Chapter Sixty

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Hello blooming readers! It's me! I have no idea if that video is the one I wanted because I'm on a computer and it sometimes doesn't let me play the audio. Well enjoy!

Gumi's P.O.V

So, I am the only one that's not married, minus Kairi.

But I am dating somone. Or, forcefully dating. But half of that.

I do love him a lot. He's just, possessive.

And, my lover is mama's brother, my uncle.

"GUMI!" I heard and my small gummy bear ears perked up.

"Y-yes Jackson?" I asked, entering the living room. He was looking at the TV.

"I want you to be careful around here. Look" He pointed to the TV and I saw. Shootings and murders.

"I don't want you getting hurt" He said, rubbing my waist.

"Y-yes uncle" I said, shivering at his touch. I admit I do love him dearly, but I'm scared of him. Jackson gently kissed my shoulder, and I tightly crossed my arms.

"Now you have school. Try and be careful" He said. I nodded and picked my bookbag up, slipping my shoes on. Wait a minute.

"You put a collar on me didn't you?" I asked.

"I totally did. To show your mine~" He whispered in my ear, making me tense up.

"Alright babe I gotta go" I said.My face turned red when I realized what I said.

"Oh 'babe' now huh?" He laughed.

"Shut up" I grunted, and he kissed me bye before teleporting away.

Bonnie's P.O.V

"I BECOME SO NUMB~!!" The song I put on every speaker in the house sang. I felt like my ears were bleeding but I didn't care. I was just listening to rock hard songs.

"B-OW JESUS MY EARS!" Somebody screamed and I looked up. Everyone was there, holding their ears.

"TURN IT OFF!!!" Alice screamed. I closed my left eye, and it flashed. And all the speakers turned off.

"How are you ok with that?!" Racheal asked.

"I've been listening to that for 10 hours straight without sleep" I said quitely.

"I have no words" Yenndo said.

"Come on kiddo" Christophere said, taking my wrists and dragging me upstairs. I groaned and whined while he did that.

"Just rest son" He said, patting my head and I yawned, cuddling with my doll.

Two weeks later

Why not? Fuck it I'm a teenager I'll act like one.

I called everyone I knew, which was a lot and they all came over, smiling wickedly.

"Let's get this party started" Julian smirked.

Foxy's P.O.V

Since the other's didn't pick up my call, I decided to see Bonnie. We all were supposed to visit him today, but when I got to his huge house, I stopped. Thousands of cars were here, and I noticed the other's car.


I entered the house and my eyes almost fell out my eyesockets.

This was the most biggest party I have ever seen. And thousands of drunk teenagers were partying hard, like it was the end of the world and drinking like docters were gonna come saw them to death.

I looked around and saw a drunk Bonnie riding on someone's back. Or, his legs on their shoulders and his hand on the man's head. He didn't have pants on, and I was scared to even think if he had underwear on.

"Heya brother~~" I heard. Ohhhhh no. I just turned my head to see a hella drunk demon.

"Lucifer what are you doing here?" I asked.

"Just checking out the hotties~~~" She giggled.

"But your married" I said confused.

"bUt i'M zEuS" She fell down on her face, and I backed away from her, ashamed for having her as a sister.

"Hey*hiccup* cutie~" I suddenly heard. Oh shit.

"Bonnie stop your drunk" I said, pushing my ex-husband away. He pouted, with alchol dripping from his mouth. He looked kind of weird drunk. His legs weren't even stable, and he kept wobbling around.

"D-don't *Hiccup* you love me?" He yawned, giving me a drunk face.

"Bonnie stop" I said. He stuck a tongue out and pulled me close, kissing me roughly. My eyes widened and I tried to pull away for breath.


I don't remember anything else from that night other then Bonnie kissing me and getting hella drunk.

Bonnie's P.O.V

I groaned, and held my pounding head. Getting up, I realized I was in a bed.

With my ex-husband next to me, shirtless. I peeked under the covers and my body went red, realizing we both were naked.

Oh great isn't that nice?

I just looked around the room and found a half naked Funtime Freddy next to the closet, with a bottle of beer next to him.

"W-what happened?" I heard.

"Whatever you do, do not open your eyes" I told Foxy. He didn't listen and did so. He stared at me and I rubbed my arm. 

"Let's just get dressed and you can go" We both quickly put some clothes on and went downstairs. Using my black mist, everything disappeared and was clean the way it was back to.

"Come on sis" Foxy said, dragging Lucifer to the car and he came back to close the door.

But something held him up.

"What's wrong?" I asked.

"I-I" He stood there for a moment and looked back at me. I raised a eyebrow and thought he was gonna leave.

But guess what he did?

He ran to me, giving me a rough and long kiss. And ran back out, closing the door quickly.

I let out a small smile as I walked away, happy.


I hope you guys enjoyed! Have a great day!

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