Chapter Seventy-Three

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Hello blooming readers! Its me! I finally know who ship Hobo Heart with! Myopathy! Myopathy's real name is Cardiomyopathy, which means weak heart. And Hobo Heart can take his heart out. Cute when you think about it. BUT I'mma shut up now.

Bonnie's P.O.V

I'm having one of my moments.

"IN THE END, IT DOESN'T REALLY MATTER~" My speakers screamed. I was listening to my screamo playlist while banging my head on the wall for a whole 8 hours straight.

I'm not ok alright?

"I CAN'T ESCAPE THIS HELL~" (I love Three Day's Grace. Listen to Animal I Have Become!)

"Bonnie my ears!!!" Somebody whined.

"ALEXA TURN THE SPEAKERS OFF!" Zion yelled, and Alexa turned the speakers all off. But the music kept playing.

"WHAT?! MAMA TURN IT OFF!" Epic screamed.

"But why?" I asked simply.

"BECAUSE OUR FREAKING EARS THATS WHAT!" Foxy yelled. I rolled my eyes and powered off the speakers in me.

"How can you deal with this?" Springtrap asked.

"You'd get used to it after listening to it 8 hours straight and years ago" I mummered.

"Your so weird" Goldie sighed.

"Anyway what are you doing here? Just showing up randomly now?" I asked her.

"I text you. Didn't you get it??" Lucifer asked. I closed my right eye and my left eye showed a large screen. I went through all my messages, reading all of them that were new.

"So much unknown numbers" Gem said.

"Shush I can do whatever the hell I want. Edith show me my new new messages" I told my robot.

"Yes sir" She echoed.

"What was that?" Luna asked.

"Edith. She does anything I say" I said.

"Just like Tony Starks! Cool!!!!" Diego smiled.

"Yes kid like Tony" I replied.

"You have 139 new messages and 68 missed calls" Edith replied.

"Oh damn" Chica said.

"Look up the hell spawner" I said, now going through my history.

"Hell spawner. 3 new messages" Edith said.

"Ahhhh thank you" I went to the table in the living room and clicked a button.

"Mhm. Looks like I missed it" I replied to Lucifer, looking at the new messages.

"You have a phone! Why don't you answer me?!" She snapped.

"Uh, actually, I broke my phone" I said.

"How'd you do that?" Moon asked. I took a sip of my soda.

"Mental breakdown you could say. I threw my phone out the window" I said and Orion suddenly started glitching out.

"Is he supposed to do that?" Cotton Candy asked.

"Orion power off" I said calmly but he didn't.

I put my soda on the table, looking at him with a stern face.

"Subject No.128 power off" I said darkly. He just kept glitching and glitching. What on earth? I slowly walked up to him, and everyone stepped back. I tapped his face, and he savagely grabbed my wrist. Okay......

I struggled in his grip, but he wouldn't let go.

"No! Stay right there! Do not move! He can sense anything! And if you attempt to walk forward he can kill you!" I snapped before Foxy walked anymore further. What is going on with this robot?!

Until I looked into his eyes.

Shit this is bad.

Foxy's P.O.V

Something was wrong with this robot.

And it threw Bonnie to the side, coming to us. Where he had thrown Bonnie, there was a crack in the wall. The bunny groaned in pain, and Orion came to us.

"ORION NO!" Bonnie screamed and Orion grabbed my collar, holding me high. I choked for air, and Lucifer kicked it in the legs hard, making it stumble back.

"Are you okay?!!?" She asked me while getting up. Bonnie jumped on Orion's back, putting him down.

While the two living robots fought, we were trying to do as Bonnie yelled.

"DOES IT LOOK LIKE I CAN FUCKING PROGRAM?!?!" Christophere yelled at us when we were rushing.

"IF YOUR SON CAN I DON'T SEE WHY YOU CAN'T!" Stella yelled back. Whatever Christophere did, it made Edith and two more robots activate.

"Yes sir?" All three asked.

Suddenly, there was a painfully scream and we turned quick.

Oh god.

Orion was standing over Bonnie, with a pile of wires in his hand and a bunny on the ground, not moving.

"BONNIE!" William screamed. Oh my god this is bad. Orion dropped the wires and went to us.

"What do we what do we do what do we do?!?!?!" I screamed.

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