Chapter Thirty

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Hello blooming readers! It's me! So. I might start another Fonnie book. But it's not a book 3. It's for the readers who really clicked on my story to get a REAL Fonnie story. It's only gonna be 10 chapters long, because I'm lazy at this point. But it's Fonnie only. After this story is done, look for the book named "A REAL Fonnie story". I named it that because it doesn't have Fredmike, Frexy, Fronnie, Foxike, Bonike, and you get the point. Just Fonnie. Well I hoped you enjoy!

Foxy's P.O.V(I decided to give a little more of this before Lin)

He...Bonnie was blank. Shit the others are going to kill me.

But...I can't really do anything. It's true. I don't love him anymore.

"What?" He asked. I pulled him close.

"Sorry" I muttered.

"It's fine" He said blankly.

"Fo-" Mike stopped dead and tears fell down his face when he saw Bonnie.

"I-I don't know what I did. I just told him that I didn't love him anymore. He shouldn't care" I said.

"Foxy what the hell?! Of course he cares! He still loves you, you idiot! No matter how much you fight and no matter how much you hit him! NOW YOU'VE BROKEN HIM FOREVER!" Mike screamed at me.

"Please don't scream" Bonnie said.

Four years later

It's been four years. Four...very...long...years.

I haven't seen Bonnie smile. He never got mad. He never cried anymore. And he mostly avoided me. If you were to say to me I'd feel guilty about this four years ago, I wouldn't have believed it. Three years? Nope. Now? Yes. Very.

I don't know why, but I feel...a LOT of guilt.

"Mama look!" Everyone has tried to get Bonnie to smile, let alone to even show a emotion. But they failed everytime. Even I tried. Especially when we were alone together.

"Hey Bon" I said, and he turned from the kitchen.

"Hello" He said blankly.

"Do you wanna go to the carnival?" I asked. Even though he's blank, he still loves the canirval.

"Mhm" He turned and I slipped on my shoes. Bonnie came back down to me, all dressed.

"Alright lets go" I took him to the place he loves the most.

"Farris Wheel" He said.

"Okay" I took him to the Farris Wheel and when we got to the top, he leaned forward a bit. He always does this on the Farris Wheel.

We did all the activites we did when we first started dating here. Farris Wheel, games, cotton candy, all of it.

"I'm going to the restroom. Stay here" I kissed Bonnie's cheek and he nodded.

Bonnie's P.O.V

I waited for Foxy, standing there.

"Hey cutie" I heard. I didn't want to turn around. Because I knew it wasn't Foxy.

But before I continue this, (STOP BREAKING THE FOURTH WALL BONNIE!!!!), let me explain.

I'm not emtionless. I'm hiding it. I have a talent for hiding things. I just wanted to show Foxy what words do to some people.

But it did break me a bit. Because imangine your husband told you you were annoying and all. I didn't think he wanted to divorce with me. I guess I try hard at love. I loved Foxy too much I got attached. And...he broke my heart.

But it was nice for him to this. He even kissed my cheek. At least he still cares.

"What's a cute thing like you doing here?" The male asked, his hands waving up my waist. You suck at hand movements dude.

"Leave me alone" I said simply. He only smirked.

"Come on bunny~. I wanna touch you~. I know you want me too~" He said, trying to seduce me.

"Don't call me bunny. And I swear to Hades if you touch me the way you want to, I will end your life. Your class is way too low for me" I snarled, getting my anger worked up.

"Well, I am rich and wealthy. And you are a fine bunny" He said.

"Leave me the fuck alone" I growled.

"Your making a mistake" He whispered into my ear.

"That's what your dad said to your mom when she had you" I said. (DAMNNNNNNNN!!!!!!! YOU SAVAGE!!! Bonnie's comeback's: 1)

"Um can you let go of my husband?" A thick spain accent. The man behind me growled.

"He's mine" He snarled. I turned and looked at Foxy. His hands went on his waist.

"Leave him alone" He said. The man took my waist but I clawed his arm.

"Come on honey" Foxy took me and I cuddled close to him. I could tell he liked this.

We had gotten to the place were he asked me to be his boyfriend. And husband. (Fun fact: Foxy porposed*Not even a word about the spelling* at the carinval)

"I'm so sorry" He whispered to me, hugging me tightly. I layed my head on his shoulder.

"It's fine I'm used to it" I said. Foxy sighed and gently kissed me. God I'm gonna get attached again. I kissed back, making him surprised.

We made out for a while. A good while too.

"Your just gonna go back to hating me" I panted when I had time to breath. We kissed again.

"Never" (Damn y'all swallowing each other) And back to making out. I teleported us to the bedroom, and he pushed me down, kissing me roughly.

Lin's P.O.V

I was now 10 years old, and my boyfriend Derek was 24 while Ash was 15. Soo, my boyfriends were at least older or as old as a teenager. We even go to Derek's house sometimes and do our thing there. Or just sleep there in general.

But I went up to my parents room to check on mama like I noramally do. But I didn't expect to see what I saw.

Him and papa were kissing like it was the fucking end of the world. I slowly backed up, closing the door back up.

Whut. The. Hell. Eh I'll just go have sex with my boyfriends.

I took Ash to Derek's house and he answered the door.

"Hey guys" He let us in and sat on the couch.

"It's always clean here" Ash said.

"Yeah" I said. Derek's magic took us to him and we both were sitting on his lap. Or, I was sitting on his left leg and Ash was sitting on his right leg.

And guess what? We had sex.

Until the door bell rang.

"Shit I forgot that my family was coming over!" Derek hissed and me and Ash ran upstairs. Unforutnally, I left my jacket downstairs. Ash took me to the closet, and we stayed there.

Being quite.

Totally not weird to have children in your closet lol. Well I hope you enjoyed! Have a great day!

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