Chapter Twenty-Five

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Hello blooming readers! It's me! I got all the freaking hotties. But I think the hottest out of all is either Freddy or William. But whatever. Enjoy!!!

Lin's P.O.V

I was spending time with my brother.


The one that took my first kiss and virginity.

"Hello Ash" I muttered when he entered my room.

"Hello cutie~" He pinned me to the wall and I had a confused face on.

"W-what are you doing?" I asked when he tilted his head near my neck. Suddenly, he sunk his teeth into my neck. I whinced.

"A-Ash s-stop" I said and he sucked the skin. My body began weak at that, so I let him take over.

"You always had a thing for getting hard quickly~" He whispered into my ear, touching my private(I am cringing SO FREAKING HARD!)

I moaned and let him do his thing. I did like Ash's sex. They were rough and hard.

"You gonna leave me out?" Ohhhh shit. Derek came in the room, locking the door.

"Are you ready?" Derek asked me. (Are you ready for Freddy? Ok I'll stop)

I gulped, and they both stripped me down.

"How old are you kid?" Derek asked Ash.

"I'm 10" Ash replied.

"Their so young" Derek muttered, and we teleported to the bed, where I was sitting on Derek's bare lap and my naked brother in front of me, kissing me down.

I moaned, and Derek pushed my ass toward him. I set my hands on Ash's thighs and Derek entered a finger into me. I moaned again, and Ash kissed me once more, forcing his tongue in.

A second and third finger went in and Ash rubbed my waist. (What do I do in life?)

I was a freaking panting bunny.

"Let's see how much pain you can do" Derek entered me and moved a bit. I pushed my ass up more, letting him get to me. And Ash suddenly entered.

I screamed, panting hard.

"F-faster!" I moaned.

Foxy's P.O.V

The other's and I were talking.

Until my father senses kicked in. Oh hell no.

"What's wrong uncle?" Amy asked me. Poor kids. I quickly took the headphones around my neck and put them on quickly, my fox ears going down quick and pressing agaisnt my head so I wouldn't hear it.

Lucifer's P.O.V

Foxy....he put random headphones on.

"Why-!" My mouth stitched itself when we heard it.

"F-Faster!" Someone moaned. "Ahhh~~~" "Nya~" "Ngh~" Bonnie and Mike also had headphones on. Like they knew this was going to happen. Foxy gave us a sly and slick smile.

"Harder master~~~~" I had a nosebleed and the door opened. Freddy Fazbear.

"B-!" He heard the moan and slowly exited the house.

"My innocent ears!" Oliver whined, and I could actually hear the music Foxy was listening to. Holy Music.

"You let your children do these things?!?!" I yelled.

"Don't care what they do" Foxy replied.

"Mhhm~~~ AHH~~~" Oh jesus.

"HERE YOU GO!" I gave us all headphones with holy music and we listened in peace. After a while, a shirtless older teen came down. Our headphones came off and he jumped when he saw us.

"Who the fuck are you?!" He asked.

"Who the fuck are YOU?!" I asked back, jumping back as well.

"Wait wait wait why is he here?! He's a collage student at our school!" Moon said.

"You let a guy that's THREE years older then YOU have SEX with YOUR son?!?!" I screamed at Foxy.

"I don't see the problem" Foxy said, with Freddy now behind him, hugging his back.


"Both" The male shrugged. I gasped loudly and long.

"YoU lItTle ShIt iS rApInG mY nEpHwEs!!!!" I yelled.

"Ok who the hell is she somebody please tell me" The male said.

"That's my oldest cousin. But she's more of a sister by blood. You'll have to get used to her if you want Lin's hand" Foxy said.

"Oh god I regret life" The male sighed. I could tell I wasn't going to like this guy. He seemed, intimating(Pfft my spelling sucks)

"Try not to kill the guy either Lucifer" Foxy said, smacking me in the back of the head.


"Bitch" He said, rolling his eyes.

"YOU WANNA GO?!!?!" I shouted, raising fist.

"I'll take you on anytime" We began fighting epicly, clawing the hell out of each other.

Bonnie's P.O.V

They still act like children.

I sighed and teleported upstairs to my room, falling on my bed.

"Mama?" I heard and turned. It was Heidi.

"Yes Heidi?" I asked my son.

"Kanato and Ginger are hungry" He replied.

I nodded and teleported them to me.

"Oh. And Kylie is trying to cook again" Heidi mentioned. I swear this is the Rachel pandemic all over again.

When I went downstairs I noticed everyone had left and Foxy and Mike were cuddling with Freddy on the couch. Kylie was at the stove.

"Get out of my kitchen!" I snapped at her, dragging her away from the cooking area. (So its mainly Freddy and Bonnie's kitchen since they love cooking and all. But the others use it too)

"I was just trying to make dinner!" She scowled.

"No. If I were allowed you to even try, you'd fail(he lacks confidence in people. Very lacks it). One, because you don't know what we're allergic too, two, you don't know how the kids want it organized, three, you wouldn't know how much to make, four you'd burn everything, and five you don't even know what to use" I said. She mocked me, rolling her eyes. (Well dang Bonnie was prepared to say that)

"Well, I'm a great cook! Your a male. You can't cook" Kylie snarled.

"So are you saying that men can't cook?" I asked, crossing my arms.

"What-no! I'm just saying that you probably are worse then I am" She said.

"Ok listen you husband-stealer-of-a-woman. I have been cooking since I was THREE! I can do everything a regular woman can PLUS manage over twenty kids, three husbands, build cars in my free time and a job which you couldn't hold for a week" I sneered in her face. (He really is super mom)

A quick Kylie P.O.V

He manages cooking, cleaning, take care of more then twenty kids, manage through three husbands, handle a job and EVEN build cars?!

Jesus where did they pick this guy up?!

Bonnie is a ladies man. Hell is he was real I'd kidnap him and keep him. He's really handsome and talented. Who wouldn't want him?

Well. Hope you enjoyed! Have a great day!

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