Chapter Fifty-Six

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Hello blooming readers! It's me! Well just enjoy!(Vincent x Phone guy. Top ship👌👌👌👌👌👌)

Bonnie's P.O.V again

"I'm getting married to Victor!" Mike squealed when he entered the house. I covered my mouth from crying.

"Congratulations(Did I spell that right?! Without a spell check?!) mom!" The kids smiled. I just wanted to say that most of the kids live with their boyfriends or girlfriends now.

I'm alone most of the time.

"C-congrats" I said, trying to smile but it failed.

"Now we need to find a man for you mama" Ruby smiled.

"Yes! You should love again!" Lucifer smiled. All my friends and kids smiled. My brother, sisters and parents gave me a wink.

"Maybe he'll treat you like a queen~" My mom snickered. Everyone laughed. Funny....joke.......

"I-I don't know" I said.

"Come on mama you've been single enough! You live here alone now! You've got to at least get company!" Natalie said. Her twins, Nicodemus and Epic nodded.

"I don't want to get anymore broken that what I already am" I whispered, and their smiles went off their faces.

"Bonnie, we know it was hard to get over Freddy. We all miss him very much. But its not good to be sad and broken all the time" Alexis told me.

"I was broken from day one. Physcially and mentally" I replied.

"Look Bonnie. You have to move on one day" Foxy said.

"Then that will never come" I said, walking away.

I don't want to move on. I will never find another man like Freddy. I will never find someone that's kind like Mike. And I will NEVER find a man thats good to me like Foxy was. I went to my bedroom, and knew everyone had already left. I was alone again.

I dragged out a large box and opened the top. Picking up the first picture, I held it close to my chest.

They were old photos. When everything was ok. When Foxy and Mike were married to me again. When Freddy was alive. When this bullshit didn't exsist.

They all had forgotten that we used to be a happy family. Because their so wrapped up of losing the past and running to the future.

The next week

I opened the door and found some mail on the porch. Might as well I've got nothing else I can do.

I picked it up. Most of them were from the kids, or my friends and ex-husbands. They only visit twice a year. I went through the mail and picked up a bill. Sticking my tongue out, I threw that one in the trash.

"Why is life so hard?" I whispered, after I read all the mail. Diego was going on a vacation with his husband and my own new baby, Kairi,(Who is ten if you remember that Bonnie went to Freddy to walk about it when he was in a coma) was gonna stay with her boyfriend in Georgia until their vacation is over.

I want all my kids back. They grew up too fast. I looked around the house, remembering of what it used to hold.

The chattering of the kids coming down for food and how mad I would get when they kept running down the stairs.

I haven't heard that sound in five years. Everything was just, empty.

I sighed and went out to the back and smoked a ciggeratte. Until I heard yelling.

I went to the yelling, and it lead me to a park. (Bonnie can hear things from miles away if he wants)

A couple were fighting. A little girl went to them, said something, hugging her parents. The parents looked at her then back at each other, giving each other a kind smile.

Must be nice.

I went back to my house, and was about to get something to eat. I opened the fridge and stopped. I realized that I had to go shopping since I refused to shop until I was out of food. I sighed and got dressed, putting Freddy's red locket over my neck like always and putting one of Foxy's favorite hoodies on. He let me have it because he knew how lonely I was.

I went to the store, and got all the things I needed, but there was this one thing I needed. But couldn't reach it.

Curse being short. (Boi. You are 5'11 you are not that short)

Until this tall dude came to me and grabbed the thing I needed, giving it to me.

"Here ya go" He smiled.

"Thank you" I said lifelessly, and he walked off, and I went to check out, bringing all my things back to my house.

After putting everything in the fridge and all, I went downstairs and got the base of a human and began working on it, taking all the body organs I needed.

Thank Hades I had everything or else I would've been on a killing spree. I put the heart in first, stick a vial in it, and filling it up with special liquid I made to keep it functioning.

It started beating, and I clapped. It actually works.

Well, after putting all the organs in the right place, I stepped back, admiring my work. It was almost complete. Just needed human features.

So I looked around and decided to make my own features.

Not a bad idea though. So I did that, carving facial features in the human base and put in robotic eyes I built.

Now this thing would be brilliant, but not as intelligent and bright as I was created and upgraded as.

"Test subject No.128 power on" I said.

I thought I'd have to remake it.

But it powered on, looking around and blinking.

"Hello there master" The robot bowed to me and I almost fell in excitement.

"IT WORKS!" I screamed, running upstairs.

"GUYS IT-" I stopped when I reached the main floor of the house, remembering that my family no longer lives with me.

Sometimes I forgot that I was alone.

Especially when you've been alone for years.

I feel bad for Bonnie. He hasn't had it easy. Well I hope you enjoyed! Have a great day!❤

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