🎄 Pleasant Feeling - Nero Claudius X Reader (Fate Series) (Special!)

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BOOM! Special oneshot with the padoru girl. Had to draw her myself because I couldn't find an HD pic of Nero on her own wearing a christmas outfit. Hope it's good enough 🗿

P.S.: I literally don't know anything about Fate, I just be using her because of the meme.

P.S.S.: Follow me on my insta art account where I barely post anything @dante_the_lapiz


"Yes. Yes, I will. Thank you. Merry Christmas to you too."

The phone is hung up, and so you return to what you were originally doing before getting the phone call.


The person who was just on a call with one of their coworkers, that's you.
Who are you, exactly?
Well you, the reader, (you're probably sitting on the couch, or maybe you're sitting on the toilet, or perhaps you might be in a car as a passenger heading somewhere, or you could be lying on your bed in your personal 'sleeping chamber'), are doing absolutely nothing but reading this story on your phone, because I honestly don't know of anybody who reads these on their computer. Take no offense if you do, it's just a very unusual occurrence.

By now, you must be wondering: Where's the wholesomeness? That pleasant feeling of warmth and joy received after reading these sorts of brief, cute, stories that you, the reader, desperately yearn. If you didn't desire such a feeling, then you wouldn't be here.

If you weren't reading this, you would probably be off doing better things—something that can produce that exact same feeling of happiness instead of relying on others, like the kind but very much small brained author of this book, to do it for you.
Or you would be doing absolutely nothing, like this other version of you, who after getting a very short call from a coworker who also had nothing to do but to wish their peer a 'Merry Christmas', felt alone with their thoughts and no one to celebrate this day with. Not like this you celebrated it anyway, at least not since you decided to live alone in a normal apartment in a normal city.

Your life was... mundane. Your phone's alarm would wake you up. That standard chime that you've not changed since you purchased the phone would force you to leave the comfort of your bed, and then you'd go to the bathroom and get yourself all cleaned, then get dressed, then walk to work.
You do the work, and after several of hours of just work, you would walk the same path you took to go to work, but the other way, in order to go home. You change to your pajamas, grab some snacks from your kitchen and sit down to watch some anime or some youtube videos from your favorite content creators. After that? Sleep.
Then, your phone's alarm would wake you up... I'm sure you get the memo, so let's skip to today.

*Christmas Eve*

After receiving that phone call from your coworker, you simply turned on the TV and watched whatever was on there. Of course, there was usually nothing interesting on there, so you grabbed your laptop and connected it to your TV in order to watch one of those 'okay' seasonal anime so you would not feel bored. You checked your phone, but no messages, only the social media notifications from the people you follow and the time displayed, bigger than the rest of the things on the device's screen.
It was like a grim reminder that you only had so much time before you went back to work next week.

But even with that reminder, you didn't do anything. Nothing exciting, nothing risky, nothing different.

You, the reader, and that person sitting on their bed mindlessly staring at the time on their phone while the anime about the cute girls doing cute things played in the background, are one in the same.

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