Our First Step

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I stood inside of one of examination rooms slash operations rooms, the others were waiting outside and waiting for it all to end.

I was asked that morning to help attach a new arm to Shiro. Apparently late last night, Allura had created a brand new prosthetic arm for Shiro using Earth and Altean tech.

I stood next to Commander Holt, ready to help in any way I could. All I was really in charge of was keeping Shiro's energy stable throughout the procedure of attaching the shoulder piece and making sure no energy went wild during the activation sequence.

Nothing went wrong so far, and the procedure went well. All we had to do was wait for Shiro to regain consciousness and then we could continue on with the activation trial.

A few minutes later, Shiro groaned and his eyes began to slowly flutter open as he regaijed consciousness.

"How are you feeling, Shiro?" Commander Holt asked as he groggily looked over at us.

"Good. I'm good." Shiro replied softly.

"I'm happy to tell you that we've successfully attached your new prosthetic arm. We just need to power it on and make any final adjustments." Commander Holt turned to me, "Soairse, keep an eye on his energy levels for me, okay?"

I nodded and closed my eyes, taking deep breaths to calm myself. When I opened my eyes again, I only saw the outlines of everyone, and lights within the outlines.

It was just like when we were captured by Zethrid and Ezor. I was seeing the same thing and yet I didn't try to understand what it was. I simply let myself concentrate on the light where Shiro's heart was located.

I would have to ask mom about this type of vision later.

One of the doctors walked up to the table with the new arm for Shiro sitting on a tray. He brought over to Shiro so that he could see it better. I was amazed by the design. Allura did a great job.

"We've outfitted it with the most powerful energy source Earth has to offer." Commander Holt explained, "It's the closest we could get to mimicking a Balmera crystal's energy. It should generate enough power to operate most of it. The remaining power will be drawn from your body's own electromagnetic field."

Shiro's bed-table shifted so he could sit up straight and the arm was placed beside him. I heard the whir of the arm and saw energy flow through it, and faint lines of energy flow from Shiro to the arm.

Almost immediately, the arm activated, spinning around and clenching its fingers. Shiro gasped at the amazing technology he had now.

I was happy to see him with two arms again, however, that happiness quickly turned to worry. The energy powerijg the arm suddenly spiked and turned dangerous.

Shiro screamed in pain, the monitors connected to him beeping rapidly. I tried to grab him, but he accidently pushed me back in his pain.

"He's crashing! We have to shut it down!" Commander Holt shouted, "Soairse, you need stabalize his energy as much as you can!"

I stood back up and pressed my hands against Shiro's chest over his heart. I concentrated and slowly felt his energy calm down. But the energy from the arm was still going haywire.

Suddenly, Allura ran into the room, grabbed the arm and held it down to the ground.

"Sam, we need to remove the power source." She said to Commander Holt.

Commander Holt quickly rushed to Allura and opened the power panel to the arm, grabbing the chip and letting Allura put something in its place.

Instantly the arm stabalized and Shiro's condition stabilized as well. I opened my eyes and looked down at Shiro, relieved that he was no longer in pain.

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