Chapter Fifty-Eight

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Hello blooming readers! It's me! So, I used to have a picture of Bonnie in a maid dress, but had to delete it when my mom checked my computer. If she went into my files, I would've been DEAD! So sorry you guys couldn't see it. But I hope you enjoy this!

Lin's P.O.V

For a while now we were trying to find my mother a date.

It was harder then we thought it would be.

"Oh look! This guy doesn't look that bad!" Echo said. We all saw it.

"Likes: cars, video games, chocolate and sweet things. Dislikes: pasta-Ok he's a big no no" Lucifer said.

"Why?!" We all asked.

"First off, Bonnie LOVES pasta. Half Italian. Second, Bonnie hates sweet things. More of a sour tooth. The only thing they have in common is the cars" She said.

"Well me and Bonnie didn't like the same things but we got along fine" Mommy said.

"Well this is Bonnie we're talking about. The sadiest, lonely one" Avan said.

"True" We all said and kept looking.

Most of the guys liked cars. And pasta. But they also wanted a house wife. Which is fine of course, since he doesn't mind cleaning and providing for his male partner.

"I mean, he likes the things Bonnie likes. And they share the same dislikes. Why not try it?" Joy asked.

"Ok lets do it"

Setting up the date was easy. We forced Mama to come, wearing a blindfold.

Bonnie's P.O.V

I hate this already.

I was wearing a blindfold and was placed into a chair. Man I wish I could see.

"Hi my name is Juan" I heard. I raised a eyebrow.

"Hi??" I replied. Juan was quite.

"Aren't you gonna tell me your name?" He asked.

"Um, my name is Bonnie I guess" I said, figiting with my hands.

"What do you like to do in your spare time?" Juan questioned.

"Well, I like to work on my experiments. I don't have anyone really to spend time with so I build extra robots to keep me company. And I like to take walks at parks" I said.

"Mhm. I like to work on cars, and spend time with my lover" He sounded......lusty.

"Ok?????" I don't know how I felt on his voice.

We talked for a while, and I'm not sure I really liked him.

"What are your intrest in men?" He suddenly asked me. My ears perked up high.

"Well, I really like wealthy men, tall, nice and kind, very smart, the sugary type, and very gentle with me" I said. Until I realized that Freddy described all those and my ears went down at the thought of him.

Juan's P.O.V

Wealthy huh? I'm not very gentle and sugary, but I guess I'm his perfect match.

He didn't have a bad body either. Sure he needs to eat more, but we'll manage with that.

I would say the date went very well.

Lucifer's P.O.V

I don't really think this guy is trust worthy. I see the way he looks at Bonnie.

And I don't like it.

"So how was it?' Chica asked Juan.

"He's interesting" Juan smirked.

"I think you two will be perfect!" Qia smiled. Juan looked away slickly, smirking.

"Yeah no" I said, and got up from Foxy's lap.

"Oh what now?" Foxy asked.

"You are not gonna date Bonnie and that's final. I've had my notes about you. It's a no" I said. Juan raised a eyebrow.

"And how so?" He asked.

"You just want his body. And trust me. I now. I am the past, presant and future. Now go away and never come back or I will send to you to my birth place which is HELL" I snarled, and he backed away slowly, running off.

"COWARD!" I yelled.

"Welp. That was a fail. Next person"

We tried person after person. Some of them wanted Bonnie's body. Some of them wanted him to be a house wife and please them. And the rest of them were scared of him.


"He's not on Earth" We heard Bonnie say, hugging his legs close, buring his head into his skinny knees.

"Mama you have to get over dad one day! It's been almost 7 years!" Rosa said. We all heard Bonnie sob quitely and I walked to him, pulling the little and skinny bunny into my arms.

"We all miss him Bonnie. But sometimes you just have to let people go" I whispered. I knew the feeling. While the years passed by, and I never got older, I watched all my friends die, my husbands, my wifes, all of them. (Remember Lucifer can't die and is immortal. She's lived since the Earth was created)

Soon enough, Bonnie passed out into my arms from crying so much.

"He's a LOT cuter when he's sleeping" I muttered, and everyone laughed. I took Bonnie up and layed him in his bed, looking down at him.

Leaning forward, I planted a kiss on his lips. (Not a ship! When Lucifer does that to someone she really cares about, she's giving them protection. Like how she did to Freddy years ago, preventing him from dying from all his illnesses until now)

"Please send him the nicest angel you have" I whispered to the sky, and a shooting star flew across.

I hope that angel could be the man of his dreams.

The ending was cute. Very cute. Well I hope you enjoyed! Oh. And Freddy isn't gonna come back alive. Sorry guys. The hottie is gone. Have a great day!

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