The Colony

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Allura had finished the ship with Lotor in record time and it was almost time for our arrival to Daibazaal. Lotor said that there was a portal that would lead us to the quintessence field, so we set a course and were very close to arriving..

Since I was supposedly a very crucial part of this mission, I was required to be with them on the mission. They had even created a chamber for me to give my power to the ship near the energy crystal.

I stood with Lotor and Allura in front of the finished ship. I glared at Lotor from the corner of my eye, not trusting the energy he was giving off. It was growing darker the closer we were getting to Daibazaal.

"I've waited an eternity for this." Lotor said, dreaming of the future he wanted.

"We've done everything we can to prepare us fir this moment. We're ready." Allura said.

I turned towards her, a worried expression on my face as I thought of the consequences of our plan. There was never really such a thing as unlimited. Eventually things run out, be it be a day or thousands of years, whatever is unlimited will run out. And eith that, comes terrible consequences.

"Allura, are you absolutely sure you want to go through with this?" I asked, my scar beginning to burn, "I have a bad feeling that this won't go as planned and someone if going to get hurt."

"Saoirse, we've already discussed this. We are doing this for the universe's future. If this mission is a success, then the Galra will be at peace and so will the universe." Allura said, smiling at me with so much confidence.

Lotor and Allura faced each other, Allura's face turning slightly pink as she stared at the Galra Prince. My eyes widened. She couldn't be falling for him, right?

"It means so much to me to share this with you." Lotor said, then he turned to me, "Including you, Saoirse."

I got a terrible chill up my spine from his smile. But no matter what, I was going to keep Allura safe. If Lotor happens to be saved by me, then so be it. All that mattered was Allura.


We waited for Lotor, Allura and Saoirse to appear on our screen once they were ready to begin the system check. Just a couple minutes later, they appeared, Allura and Lotor sitting in the front and Saoirse standing in a chamber near the ship's energy crystal. All of them ready to launch. And all of us watching in worry and anticipation as they began.

"Beginning system check. Front and rear stabilizers." Lotor checked off.

"Front and rear stabalizers are go." Allura confirmed.

"Quintessence collection array."

"Quintessence collection array is go."


"Infracells up."


"Dynotherms connected."

"Switching on mega-thrusters."

"Mega-thrusters are go."

"Okay, I can't be the only one who sees that this is nuts, right?" Hunk asked, "I mean, just getting in there is a long shot. Then they have to make it out again?"

"I agree with Hunk. This plan is a foolhardy and unnecessary risk." Coran said.

Pidge turned and looked down in thought.

"I don't know," she said, "I mean, we've traveled through the quintessence field to another reality. This isn't just theoretical physics. Mathematically, we know it's possible. And with Saoirse bending the energy around them, they should make it in and out without any trouble.

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