Guys this is important

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No intro.

This is serious.

My mom took my phone away!!! And the bad thing, I DIDN'T EVEN TAKE WATTPAD OFF! AND SHE KNOWS WHAT WATTPAD IS! When I publish Eighty-Two after this, just know that I won't be updating for a while.

I might get busted. Like, REAL BAD. So, I have to take a break from Wattpad to get my grades up from Art and get my phone back.

Mothers man. They don't trust you with nothing. She doesn't even trust me to have Tiktok. She took it off my phone once she found out I had it.


But I will try and sneak in Wattpad once or twice a week and get some chapters in. Hope you understand guys.

I'd rather give you guys the wait them delete EVERYTHING I done and the few of you that love this story, it'll go down.

So please don't be angry if I'm gone for a month and only post two chapters.

Trying not to get fucked up in my ass right now.

Hell my mom even goes through my contacts and messages!!!!

But, like I said I'll try and get some chapters for you guys. I'll probably get more then five because I type really fast and have memorized the keyboard for using it like crazy. I use it like crazy because I actually made another book.

A book called "Fredilina, Five Nights At Freddys"

And it'll be at least like, 300 chapters or two hundred more on Wattpad.

But hope you understand!

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