Chapter One Hundred and One

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Hello blooming readers! Its me! Um, enjoy?

Gumi's P.O.V

I hugged onto Jackson's arm while he was talking to mama. We spent a while yesturday making out only.

"Hey do you hear that?" Ft.Foxy asked, her fox ears twitching.

There was a distant loud howl, making all the foxes ears twitch.

"Hey what's up with your eyes-?" Chica asked her brother-in-law, backing up to her wife. Papa's eye was glowing red and his fangs showed as he growled.

"Foxy what is it?" Lucifer asked strictly to Foxy. The fox's nose started twitching dangerously. We all backed away from him, and suddenly, Lucifer's tail stood up at the second howl.

"Nero......" Her hair turned straight fire and the two dashed out the door quickly.

"Hey...WHERE ARE YOU TWO GOING?!" We all quickly chased after them, but its kind of hard when your dad is the king of speed and your aunt is half bird and cheeta, using that power to run fast.

"WHY DO YOU RUN SO FREAKIG FAST?!" Bonnie yelled at Papa.

"I can't go any slower" More howls were heard and Lucifer howled back.

"Down there"

Bonnie's P.O.V

"Thanks. We would've been dead without you two" Ray laughed nervously.

"Stop getting in trouble you two" Foxy snapped, smacking his little brother in the back of the head.

"I'm sorry. Ever since birth trouble has found me" Ray faked being upset. Foxy rolled his eyes but smirked.

"Ahh next time I'll leave you" He ruffled Ray's hair and Nero laughed at her older brothers.

I went to turn to Freddy, but he wasn't there.

Wait a minute.....

Doesn't he have dieases that cause him to lose breath after running...?

Oh god.

"We gotta go" I whispered, tugging Foxy's jacket.

"Well duh we can't stay here forever-"

"B-Bonnie" I heard.

"FREDDY!" I screamed, running away. Where are you where are you?!

I heard my name being called, but I used my system to run off, faster then Foxy could have ever run. I finally found Freddy, and he was whimpering, holding his chest.

"I'm here honey I'm here" I said, pulling him close. His breathing was slowing down, and it wasn't going back to a good pace. I mean, actually going down.

"I need you to breath Fredrick" I said.

"I-I c-c-can't!" He gasped.

"Shhh(YO THE GUYS TRYING TO BREATH AND YOUR TRYING TO TELL HIM TO SHUT UP!!!!). Just look into my eyes Freddy" I said softly and he looked up with his ocean(Oh we going from bright to ocean alright) blue eyes glistening with tears.

My pupils turned blue, and I managed to give him some air(What are we in, Disney?) with my system.

"Now breath. Slowly. Not fast" I said and he did so. For a while actually. I got up and helped him up.

When he almost fell over, I saw four arms wrap around his torso, holding him.

"Are you okay?" Mike asked Freddy.

"A-a little" Freddy said. (*Sniff* he is such a cute little bean now)

"Aww you look so adorable" Foxy snickered, petting Freddy's ears. Freddy's face turned red.

"S-stop!" He said.

"Your the most cutest little teddy bear ever in the world" Foxy gently kissed Freddy's lips, and I nodded at Mike.

"We should go back now" He said.

"Mhm" Freddy nodded. I managed to teleport us using Shadow back to the house.

"Come on let's just end the day with a nice and peacefully movie" Foxy said and I hopped onto the couch.

Freddy made the popcorn this time, and Foxy pulled him into his lap.

"F-Foxy n-not n-now" Freddy whinced.

"Sit and shut up"

We watched a nice scary movie, and at the end, I turned on the lights.

"Whereeeeeeeeeee did he go this time?" Mike asked we saw Freddy wasn't on Foxy's lap anymore.

"Oh boy where is he hiding?" Foxy sighed and the three of us got up.

Searching the whole house, we heard crying in the bedroom. Freddy was hiding in the closet, a huge blanket covering his whole body, sitting down and holding his legs close.


"Softie" I said and Foxy pulled the blanket off the crying bear and pulled him close.

"Why do you always cry during a scary movie?" I asked him.

"T-their f-f-f-frightening!" Freddy wailed.

"Ha. You've softened over the years!" Mike laughed, making me giggle. True true. Freddy used to be so freaking tough people would run away at his look. But now their adored by it.

"Its adorable" Foxy chuckled.

Freddy's P.O.V

I tried to avoid the fact that those words were breaking me.

I have gotten more afriad of things, ever since that day....

It broke me forever.

So, the day Freddy was talking about when was his children were harmed. And since he couldn't prevent it, he felt weak and turned out like that. Well, hope you enjoyed! Have a great day!

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