Chapter Seventy-Nine

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Hello blooming readers! Its me! I've been seeing this Springtrap x Foxy book a lot more, and found it in a smut book too. I actually liked it, and am starting to warm up to it. I'll make a story about it. You don't have to read it if you don't want to, but its up to you. Um, enjoy Smile Dog and this chapter!

Lucifer's P.O.V

Ugh I hope he's okay.

"Honey what's wrong you look worried and tense" My wife said, easing my shoulders.

"I'm just worried about my brother. If he can't fix this and make Bonnie bring us back, then we're all dead. I don't become immortal anymore, the spells wear's off, and we all die from old age. I don't want that to happen" I sighed. Chica turned me to face her and put her hand on my cheek.

"Foxy will fix this hon. Trust me. And then hopefully we'll all go back to earth and we'll just have to lock Bonnie up" She said.

"But what if we can't lock him up?" I asked.

Chica took a breath and told me something I never expected her out of all people to say.

"Then you'll have to get rid of him"

Past Foxy's P.O.V


Those kisses turned into something else.

"W-we're t-too young t-to be doing t-this" Bonnie moaned when I bit down on his neck.

"Nawww we're fine we do it a lot in future. Get used to it from now" I said. (Ah shit here we go again)

He gulped and I gently rubbed his chest. That seemed to ease him down.

"G-gah Foxy~" He breathed, panting.

We ain't doing this shit today.



His moans were so cute!

"Huh so you like that?" I chuckled. His ears twiched, and I saw him give me a sexy smirk.

Like, that in bed smirk. The pleased one.

"Heh~" I smirked and kissed him roughly. He let me slip my tongue in and let my hands roam over his cute little body.

*Ahem* P.Freddy's P.O.V

I didn't like what I was seeing.

For all the times Foxy has kissed me on the cheek, I always thought it meant something.

"I love you Bonnie" I heard him say, hugging Bonnie tightly.

"Heh. I love you too Foxy" Bonnie replied back.

My face darkened and my ears went down.

So they love each now huh?

"So what'cha guys doin?" I asked, coming up to them with gritted teeth.

"O-oh hey Freddy!" Foxy smiled at me nervously.

I looked at Bonnie with a angry face, but still smiling with my teeth shut together.

"And what are you doing with him?" I asked forcly.

"N-nothing" He said. I grabbed his shirt and pulled him close.

"Good. Because he's mine rabbit" I snarled in his face so Foxy couldn't hear. He gave me that, 'I'll kill you if you touch him' look.

"Freddy are you okay? You look about to commit murder" Foxy asked concernly. I dropped Bonnie, giving him my famous cute smile.

"I'm okay!" I smiled.

"Okaayyyy you just had that kill look on your face" He said quitely.

"I'm fine Foxy I promise!" I said.

"Alright then whatever you say buddy" He smiled, ruffling my hair. I gave Bonnie a glare with my eyes flashing red and skipped off.


Golden Freddy's P.O.V

"I don't get it!" Freddy hissed, sitting down on a cloud and whimpering.

"Get what?" I asked him.

"Foxy said it was our fault. Our fault that this happened" He said.

"Mhm" I said and he sighed.

"Oh tell me whats bothering you I know that face" I told him.

"Maybe....I dunno maybe it was all just hopeless coming back. As soon as I go back and see Bonnie, he yells at me to get the hell out of his house. And he didn't even seem accepting!" He snarled.

"Freddy. You were dead for 48 years. And when you come back, you find someone else. How is he not supposed to be mad? Foxy left, then you and lastly Mike. All the kids left him too. He was alone for 17 years straight. You know how he is Freddy" I said.

"Yeah well he didn't have to push me away!" He yelled.

"AND YOU DIDN'T HAVE TO BREAK HIM ANYMORE THEN WHAT HE WAS ALREADY BROKEN FROM!" I yelled back. He was quite for a long time. I got up, rubbing my arm angrily.

"You know you should've stayed dead. Then none of this would've happened"

Freddy's P.O.V

Why is everyone sticking up for him?!

He killed us! Yet the only ones who seemed to hate him for it is me and Lucifer!

I don't get it!

I stayed quite until Goldie left me completely and I looked down, seeing figures in clouds.

"Hey" I heard and turned.

My husband.

"Hey Riley" I sighed, waving clouds around.

"You look very tired" He told me and sat beside me.

"I am a little bit" I said and he raised a eyebrow.

"Who was that guy you were talking to?" He asked.

"Mhm? Oh that's Goldie. He's one of my friends" I said. A friend who hates my guts now.

"You don't like him or anything right?" Riley asked sternly. Well I never thought about THAT.

"What no! He's married to Springtrap! And they have a son named Ben! You really think I'm that person?" I asked him. He only shrugged.

"Could be I don't know" He said. Realistic.

"No I'm not" I said quitely.

"Pffft. Your ex-husband is crazy" He suddenly laughed, pointing down. I looked down and I saw Bonnie doing his high tech thing, creating different engery's and sorces.

"What do you mean?" I asked.

"Well one, he killed us. And two, he's a freaking nerd! Ha! No wonder you left him!" He chuckled. For some reason, I felt offended.

"Don't.....don't call him a nerd" I told him a stern voice. Riley raised a eyebrow.

"Excuse me?" He asked.

"I said don't call Bonnie a nerd" I growled.

"Oh so your taking his side now? Now I'm the bad guy huh?" He said.

We both stood up, and I was in NO mood for this.

"I don't give a fuck if we're divorced or not. You do NOT talk about him like that" I snarled at Riley. Suddenly, we began to argue and yell at each other, which we've never done.

Until we were sucked into this portal a everything went black.

Okay I have to admit I'm being a bit lazy. But I went to bed at 2 am last night and woke up at 5. A I'm currently finishing this with a very sore headache. Sorry if this has mistakes. I can't focus and see good. Feel like shit and if I'm about to faint for drinking a whole Boba tea and a latte. Have a great day!💗

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