Chapter Twelve

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Hello blooming readers! It's me! Just enjoy!

Bonnie's P.O.V

"Where are you four going?" Lucifer asked her brother.

"Just shut up and watch our kids until we get back. If one is missing, dead, or hurt consider yourself in hell when I get through with you" Foxy snapped and Lucifer jumped back.

"Alright alright damn!" She said.

"Good!" We all drove to the hospital and did all the shit and things.

"Still nervous cupcake?" I asked Mike. He nodded and I took his hand.

"It'll be ok I promise" I said and he hugged me.

Once they called Mike's name, we weren't very happy that we couldn't come.

"Sorry only the patient may come" The nurse said. I held out a gun, Freddy flipped a knife through his fingers and Foxy's claws came out of his hands. Everyone in the hosptial looking at us gulped.

"R-right this way" She said.

"You didn't have to threaten her" Mike giggled at us.

"Yes. We. Did" We all said and they took Mikey to this room.

"The main nurse will be here in a moment" The nurse left.

"I hate the hospital" I muttered.

"Scaredy cat" Foxy snickered, pulling me into his lap.

"Your the cat here" I snarled.

"Just sit down Mikey" Freddy told Mike and the human sighed.

"Fine" He muttered and sat on the hospital bed.

"Might as well get you too" Foxy set me on the bed.

"W-what?!" I asked.

"Right. So um, me and Freddy kind of set a appointment for you too" Foxy said nervously. Mike snickered at me and my body was shaking.

"You traitors!" I yelled and Mike nibbled on my ear.

"It's not that bad" He laughed. So, I hate hospital's, you probably figured that out. But I am the only person on the earth maybe that goes crazy. Like you won't believe what I do.

"Alright. Bonnie Hall and Terrance Afton?" A man with three women came into the room.

"Mhm" Mike said.

"Alright. You were schueled with us three weeks ago. But, your water hasn't broken. And Bonnie. You just need a check-up" The woman said. I nodded slowly.

"Perfect. Now. I will give you a small shot and you'll be good to go-" I cut the male nurse off.

"S-SHOT?!" I asked. I have a terriable phobia of shots.

"Yes. It's quick I promise" He held up this long needle and my skull pupils went tiny. I backed up and he tried to give it to me.

"NO!" I screamed, throwing a tantrum.

"Hey hey hey calm down!" My husbands tried to pin me down, but I was just screaming, crying and thrashing around.

I managed to get out of their grip and ran out the room.

"GET HIM!" The second female yelled. Many tried to catch me. But they never could. Soon, the whole hospital was trying to get me. Even the patients.

I saw a vent and jumped up, slipping into the vent.

"BONNIE COME ON ITS JUST A SHOT!" Freddy yelled at me.

"NO!!!!" I yelled.


"BITCHES NO!" I screamed, and climbed through around the hospital, trying to find the exit.

Freddy's P.O.V

"Welp. He's gonna try and escape" I sighed and decided to get in the vent too. I stacked ten chairs and easily stood on them.

"Be careful Fredrick!" Foxy snapped. I kicked off the board of the chair, grabbing the vent's bars.

"How does he do this?!" I hissed and managed to crawl in the vent.

"He climbs walls Freddy" Mike told me. I got into the vent, and it was a tight crawl. I finally found Bonnie, and he was in a very dark room, staring out the window.

"Bon come on" I told him. His ears perked up and he turned his head.

"It's just a shot honey I promise nothing else" I said.

"No. I will NOT get a shot" He suddenly jumped out the window and I screamed. I ran out of the room, to the main lobby.

"Where's Bonnie?" Foxy asked.

"HE JUMPED OUT A TEN YARD WINDOW!" I yelled and we all raced out the hospital. So many people were looking at Bonnie fall down. But Bonnie was fine. Because he had that stupid umbrella.


"I KNOW I AM!" He took out the umbrella, and opened it. He floated up, not coming back to the ground.

"Its. Just. A. FUCKING SHOT!" I yelled. He stuck out his tongue and began floating away.

"Adios~!" He said and the wind took him away. I screamed like a freaking angry girl. I just screamed and screamed, stomping my foot.

"You scream like a fucking girl" Someone groaned. Everyone was holding their ears.

"FINE! WE'LL LET THE BABY DIE! WE HAVE BONNIE TO BLAME!" I shouted, storming back into the hospital. Mike took the shot and the docter gave me the shot to give to Bonnie.

We went back to find Bonnie and he was in the hotel room with the kids and others.

"Hi d-" Lin stopped dead when I grabbed Bonnies arm, yanking him up.

"TAKE THE DAMN SHOT!" I yelled at him.

"NO!!!" He screamed and I almost managed to get the shot into him. Until he kicked between my legs. I hissed in pain and Foxy took Bonnie's waist, holding him down. It took almost all of us to get him pinned to the ground.

A hour later of his thrashing and scratching, I managed to get the shot in.

"Oh my god we are never taking that again" I sighed in relieve, falling on my back. The hotel room was a mess. Our clothes were ripped and our hair was all messy.

Bonnie was whimpering the whole day.

"It was just a shot!" Foxy told him when it was time to go to bed.

"No it wasn't! It hurt!" He cried out loud.

"You have fallen off buildings. You've been in more crashes then any human. You got hit by cars. YOU'VE DIED! AND YOU SAY THAT'S THE WORST!" I yelled in his face. He just cried harder.

Fuckin crybaby jesus. I took a deep breath and sat on the bed, bringing him into my lap. He cried on my bare chest, and I just had my right arm wrapped around his thin and skinny waist.

Foxy slid on my left side, laying his furball head on my shoulder. Mikey went on my left leg and peacefully slept. I took my left arm and wrapped it around my other husbands. Yeah. My arms are that long.

We all were asleep by ten minutes.

Yeesh. Ok. I am switching between this and a story I made called Chesguin. So you can check that out if you want. I'm also putting up a Hazbin Hotel. Not sure if I already put it up but whatever. I also need to make video's for my channel, so add that. But I hope you enjoyed! Have a great day!

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