? I may look a lil messy, I just got outta the shower and haven't gotten dressed dressed yet. I wanted to come say hi though, see what's been up.. what I've missed." I leaned forward and tried to catch a few of the flying questions. "How's life? It's treating me well, thanks for asking. We can only move up and prosper, you know?"

Will you do another Black Fenty drop?

I hummed and clicked my tongue. "Rob might hate me for this but yes.. look out for a lot of winter pieces. That's all I'm gonna say."

Raising up from my spot, I grabbed the phone and left the bedroom before making my way downstairs. "Do I plan on continuing to dance? I do. The reason I took a break from that was because I had a child, you know? And I wanted to build a bond with her but now that she's getting older and knows who I am," I chuckled to myself. "I definitely don't mind getting back out and onto the road. I miss dancing."

As soon as my foot hit the stairs I could smell food waft into my nose. "Oh happy Thanksgiving, by the way. To those that celebrate it." I said, remembering why the house smelled so good. "I just do it for the food.. I love food."

Are you cooking this year?

"Hell no, I can't cook like that." I said as I rounded into the kitchen, smiling when I saw Rob behind the stove in her silk cheeta print pajamas. "She can though.." I flipped the camera and her head popped up as she looked at me with furrowed eyebrows. "Gimme a dance shawty, gimme a dance."

Her smile was cute as she rocked back and forth.. that was the dance? "That's terrible." She waved her hand and looked back at the stove. "What're you making, Robyn Ramsay?"

"I am making.. macaroni and cheese," I hummed and showed the pan before moving wherever she directed me. "Rice, plantains.. Dressing since your southern ass wanted it." I chuckled and nodded, knowingly she typically didn't make it but my mom gave her the recipe. Such a wife, right? "And some other stuff- Mel where you at?"

I looked over my shoulder as she hummed from her spot at the sink. "I'm cleaning it bitch, don't rush me." She mumbled, the turkey in her hands. "Why don't you have this nigga work on something."

I pursed my lips and flipped her off. "I am." I teasingly lifted my shirt. "I'm working on this body so I can get back on the road again." Robyn snorted and grabbed the phone to show me but I quickly dropped the shirt.

"No don't be shy, show the world." I tilted my head when she poked my stomach. "I wanna see."

"No." I laughed out and tried to grab the phone but she pulled back before flipping the camera to herself.

"Dante said why are you wearing a Broncos jersey and not his." My lips pursed as I propped myself up on the counter. "He also said you're a fake friend."

"Well the Broncos are my team.. and the Giants aren't even playing today. If he plays I'll wear his jersey. Duh." She cracked a smile as she smiled at the camera.

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