Chapter One Hundred and Nine

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Hello blooming readers......its, I just read through Fonnie.....I might edit that. Its SO bad!!!! Well, enjoy. Have a cute picture of Scp-173

Kai's P.O.V

Ever since I entered highschool and told everyone I was rich, I become a lot popular.

The girls would always flutter at me, and the males would always talk about how great I was.

Life was great.

Except at home.

Mama would come back at night at some nights, half drunk. I haven't seen dad in 3 years because of his job. I grew distance from my other father and my mother was just too annoying sometimes.

But I did have some issues at school too. (Aye don't feel too bad for him just yet. You don't know what this kid has done)

"Oh look! Its the demon with four dads!" My bully called laughing.

"Shut up!" I snapped, and my horns lit up, sending the bully choking up in the air.

My older siblings looked at me and Derek came outside, calm as ever.

"Put him down now Kai" The funny thing, he acted as if he knew me.

I scoffed.

"And what are you gonna do about it, sir" I mocked, and he crossed his arms.

"I'm not gonna do anything. He is" Derek said and I raised a eyebrow.

"Kai Anderson Dare" I heard, making my fox ears perk up abd quickly put the bully down.

I'm screwed.

Everyone backed up at this point, because they've met my mother and is very familiar with how his anger works.

When Bonnie left after a whole hour of yelling and people shaking with fear

"Your mother is scary!!!" My friends wailed.

"Yep. You haven't seen the real bad side of him" I scowled and the girl I really liked came over.

"Kai I have a question. If your rich, then why do you were shorts and a jacket like a nobody?" She snickered.

(Damn woman)

"Because I want to wear something comfortable. Do you have a problem?" I asked.

"You might not even be rich!" She laughed, making some of my friends snort.

"Fine. I'll show you"

After school

"This is a very long way" Jon scowled, and finally we arrived.

"Isn't this the Fazbear mansion?" Molly my crush asked.

"Mhm. Now come on guys" I unlocked the door and my two mothers were sitting on the couch, papa just chilling next to mom and a very good scent coming from the kitchen.

"I'm home!" I yelled.

"We heard you come through the door. Your not exactly the quitest" Mom said.

"Who's in the kitchen?" I asked and went to kitchen.

There was singing in the kitchen, and I opened the kitchen door walking in.

My father was peacefully cutting fast and singing.

"What are you doing here?" I said in surprise. He looked up, and blinked.

"Hello Kai!" He smiled.

Sometimes he's too cheerful and it scares me.

"Your actually home..." I said.

FONNIE!!! BOOK 2!!!! Where stories live. Discover now