Chapter Ninety-Three

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Hello blooming readers! Its me! Enjoy!!!!

Gumi's P.O.V

I stood behind the corner of the hallway, watching Jackson on the phone.

"No-......*Sigh* I just don't wanna tell him okay? I.....I really don't care" Jackson sounded stressed.

"Oh? Alright that'll do. Love you too" Jackson chuckled and hung up. Excuse me?!

"Who was that?" I teleported behind Jackson with a serious look on my face and my arms crossed.

"Mhm? Who was who?" He asked.

"Who did you just call?" I growled. I've never felt this angry in my life.

"Oh. Does it matter Gumi?" Jackson asked, petting my ears.

"Yes! Are you fucking cheating on me?!" I yelled. He raised a eyebrow.

"No why would I? Do you want to check my phone?" He asked. I nodded and Jackson took out his phone and gave it to me. I looked through his recent calls and saw that the call was from my mother.

Jackson chuckled.

"Yeah. I'm suppoesingly 'cheating' on you with your mom, who's my brother" He laughed. I grunted, putting his phone down.

"I'd never cheat on you cupcake" He smiled, holding me close. I scowled quitely, and let him hug me.

"Now, calm down. Its not you to be angry" Jackson smiled softly, and my expression lossesened up.

"I feel like I'm boreding you" I muttered. (Is boreding a word??? WELL IT IS NOW!)

"Mhm? Why do you feel that way?" He asked, rubbing my back. I looked down, and buried my head into his chest.

"Nevermind" I said quitely and he kissed my cheek.

"Look. If its about how you think I'll leave you because you wanna take your time, then listen to me. I would never leave you just because you don't want to offically say I'm your boyfriend or you don't wanna take it further. I don't want you to just make yourself uncomfterable just to prove something to me alright?" Jackson asked, taking my face into his hands. I felt the touch of his soft and long fingers and my hands went on his.

"I-....okay" I whipsered.

Jackson kissed my forehead, between my eyes and carefully fit his mouth into mine. I had to pull back before he went any further.

"I-I'm not ready" I said. I could see disappointment in his eyes as he let go of me.

"Right. Well, I'll be in my room if you need anything" He walked by and I didn't see him for the rest of the night.

This went on for a while.

When he would kiss me, it would be quick and over with.

"Hey I'm going to the store do you want anything?" Jackson asked me this one day. I thought about it.

"No not really. But can you get me a pack of gummy bears?!" I jumped. He chuckled and ruffled my hair.

"Why of course. See you later cutie" He kissed my cheek and left. I looked around to see what I could do when he was gone. I should've asked to come. Dang it. Too late now.

Jackson's P.O.V

This kid is driving me crazy.

I don't know how many times I just look at him and want to see him whine in the bed.


I went to the store and was just doing my shopping until I felt someone jump on my back.

I turned my head quick, with my gun pulled quick from my pocket and into my hand.

"Hello my dear twin brother!" I heard and put my gun back.

"Well hello there little brother" I snickered. Bonnie hates it when I call him there.

"WE'RE THE SAME FREAKING AGE JACKSON! BORN ON THE SAME DAY, SAME HOUR AND SECOND!" He yelled, jumping off me. I laughed and he cooled down.

"So. How are you and Gumi cooping?" Bonnie asked. I rubbed the neck of my neck nervously.

"Uh-oh I know that face"

"Its just.....I don't want him to feel uncomfterable, but I really just am starting to get angry from the wait" I sighed.

"Mhm. Well I haven't had that situtation happen to me because my boyfriends and fiancé know when I'm horny" He chuckled.

"You and Foxy are getting married again aren't you?" I smiled. He nodded. I ruffled his hair and he giggled.

"I'm sure Gumi will warm up to you. Now, I'm gonna grab some things for sushi. Wanna join?" Bonnie asked. I thought about it.


Later when Jackson existed the store and Bonnie went home

"Back!!!!" I yelled and Gumi got up from the couch. I set the groceries on the counter and Gumi did NOT look happy to see me.

"Why were you gone for so long?" He growled.

"Hehe. Saw my twin at the store. He told me him and Foxy are getting married again. And the situation between him, Freddy, Mike and Foxy are started to get better. But I got your treats" I was going to ruffle his hair like I always do, but he just smacked my hand away and stormed away.

Well okay then.

I put everything away and looked upstairs.

Should I-? No. He's angry now. I took a deep breath and decided to risk it.

"Gummy Bear?" I asked.

"What the fuck do you want?" He growled, looking up from his phone.

"I-I.....a-are you mad at me?" I asked the teenage bear.

"Oh let me think. I don't know if your FUCKING LYING OR NOT OKAY?!" He yelled. I wanted to yell back, but I held it in.

"If you want proof, call Bonnie alright?! Your fucking crazy" I muttered, walking away from his room.

"I'M CRAZY?!" Something hit the back of my head and I didn't even have to turn to see that it was a book. I sighed and went to the living room, and slept on the couch.

In the middle of the night, I was awoken by small cries and whimpers.

I woke up and saw Gumi sleeping on me, with his eyes closed and his ears down, whimpering.

"H-hey are you okay?" I shoke him gently and he burst out crying.


"W-what Gumi no you're not!!!" I pulled him up in my lap, hugging him while he cried.

"I-I'll make it to you I swear!" Gumi cried. I shook my head and kissed his cheek.

"I don't want that. I just want this" I whispered.

Bonnie's P.O.V

I was just watching this anime I found called "Yarichin Bitch Club"(CHILDREN DO NOT WATCH THIS! ITS A ADULTS THING! ha I'm just kiding. It's a great anime for all you horny teens out there) on my laptop and suddenly I heard a voice.

"What'cha watching?" A voice asked.

I slammed my computer shut.

"W-what!? W-who's w-watching what?!" I asked, glancing everywhere.

"Bonnie. It's just me" Foxy chuckled. I rolled my eyes and pulled him with me to cuddle.

Lol that's me right there when my parents come through the door. Hope you enjoyed! Have a great day!

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