Chapter Twenty Three

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Hello blooming readers! It's me! So, this is the last chapter I'm gonna publish. Not through the book. But I'm not gonna update for awhile. And publish them on November 10'th. I know it's a long way. Sorry. But I want more chapters for you guys to read. I'm probably the slowest updater ever hehe.
Well enjoy!!

Freddy's P.O.V

I was performing in France like I said.

"Are you reading?" My worker asked. I nodded and adjusted my bow. Even with my revealing clothes(That Darla brought over) I still wear a bow. It's whatever.

"I'm ready" I said. Showtime.

Now Lin's P.O.V

Daddy hasn't come for a while. Papa said he was in New York, performing. I sighed and let the nightmares get me.

"Class! We're going to France!" Ms. Apple smiled. Everyone cheered but I just had a pencil tipping on my finger.

"Let's go!" We got in the bus and the driver drove to France. (Logic that they got their fast)

We entered this hotel, put our things in, and went to this performance.

I thought it was gonna be boring. The lights cut on and so did the music.

(I'm too lazy to put the lyrics. Freddy sang the song I put up there)

I stopped dead at the voice and looked up. Tears started pouring down my eyes when I saw my father.

The crowed went crazy and Freddy smiled at them.

"Thank you for coming!" He said.

"DADDY!" I ran through the crowed, and jumped on stage.

"Kid what are you doing?!" Some of the guards tried to catch me but I was too quick and slipped by them.

"DADDY!" I cried in happiness and before he walked away, I jumped onto his leg. He turned and looked down, his ears going down.

"L-Lin?" He said. I looked up and smiled.

"Lin!" He picked me up, spun me quickly, hugging me tightly.

The fangirls


Back to Lin's P.O.V

"What are you doing here?!" Daddy asked me.

"We were on a field trip. Papa said you were in New York" I said.

"Well I'm on tour kid. I'm traveling around the world performing!" He smiled.

"When are you gonna come home?" I asked. His smile faded.

"S-soon" He lied and took me behind stage.

"Is this your son?!?!" Some people came over.

"Mhm. This is Linnaeus. Lin, these are the people I work with" Freddy said.

"He's so cute!" A girl squealed.

"Come on. You should get back to your class" Dad told me and he went out. The crowed was screaming when they saw Freddy.

"Mhm. Found them!" I said and he smirked.

"Ok" He took me to my class and my classmates were squealing.

"YOU NEVER SAID YOUR DAD WAS A FAMOUS SINGER!" Harmonie screamed. I giggled.

"You got far kid" Ms. Apple said to my dad.

"Where's your next performance?!" Dylan asked.

"Ehh. Around China maybe" Daddy said.

"We gotta go!" The students told Ms. Apple.

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