The Pals - Miss Kobayashi X Male Reader (Dragon Maid) (Req)

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Another girl everyone be ignoring, glad someone finally sees how great she can be


"You're doing it again."

"That's not true!"

Ah, going out to drink with your coworker after a long and boring day of work was relieving. This particular person, Kobayashi, lived with dragons in her apartment. Yes, it sounds weird but it's true. Not even you could believe it, but it was more believable than seeing your super boring and unapproachable coworker smile, which is what she was doing right now.

Y/N: "It is. You smile as if all the weight of your shoulders was just gone. I don't dislike it, you should smile more often."

Kobayashi: "Nothin' wrung wit' it! Oh, you like it or something?!"

Y/N: "Yeah, it looks good on you."

Kobayashi adjusts her glasses, finishing her second bottle of Dragonslayer with a bit of your help, and wanted more.

Y/N: "My wallet's gonna turn into dust if you keep that up."

Kobayashi: "Drink more. I'll pay, I'll pay!"

Y/N: "Then your wallet will be a goner too. Come on, I'll take you home."

Kobayashi: "Man, you're boring!"

You grabbed Kobayashi's arm and pulled her out of the bar, dragging her home while she flailed about.

Kobayashi: "You know, I've seen Tohru naked once. Her boobs are huge! It was all like, pam! And pam! But she looks way better with the maid outfit!"

She looked at her hands, wiggling her fingers as if she had something in them. You looked at your drunk friend and sighed, pulling her closer and wrapping your arms around her legs, lifting her up to carry her like a sack of potatoes.

Kobayashi: "It would be so cool if you wore a maid outfit too Y/N!"

Y/N: "What? No, I'm completely fine."

Kobayashi: "Do it!"

When you finally arrived at Kobayashi's apartment after hearing her talk about the many things that could happen if you wore a maid outfit, including the resurrection of the dinosaurs, you knocked on the door. Tohru, the dragon maid of the place greeted you.

Tohru: "Good evening Y/N!"

Y/N: "Hey Tohru. I bring a present just for you."

Kobayashi: "You could travel to other planets if you wore a maid outfit!"

Tohru: "Thank you for bringing her. You could stay the night, it is pretty late."

Y/N: "I really don't think that's a good—"

Kobayashi tries to pull you into the apartment while Tohru held onto her.

Kobayashi: "Let's all sleep together! A threesome!"

Y/N: "OKAY! I think that's enough for tonight. Don't you got like a magical trick to put her to sleep."

Tohru: "Nope! Let's just get her to bed."

You and the dragon maid carried a drunk Kobayashi to her bed, and as soon as she landed on it, she fell asleep.

Y/N: "That was surprisingly fast."

Tohru looks at Kobayashi sleeping, blushing a bit.

Y/N: "Ha. I see now."

Tohru: "W-What?"

Y/N: "Nothing at all. I'll go on the couch now. G'night!"

You left Kobayashi's bedroom, leaving Tohru to to sleep with her master. You had to get ready to hear Kobayashi complain about her headache tomorrow.


Kobayashi: "I'm gonna die..."

Y/N: "Eh, I'll give you at least two more years, grandma."

Kobayashi sat on the couch, holding her head because the headache was way too much for her. She grabbed the glass of water in front of her and drank it all.

Kobayashi: "I can't even fight back..."

Tohru: "I'll fight for you, Kobayashi! Y/N is... a nerdy weirdo who only has like, two friends!"

Y/N: "You got it in one. That's a new record. I applaud you, oh great lady dragon."

Kobayashi: "You two are too loud!"

Kobayashi grabbed you and Tohru and wrapped her arms around both, almost as if she was hugging to help herself.

Y/N: "Don't worry, K! Tohru and I will help you feel a lot better. We start by bringing more water!"

You winked at Tohru, and it took some time for her to understand but once she did, she winked back.

Y/N: "Um, okay. I'll go bring that water."

When you walked to the kitchen, something bumped against you. You looked down to see Kanna, the much smaller dragon girl that just woke up after hearing you three talk very loudly.

Kanna: "Good morning..."

Y/N: "Hello there."

You pat her head, which she seemed to enjoy, before going to get that glass of water. Kanna took a spot on Kobayashi's lap and went back to sleep.

Y/N: "Here."

Kobayashi: "Thanks..."

She drank all of the water again, not really feeling any better.

Y/N: "I guess you'll just have to be patient and wait for the pain to go away."

Kobayashi: "But the pain won't go away..."

Y/N: "Shame. I'll leave you with Tohru and the dragon loli while I leave this place. How's that?"

Kobayashi: "You won't escape me so easily."

Tohru: "You heard her, you aren't leaving."

Y/N: "Try and stop me!"

Tohru: "I'm taking care of Kobayashi."

Y/N: "Never mind."

You sat next to Kobayashi, then suddenly felt something lean against you.

Kobayashi: "I can't believe it hurts this much..."

Kobayashi was leaning on you while Tohru was just pouting on the side, still holding onto her arm.

Tohru: "She's mine, Y/N!"

Y/N: "I know, I know."

A nap was all it took to get Kobayashi to her former self, but Tohru was angry at you for the rest of the day. She even gave you her tail meat for you to eat, but it was raw and taking a bite of it really didn't help.

You were stuck in Kobayashi's apartment for a whole week.


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