Chapter Forty-Six

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Hello blooming readers! It's me! So um, here's the song "Panic Room" because I had nothing else.

Lucifer's P.O.V

I'm bringing the humans back.

Hades and Priscilla helped me bring back all the souls from hell and heaven, bringing back the lives of the humans.

"Are you guys ok?" I asked.

"Pfft" They all laughed at us.

"You really are foolish people" Everything went black and I fell unciousious.

When she woke back up

Me and my family were chained up, with all the humans.

"W-what? We saved you" I said.

"Foolish. Didn't that bunny teach you guys anything?" Archer asked. Bonnie.....he was actually trying to save us? Gemina and Christophere stood in front of us, giving us sad faces.

"Bonnie killed you!" I said.

"Bonnie did what he was supposed to. Jackson promised to bring us back" Gemina replied.

"What's going on?!?!" Freddy yelled when he saw his mother and father also chained. Everyone's parents and siblings were here, chained. All the animals....

"Pfft. I knew it was a good idea to make you trust us. Now we can get rid of you freaks forever" Mavi said. Freaks?!?!

" tricked us" Ennard said.

"You've would've been already if it wasn't for that stupid Bonnie. URG HE KNEW THIS WHOLE TIME!" A girl yelled, stomping.

"He knew....." I can't believe it. We brought back what Bonnie was trying to protect us from.

"When we find him, you'll see him die first" A male smiled.

"I'm sorry" Gem whispered.

"I TRUSTED YOU!" Alexis yelled at her.

"We all did mom" Freddy said quitely.

"We...we also have to go to so don't make us feel so special" Christophere said calmly.

"Mom dad what are you talking about?" A little girl asked. I recongized her. Brian's little sister, Stella. I thought she died years ago.

"BRIAN!!" I screamed, thrashing around in the chains.

"He won't hear you" Archer chuckled.

"Who's Brian?" Priscilla asked.

"Yeah who is that?" Chica demanded. I didn't answer.

"I WANT BRIAN!!!!" I yelled.

"SHUT UP!" Archer yelled at me.

"WHEN HE COMES I HOPE HE KICKS YOUR ASS!" I shouted and he punched me in the gut. I felt nothing, because he's weak as fuck.

"I KNOW A VAMPIRES WEAKNESS!" And with that, everyone left.

"Who the fuck is Brian?!?! Do you mind explaining?!" Chica yelled at me.

"Seriously?! Bonnie's real is Brian before he died. When he was human. He changed it to what his orginal parents were gonna call him, which is Bonnie" I replied.

"Oh" Was all she said.

"He was right all along. Arg why didn't we trust him?!" Foxy asked.

"I feel so bad. But he'll come for us. R-right?" Dizzy asked.

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