Chapter Twenty-One

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Hello blooming readers! It's me! Um, enjoy?(Fun fact. My favorite sans is Lust)

Freddy's P.O.V

I was just taking a shower before I went to bed and felt something on my leg. I had a good guess who it was.

"Again?" I asked my son. Lin nodded. He doesn't care where I am. I could be taking shower. I could be taking a bath. He always comes to me. I sighed and picked up my son.

"Welp I'm almost done anyway" I said and he nodded again, closing his eyes as he layed on my chest. I turned off the shower and wrapped a towel around my waist, taking Lin to his room. It still has some features of a nursery. My clothes appeared on my body before I reached his room. I sat down in the rocking chair Linnaeus loves so much, still holding him. He was tiny that I could hold him like a little baby again.

Lin's nose twitched and he slowly drifted off in my arms. I'm too lazy to get up. So I just slept there. In the chair.

Lin's P.O.V

I woke up in my father's arms, and yawned. He looked really tired up close.

"Daddy wake up" I said, poking his chest. He yawned and slowly opened his eyes.

"Mhm?" He asked.

"You have a performence today" I said. His eyes widened.

"WHAT TIME IS IT?!" He asked.

"10:39" I said.

"SHIT I'VE GOT 2 MINUTES!" He jumped up, running out the room. I rolled my eyes, smiling. Typica fogetful father. I went downstairs.

"I'm going to Derek's!!" I told Mama. He nodded and I grabbed my phone, going out the door. I was walking down the sidewalk and I stopped in a alley.

This....this is the alley Dizzy and Ash got kidnapped in. I shivered, still walking. No one was here so I felt better.

"Lin-" I screamed, and kicked someone behind me. Derek groaned, rubbing between his legs.

"Oh my god babe I'm so sorry!" I said, hugging him.

"It's fine. I should've gotten in front of you" He teleported us to his house and I smiled.

"Your parents let you come here?" Derek asked. I nodded, jumping on him. His arms wrapped around my waist and we began kissing.

"Your a pedophillie(I dunno)" We suddenly heard and turned. Brandon.

"I swear it's not what it looks like" Derek said.

"You poor child!" Brandon yanked me from Derek.

"What are you doing?! He's not a pedo!" I snapped.

"Wait what?" Brandon asked, putting me down.

"He's my boyfriend" I said. Brandon turned pink.

"Wait. Boyfriend, kissing, alone-" His body turned red and he ran out the house. (He knows) I scowled and felt a pair of hands rub my waist as I heard Derek dirty talk me down. I moaned just hearing it. (MhMhMmHmH no. Ok ok fine)

He grabbed my waist, teleporting us to the bed. I ran my finger down his shirt, un-doing all the buttons and slipping the cloth off his torso. He took off my shirt and pants, leaving me in my underwear and socks. My legs split and he slipped between them, kissing me harder.

Suddenly red sparkles covered between my legs, making my underwear disappear. Derek's magic. In two seconds, we both were fully naked now.

Derek turned me over, pushing my ass up. And stuck a finger in me. I moaned, my tail wagging. A second and third came into me and I still moaned.

"Ngh~" I moaned. Now. Derek was a lot bigger then Ash two years ago. So pain!!! (This kid is a hella masco)

Derek entered me and I was panting and drooling.

"H-harder" I moaned. He did so and he hit my spot.

"AHH DEREK!" I screamed and he smirked, going rougher.

"You always make it sweet" He told me, kissing my neck when we finished. I giggled and we both took a bath together,

Around 2 my mom called.

"What's wrong?" I asked. He usually never calls me unless its a emergency.

"Hey so your father is having a meltdown. And the others are trying to calm him down. I need you to take Ginger and Kanato with you please" Mama said.

"Okie!" I said and he hung up.

"I'll help buttercup" In a flash, my baby siblings were with me.

A very quick Bonnie's P.O.V

So Freddy wasn't in the best mood.

Because I freaking made him mad by accidently hitting him.

"FREDDY CALM DOWN!" I screamed, running away from him. He was holding a freaking knife! And he forgot to take his pills.

"GET BACK HERE!" Everyone had literally left me with this psycho. He caught me quickly, holding me hard by the arm.

"OW OW OW OW STOP PLEASE YOUR HURTING ME!" I cried. He cut my arm hard and I cried out in pain. He pushed me down, and I hit the ground hard. I whimpered, rubbing my left elbow.

Boy why did I marry two abusive men? Freddy grabbed my neck, choking me.

I gasped for breath, begging him to let go. He did, and I dropped to the ground, gasping for breath. CHILDREN! THIS IS WHY YOU MARRY PREY! YOU DO NOT MARRY PREDATORS!

"P-please s-s-s-stop!" I sobbed when he had ran the knife down my side.

"But why~? You look so adorable in pain~" He chuckled. I managed to crawl away into the bathroom, locking the door.

"Bonnie~ Open the door~ It only make's your punishment harder~!" Freddy said. I whimpered and forgot he could teleport.

"YOU'VE BEEN BAD! MAYBE I'LL TEACH YOU A LESSON!" Freddy smiled. His eyes were red and the things he put me through, I didn't want to live anymore.

"Get up slut" Freddy snarled at me, and I whinced in pain, trying to get up.

"I SAID GET UP!" He suddenly yelled, slapping the hell out of me. I grabbed onto the bed for support, holding my side.

"Fucking useless" Freddy growled, walking away. (OH HELL NAW~~)

I gasped in pain, and went to the bathroom. I looked into Freddy's make-up bag, taking the correct color of my pale skin, covering up the scratches and bruises.

And put on a fake smile when my family came back.


What I mean by this is Freddy has a condition where he get's confused. He doesn't hate Bonnie. He doesn't want to hurt him. But he can't control it. It's his mental illness doing this. And he takes medication for it. I promise Freddy isn't abusive. No no no. He just has mental illnesses that make him do it. Bonnie knows it and didn't hit Freddy for a reason.

Ok. I hope you enjoyed! Have a great day!

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