Chapter Twenty-Six

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Hello blooming readers! Already we almost hit thirty chapters! And this has been going on for a week! Well. Its October 22 today. And chapter one was posted October 8. So I managed to get twenty-six one thousand worded chapters in 14 days. That's two weeks! I'm so happy! Well enjoy!(Vincent x Phone Guy. Love this ship😘)

Kylie's P.O.V

For the past while, I have been observing Bonnie. How he wakes up at 4 in the morning. Gets breakfast. Wakes his kids in order from oldest to youngest and gets them all ready. Serves them breakfast. Wakes Foxy, Mike and then Freddy. Gets ready for work. After work he goes downstairs and starts working on a car for two hours. Then he cleans until his youngest husband gets home. And then after that he picks the kids up. He calms them down when they have a bad day and does more cleaning and starts dinner at 5. Serving the dinner he lets the kids stay up until 8, making them go to bed and his husbands go to bed at 9. He stays up just doing Extra cleaning and goes skating for a while until 12 am.

It repeats all over again.

I looked at my notss I've been keepibg and got confused at step 5. Does it really matter what order they wake up in.

This was my schedule:

Step one: Wake up at Four
Step two: Gets breakfast ready
Step three: Waking kids from oldest to youngest
Step four: Give them breakfast
Step five: Wake Foxy, then Mike and lastly Freddy
Step six: Get ready for work and go
Step seven: After work attempt to learn about cars for two hours
Step eight: Clean until Mike gets home
Step Nine: Pick all the kids up
Step ten: Calm then down if upset
Step eleven: More cleaning until 5
Step twelve: Start dinner at 5 and give it to everyone
Step thirteen: Let kids stay up til 8 and husbands go to sleep at 9
Step fourteen: Stay up cleaning
Step fifteen: Skating until 12
Step sixteen: Go to sleep for 4 hours and repeat.

I was so confused. This is just chaos. How does he sleep for four hours? Where does he get times to rest?!

I think I'm gonna try it.

"I challenage you then" I heard and screamed. The devil himself.

"Fine! I'll do it like you but better!" I snapped and the challenage started. Wake up at four.

I did that.

I yawned and looked at the time. 4:50. Eh whatever. I went downstairs and started breakfast. I made eggs, bacon and pancakes. Next I went to the kids room. Um. I didn't see who was the oldest to youngest. Ok I got this. I began walking into every room, waking the kids up. The hedgehog kid woke up instantly.

It took a while and they went downstairs.

"Why isn't Bee down yet?" A little girl named Agnes asked me.

"Because it doesn't matter how you wake up" I snarled and she stuck her tongue out. Then all the kids came down and I gave them breakfast. I went to the other's room and woke Freddy up. Then Foxy. Then Mike. Freddy did NOT want to wake up first.

When I tried to shake him awake, he growled at me, showing his sharp teeth as if to bite me. I jumped back. Ok then. Finally, I decided to wake them up in order. It freaking worked.


I went downstairs with them and saw the kids just staring at the food.

"Eat up kids you have school soon" I said. Foxy poked the egg and it leaked out of egg yolk in the middle.

"I'd rather starve" Marco said, pushing the plate away.

"Isn't that how Bonnie makes it?" I asked.

"Actually, no. He creams the white part and puts it on the oven, and lets the yellow part go in the middle" Freddy said. \\

"Mom you try it" Bee said, pushing the plate to Mike.

"I'm not eating that shit!" He said. Freddy sighed and went to the kitchen, and started cooking. Bonnie was sitting on the couch.

"Not easy is it?" He smirked.

"I haven't even gotten through the day yet!" I snapped.

"Good luck with the todlers" He chuckled, standing up and adjusting his vest. Wait what-. I stared at the seven todlers.

"Here ya go kids" Freddy said, giving the children the food. They looked a lot happier. I attempted to feed Kanato. He started screaming and throwing a tantrum.

"Hey hey its ok mommy's here" Mike picked the baby up, soothing it down. I looked at Ginger and he gave me a death look. Nope. I slowly backed away from the demon kid.

"Alright then get to school" I said and the kids quickly left before I could even say 'bye'

"I'm off to work then" Bonnie said and kissed his husbands bye and left. While the othes were at work, I began learning about cars. And did a test run.

It runned smoothly. (No it didn't) I smiled proudly at my work and began cleaning. I just got lazy and decided to do it later since I should have a reward for learning cars so quickly.

And I totally forgot to pick the kids up. I was resting on the couch and I heard a throat clear out.

"Ahem" Someone said. I opened my eyes and Mike was right next to me, his arms crossed. The kids were behind him, giving me a angry look.

"Wow this is" Someone sighed. The other three were here.

"Are you fucking kidding me you broke my fucking car!" Someone yelled from downstairs.

"But I was doing a test-" Bonnie waved his hand and my mouth shut closed.

"I'll fix it later babe I promise. But first, I gotta clean this mess" Bonnie said to Foxy. I thought I did a good job. This family has high expetions. Very high.

"I told you you'd fail. This is just another Rachel problem" The bunny groaned.

"Who's Rachel?" I asked.

"NOPE!" Foxy yelled, going upstairs.

"It's not your business to know" Freddy sneered in my face. I could just kiss him. I should've.

"Ya know what?" Bonnie raised a finger and I was raised into the air.

Bonnie's P.O.V

We are NOT having the Code R again. (Rachel problem)

I made the black mist throw Kylie out the door.

"Next time, don't bring hoes into this house" I snapped at my husbands.

"Soooo you don't count?" Freddy asked. My kids just fell laughing.

I raised my reaper blade, chasing him.


Dude-why? Eh whatever. Hope you enjoyed! Have a great day!

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