Coffee Ice Cream- Sayori X Reader (DDLC) (Req)

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I was planning on writing a darker Sayori oneshot before I ever got this request, but it didn't really pan out the way I wanted it to so it's just collecting dust in the background while I write other things. Anyways, here's a wholesome version of that.

P.S.: Sayori is literally AU Yui and that's a fact 🗿


"Good morning!"

The first thing I see when I opened my eyes was my best friend Sayori, whose face was awfully close to mine.

Y/N: "Sayori, could you..."

Sayori: "Could I...?"

Y/N: "Get off me? It's a bit weird."

Sayori pouts, getting closer and hugging me with a lot of force.

Sayori: "What do you mean weird? I'm your best friend! We are living together, so I'm very happy to be right here, on top of you!"

Y/N: "That was a weird way of saying it. I'm really happy too, it's just that I don't like cute girls being this close to me. Or anyone."

Sayori let go of me and hopped off the bed.

Sayori: "We sleep together anyways..."

Y/N: "One thing is sleeping, the other is being on top of someone and asserting your dominance."

Sayori: "Okay then, I'm expecting a good breakfast for being so rude to me!"

Y/N: "Don't worry, I'll make you something like I always do. And I wasn't being rude to you, I was being reasonable."

Sayori still had a very adorable pouting expression, so I decided to poke her nose to tease her a bit.

Y/N: "I'll go to the kitchen now."

Sayori: "Wait for me!"

Sayori was right in what she had said earlier. She started living with me ever since the 'incident' that I really don't want to think or talk about. I wanted to take care of her and, since my parents were essentially never home, it was a perfect opportunity to have her spend some quality time with her best friend in the whole world, even if that quality time was quite literally all the time.

I mean, she's way too cute and adorable; and many other adjectives that could describe Sayori's casual looks and cheery attitude; so having someone like that wake me up everyday sounded like every young person's dream come true.

I got all ready to make Sayori some breakfast that, when finished and handed to her, was devoured in a surprising record of mere seconds.

And speaking of seconds...

Sayori: "Is it okay if I could get some more?"

Y/N: "Yeah I don't see why not."

Sayori: "Yay!"

Sayori ate as much as she could that morning, which surprised me quite a lot. I did get to eat some as well because I was a bit hungry, but I wasn't Sayori levels of hungry. When everything in the kitchen was clean at the end, Sayori stood up and was looking at me curiously, as if she wanted something.

Sayori: "Y/N?"

Y/N: "That's my name."

Sayori giggles before asking you a question.

Sayori: "For how long will I stay here with you?"

Y/N: "Well, I was thinking all the time since I don't mind having you here. It's fun having you around."

Sayori: "Really? That's so nice of you!"

Y/N: "Besides, I don't think you'll be able to make your own food so..."

Sayori: "Y/N, I was complimenting you!"

Y/N: "I know, I just like seeing that face you make when you're angry."

Sayori very lightly punched my chest, pouting once again while holding your shirt and trying to look tough.

Sayori: "Y/N, you tease! I'm gonna punish you for that."

Y/N: "Sorry, sorry. A punishment from Sayori sure sounds scary."

Sayori: "You... You won't get to sleep with me anymore!"

Y/N: "Oh man, really? Welp, what a shame guess I'll sleep on the couch of doom."

I looked at the couch, which didn't seem as comfortable to sleep on as my bed did. Then I looked at Sayori, who quickly retracted her statement and tried to come up with something else for you to do.

Sayori: "You... you have to get me ice cream right now!"

Y/N: "I got some in the freezer actually."

Sayori: "Really? Nice nice nice! What flavor do you have?"

I went to check what sort of ice cream I had for Sayori to consume for today, but it seemed like all I had was some random coffee flavored ice cream that had been stored in the freezer for a while now.

Y/N: "I got coffee."

Sayori: "Ew! No strawberry?"

Y/N: "Unfortunately."

Sayori: "Then let's go buy some!"

Y/N: "With what money?"

Sayori: "Yours!"

I look at Sayori, messing her hair up to see how my amazing childhood friend would react. She seemed a bit angry again as she very softly punched my chest again.

Sayori: "You gotta buy a LOT of ice cream now! Strawberry, Vanilla... and even that weird Neopollyson one as well!"

Y/N: "It was worth it. Also, I think you mean Neapolitan."

Sayori: "I said that!"

Y/N: "No you didn't."

And so I spent a good chunk of my day just walking around with Sayori buying as much ice cream as my agonizing wallet could afford. When I finally got a good amount and my wallet was literally hanging by a thread, we walked back home with the sweet treats.

Sayori: "Neapablosin!"

Y/N: "Pablo? No, it's Neapolitan. Call it Neo."

Sayori: "Neo! But that sounds lame. I like the long name for the ice cream better."

Y/N: "Okay then. Now, a movie. Pick one."

Sayori was making a weird 'ooooo' noise as she thought really hard of something to watch with you.

Sayori: "I'm not an expert in movies... but I think the one with the dogs you talked about! They had like the cool guns and were all pew pew!"

Y/N: "El Perro? It's a TV show but I guess we could give it a shot."

Sayori: "Nice! Me, the dogs, and this delicious Neonpeterson ice cream are the only things I need for today's plan!"

Y/N: "I'm starting to think you're saying it wrong on purpose... wait, where do I fit in your today plan?!"

Sayori: "Mwahahah! You don't, I made you buy all this ice cream for me!"

Y/N: "I'm confiscating the ice cream until further notice."

I took the plastic bag from Sayori and saw how she did her best to try and reach it.

Sayori: "I was kidding!"

Y/N: "I hope so. Come on, there's no time to waste."

Sayori: "Aye!"

And so, I spent most of today with the cute Sayori watching a very bizarre TV show with some ice cream she apparently couldn't pronounce the name of. It was a great day, and I'm damn sure tomorrow will be just as good.


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