Chapter Sixty-Four

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Hello blooming readers! Its me! And, I did look up deep throating. And COMPLETELY regretted it. My innocent mind. I still have no idea how sex works so work with me now. I guess I have a child mind that can't understand. But whatever. I'll read fanfics for that. So, that's what a male Clockwork looks like. And I think Clockwork is a boy just because of his name, but I know he's actually a girl. Please don't correct me in the comments. I like Clockwork better as a guy. Now, enjoy!!!

Lin's P.O.V

Still. Hate. School.

The teachers never dared to even hurt me again, but would give me glares once every now and then.

I was sitting on the beanbag as normal, and I was sleeping.

"Lin wake up I want to sit on the beanbag!" I heard some yell, shaking me to death. I opened my eyes slightly, and saw Charine there, angry.

"I was here first bitch" I said, closing my eyes again.

"Yeah well you get it everyday" She pushed me up and my eyes shot open.

"Oh hell no you didn't" I summoned my reaper blade, striking her head off. Everyone screamed and I growled.

"Oh boy Lin what did you do this time?" I heard.

"What?! She pushed me!" I snapped.

"Your not in trouble you idiot" Derek snapped.

"Oh okay then" I said, pushing the body off the beanbag and kicking the head to other students snickering.

"YOUR JUST GONNA LET THAT GO?!?!" Ms. Nomina screamed at my husband.

"Last time I checked, I was the princiable. Not you. And second, don't scream at me" Derek said in a dark tone. I ran to my lover, hugging his legs.

"I'll call Bonnie to get the body" Derek said, picking me up and taking me out. But before we did, I stuck the middle finger up to my class.

"You can stay with Ash" Derek told me and put me down, knocking on the door.

"Yes sir?" The teacher asked.

"Yesssssss" We heard Ash quitely cheer when he saw me.

"Because of a missfortune, I've decided to put Lin in this class to stay away from trouble" Derek said, snapping his head toward my direction. I shrugged and Derek pushed me into the classroom, leaving. I waved him bye and went to Ash, hugging my husband/brother tightly.

"How old are you?" A student asked me.

"I'm 12!" I said.

"Your so small" Everyone laughed. I whimpered.

"HEY LEAVE MY BROTHER ALONE!" Ash yelled, baring his fangs and it made everyone quite down.

"Come on baby bro" He pulled me into his lap, and I let my legs dangle from the chair.

The class was so BORING!

"I'm bored!!!!!!" I whined to my brother.

"What do you want me to do? Throw the teacher out the window and throw a party?" He asked. I giggled and continued talking with him.

"OH MY FUCKING GOD CAN YOU STOP TALKING?! WHERE'S YOUR MOTHER! I'M GONNA CALL HER!" The teacher yelled. (No. 1 teacher of the month)

"Um, our mother is getting drunk and fucked at a club last time I checked" I said.

"Or probably throwing another drunk party and waking up with another guy you don't know" Ash shrugged.

"True true" I said. Everyone was quite.

"Oh" The teacher said quitely.

"Ehhhhh you get used to it for 6 years" I said.

"Your mom sounds like a slut" A girl said.

"Don't say to his face" Ash snickered.

"But I've met your mom. He's really....nice in his own way" Nicole said.

"Pfft. Okay" Ash mocked.

"Sorry to bring that up" The teacher muttered.

"It's fine. Mama has a sad little soul anyway" I said.

(Pfffffffffffffffttttt lmao Lin is right)

Soooo the day ended pretty early. And Derek took us back home.

"Why do we even go to school?!" Ash hissed, jumping on the couch. Derek shrugged and put his keys on the table.

"Don't know don't care" He said.

Bonnie's P.O.V

Ugh my head is just pounding again.

So I might've gone to a club and got drunk. And woke up with someone next to me.

I yawned and got up, putting my clothes back up and headed to work quickly.

"Bonnie. Your late again" My boss said.

"I know sir I had trouble getting up this morning" I said, rubbing my banaged arm secretly. He sighed and let me off without a warning.

I got into the racing car, and the race started.

Like always, I won. I eanred 3 thousand dollars from that race.

I got out the car, holding my head and weakly walking to Samantha.

"Good job Bonnie as usual" She smiled.

"Haahha" I said quitely.

"Are you ok? You don't seem well" She frowned.

Suddenly, I fainted and don't remember anything else.

Ehhh it's short I know. I'm getting a Creepypasta, Hazbin Hotel and Rise Of The Guardians ship book going. RadioDust and BlackIce. Annnnnnndddd a Kanato x Azura one so be patient guys. I hope you enjoyed! Have a great day!

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