Omega Shield

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I had woken up several hours ago, and to my surprise the stone I found in Haggar's lair was gone. I figured that the Oriande guardian took it back. But even though I was awake, I wish I was still asleep. The conversation I had with the white Lion in my dreams had still echoed in my mind.

In order to save the universe ans being back the peace it so craved for thousands of years.... I would have to give up my own life.

A single life for the freedom and future of several trillion others in this universe.

The lion never said when it would happen only that it would happen soon. And I had hoped that I would be able to see that wonderful future before I go.

I decided to keep it a secret from the others. If they knew about what would happen to me, they would do whatever they could to keep me from dying. That could interfere with the future.

Don't get me wrong, I want to live. I had found my family, I had a man I loved more than anything, and I made so many friends who had become my family. But I cared more about them than my own life, so I would even give it up if it meant that I had to give it up to save them.

I just hoped that they would understand when the time finally comes.

We were heading back to Lotor's command ship. I sat in front of Allura in my assigned seat like everyone else, but I felt uneasy being around Lotor. His energy was stranger than before, and the way it just changed so suddenly was even more alarming.

"To return so triumphantly is a dream I thought I would never achieve." Lotor said happily, still basking in the victory from our adventure to Oriande, "We are one step closer to bringing peace and prosperity to the entire universe. This is all because of you and Saoirse, Princess."

Allura smiled at Lotor so kindly, "We did it together, Lotor. I would have never known of Oriande without you and therefore could have never unlocked its secrets." She turned back to me.

"Also, Saoirse, do you happen to remember what happened in Oriande?" She asked, "You were possessed by the guardian in Oriande."

I nodded my head and turned around to look at her.

"Yeah, I remember." I said, "To be honest, it felt a little strange being possessed by the spirit of an almighty lion spirit from a strange world. But I kind of liked it."

What I said confused everyone.

"What did it feel like?" Pidge asked.

I thought for a moment, trying to remember the sensation of being possessed by a spirit.

"Well, the energy was strange, kind of like a mixture of falling in something soft, and being wrapped in a warm hug. I felt as if I was protected from any kind of danger." I explained, giving my best explanation of what I felt during my possession.

Some time passed and we eventually made it back to Lotor's ship. The airlock hissed and opened, connecting us to the ship ans allowing us to walk inside safely.

"We'll see what intel is in your briefing and decided what to do from there." Shiro said as we entered the ship's main hall.

"Lotor!" Someone shouted in an irritated tone. We looked forward and saw a stern faced Galra woman standing up straight in the center of the hall.

She was tall and thin, but seemed to be strong and very strict. Her eyes were narrowed and glared at us as we stood in the room.

Lotor looked surprised, but then he looked a little annoyed.

"Oh, no." He groaned as we all wondered about who this woman was.

"Uh.... who the heck are you?" Lance asked the mystery woman.

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