Years Passed....

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~~~~Keith~~~~         ~~~~One Year Later~~~~

An entire year passed since the end of the war. Since Honerva was defeated. Since all reality was saved from destruction and peace reigned across the universe.

An entire year since we lost an Angel. Saoirse Teshiri. The only woman I ever truly loved.

I remembered everything that happened after her sacrifice. During the months we spent heading back to Earth, Saoirse didn't wake up, nor did she change health wise. She remained in a stable condition, not declining or showing any sign of waking up. But we all knew that Saoirse would wake up in three years. She promised, and no news is good news.

When we got back to Earth, Saoirse's family came rushing, her mom saying that she sensed Saoirse's energy floating all around the universe. The entire family, as soon as they saw Saoirse's unresponsive state burst into tears and wailed.

Her parents blamed themselves for not being there to protect her, and her siblings grieving their older sister.

But when we showed them the video Saoirse left behind before she made her sacrifice, they understood why she did it. They were still sad and in grieving for a couple of months, but they decided to go back to Teshiria to wait for her to wake up.

However, the Silver Lion flew to Altea for some unknown reason. But we let it be. Saoirse would've been raised on Altea if Zarkon hadn't gone mad. We all thought that the Silver Lion had just returned home until Saoirse could wake up and take it back.

Last I heard, Saoirse was released from Earth's custody and transferred to Teshiria to be closer to her family as she slept.

But unlike Saoirse, time never stops for us or the universe. There were still so many things to do in order to make the universe better for all.

I stood with my mom, Kolivan, and Kosmo on top of the Kral Zera, looking out at the fractured Galra Empire.

"With the return of planet Daibazaal, the Galra Empire is at a crossroads." I said to the people, "For too long, the people of this extraordinary civilization have been manipulated by a dictatorship that placed a misguided sense of self-preservation above all else. It was tragic, unfortunate series of events that led us down this dark, never-ending path of power and greed. But now... we, the citizens of the Galra Empire have an opportunity to make right all of the injustices set into motion by our forefathers. Because of the sacrifice and strength of Angel Saoirse, we have been given a second chance to come together in rebuilding the Galra Empire by joining the Galactic Coalition and ushering a new era of peace across the universe."

As soon as I finished my speech, the Galra cheered, ready to begin anew for not only them, but for their entire future.

I felt a hand on my shoulder. I turned to see my mom smiling at me. Giving her a smile back, I wrapped my arms around her in a tight hug.

"Saoirse must be so proud of you, son." She whispered to me. I nodded in her shoulder and pulled away.

"You should get going, Keith." Kolivan said, "Isn't it Celesital Day? You'll be late."

I nodded and ran with Kosmo back to the Black Lion. Once inside, I got changed and sat down to fly back to Earth.

I felt the familiar weight of Saoirse's Teshirian stone. Since she gave it to me,, I had never once taken it off. It was as close as I could be to her without seeing her still form on Teshiria.

My Lion flew high into the air and sped off through the stars.. It was time to celebrate.


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