Chapter Six

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Hello blooming readers! It's me!!!! Just enjoy!(I am a big fan of Skillet!!)

Lin's P.O.V

"Sorry was I too loud?" Mama asked.

"Not at all. You could be heard from Africa" Ladybug joked.

"Sorry. I haven't played this in almost thirty years" Mama said. I spit the drink out of my mouth.

"EXCUSE ME WHAT?!" Me and the kids all asked.

"Whut?" Bonnie asked.

"SO YOUR NOT REALLY 16?!" We asked. The grown ups slapped their foreheads.

"We don't age you nitwits" Foxy said.

"If we did, I'd at least be around 40" Bonnie said.

"I'd be around 70" Kevin said sadly.

"Your old dad" Charity said. Kevin pouted.

"Your guys are lucky! I'd be around over 200 billion years old! I hate being immortal" Lucifer muttered.

"What was it like 200 billion years ago?" Ash asked.

"Hell. There was no WiFi, technology, THEY DIDN'T EVEN HAVE PIZZA UNTIL THE 1730'S! We used to trade for things we wanted and payed with beads and salt" She said.

"Coollll!" We all said.

"Eh. It's ok. I prefer the future. I can travel in time whenever I want. But I like this time better" Lucifer said.

" did you stay so young? Even my parents age" Noah asked Mama.

"Watch this kid" Bonnie put his pointer finger on his left temple and closed his left eye. He looked at Noah with his right eye and it flashed green and his eye scanned Noah.

"Ahh. I was friends with you parents. Mhm" Bonnie smirked.

"How did you do that?" Nicole asked.

"I'm immortal. For this group of friends, Lucifer put a spell on us. The first kid we ever have, we stop aging" Bonnie said.

"So, you'll forever remain 16?" Jake asked. Bonnie shook his head.

"Them, yes. I can change my age whenever I want. I can even change my appearance. If I don't like how I look, I can just get parts replaced and I'm a brand person" Bonnie said, tapping his head.

"Parts?" Ruby asked.

"Half robot" Bonnie said.

"COOL!!!" We all said.

"Children these days" Bonnie muttered and put away his eletric guitar.

"It's getting late" Jacob said.

"It's too dark outside" Bill said.

"I can help with that! William programmed me to have night vision" Mama smiled.

"What's night vision?" I asked.

"He can see in the dark basically" Mike said.

"Maybe you'll help them tomarrow hon. It's already 12" Freddy told the bunny.

"Ohhh~~~. My favorite time!" Bonnie said and the others stayed at our house.

We all went to sleep and hoped to sleep peacefully.

That was corrupted.

Bonnie's P.O.V

While everybody went to bed, I stayed up and looked around. Everything was quite.

Perfect. I took up my skateboard, sneackers, and slipped on a long shirt with very very tiny pants and headed out the door. Fuck the helmet I didn't needed it. Or the safety pads.

I put my skateboard down and got on it, racing down the roaded hill. When I reached over the top, I jumped and flipped the skateboard over. (He got them skills)

I rode down and stopped at the store. I took up my skateboard and entered it. Even tho it was night, a lot of people were there. I made my skateboard disappear into black mist and went straight to the food section.

I knew my kids favorite foods and got it all.

"Hey. Can you help me?" A tall male asked. I turned and he pointed to the farest bottom can of olives. (Did you know my name means olive tree?)

"Sure!" I smiled and bent down, reaching to the can. Until I felt a body press onto my ass. I jumped up, pointing my gun to the tall man's neck.

"Think twice before you do that" I snapped and threw him the can as I walked the away, the gun transforming into the mist.

Might as well get things for the baby. I went to the baby section and grabbed everything for it. WoNdErFuL Mike is having a baby very very soon and I'm HaViNg OnE iN sEvEn MoNtHs. Why?

Actually don't ask that.

I knew what was gonna fit the babies. Because, you try going through this more then twenty times. You'd get used to it.

"You seem to know what to get" A pregnant female giggled.

"Mhm. Been though this a thousand times" I said, grabbing baby clothes and putting them into the cart.

"Wow. Relatives?" She asked.

"No actually. I've got a newborn coming soon this week" I said.

"Us too" The female's husband said. Why am I even talking to them.

"Since you seem a like a expert, do you mind helping us?" The female asked. I looked at the time. I've got 7 more hours. I'll be fine.

"Sure" I said and helped them on most things.

"Ok. Telling by your animals, you'd want to use this one. The other one only works on humans, and prey. This one works for all the most higher predotors" I said and they nodded.

"It's really cool how you know this" The female named Alice said.

"Yeah. Where'd you learn it?" Her husband named Alec said.

"Trust me. I've got kids too. There's humans, bears, foxes, a lot of bunnies, a ladybug, a bee, and elfes. But, it's easy to manage a kid" I said.

"That's a lot" Alec said. I shrugged.

"I've taken care of my younger sister before. So it doesn't bother me. Now. Next you-" I just went on and on and the two seemed very confused on what to do. Oh jesus kill me. I hopped into my cart and watched them show me and tell me if its ok.

For a pregnant man that I am, I'm really getting lazier every day with this.

"You seem zoned out" Alice said, waving her hand in front of my face.

"Sorry. Just thinking" I smiled a little and continued to help.

"Thank you so much! Your a b-" I whinced in pain, and fell to my knees breathingly heavily before she could finish.

"A-are you ok?" Alice asked. Damn it I forgot my pills.

"Y-yeah I-I'm fine" I said shakingly, and got up in pain.

"You don't look well Bonnie" Alec said.

"Ow ow ow ow ow ow ow" I gasped, holding my stomach.

"Do you have stomach problems?" Alice asked, the two helping me to be steady. I shook my head.

"I-It's just my baby k-kicking" I breathed.

Ehhhh I'm too lazy to make it longer. I just realized all the chapters are at least 1,000 or more words. Ahh. I can't stand making a story with just less. Welp hope you enjoyed! Have a great day!

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