Chapter Sixty-Nine

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Hello blooming readers! Its me! I think this book might be a bit shorter then Book 1. And when I mean shorter, I mean like, forty chapters shorter. I can't do 130 chapters per book I'm sorry. I would like to get the BillDip and Chester x Penguin books done. Then when I finish those, I have a BlackIce and Radiodust on the way. So I'm busy. And a real Fonnie book next. Soooooooooo yeah. Enjoy!

Ennard's P.O.V

"Ennard!!!!" My nephew Lin laughed.

"What? You used to love it when you were younger" I smirked, tickling him again. He laughed and me and my husband spent the day with our neices and nephews.

Slowly, one by one, their husbands, wifes, boyfriends and girlfriends came and took them up. Gumi was the last left, but he was already asleep.

"I'll take him" Bonnie's twin Jackson smiled, taking Gumi into his arms. We both nodded and Yenndo cuddled up with me, falling asleep.

Jackson's P.O.V

I took my nephew home and put him in bed, going to the kitchen.

I try so hard to make this kid love me that its ridiculous. He doesn't even like going near me.

I sighed and took up the cereal, pouring me a bowl and taking the milk from the fridge.

"Jackson?" I suddenly heard when I was on the couch around midnight, watching a movie and eating popcorn. I turned my head, and saw Gumi.

"Hey Gummy Bear" I said, continuing to my movie.

"Why are you up? Its late" He yawned.

"Eh just watching a midnight movie" I shrugged.

"Mhm. Mama used to the same thing" He said, taking a glass of water.

"He uh.......I talked with him....and we both figured it'd be best for you to go live with him" I said, putting my popcorn down.

"Why so sudden?" He asked.

"...........he doesn't trust me that's all" I quitely said.

"Okay. So, the plan?" Gumi asked.

"In the morning, you'll pack your things and live with him" I got up and went to him. Gumi backed up a little, but I just held my hands, showing him that I wouldn't do anything.

He settled down, and I went to him, taking the collar off. He looked hella confused.

"Wait your just gonna let me go that quick?" He asked.

"Yes Gummy Bear. You should be living with your mother until you find your lover. Now go back to bed now" I said, walking off back to the couch.

Gumi's P.O.V

This.....this isn't like him.

I slowly put my water down, looking at him. There is no way he actually is gonna let me go.

"So just like that? No fights? No wars? Your just gonna.....let me go like that?" I asked him.

"I don't see why not? Your his kid anyway" He muttered with a little tone in his voice.

"Oh" It was awkward and quite.

"Go to bed kid. You know how Bonnie is" Jackson told me. I can't believe him. First, he kidnaps me, second he tells me that he'll never let me go since he is mildly obessed with me, third he tells me not to go outside not even to school and now he's letting me go?!

"I thought you said you'd never let me go" I said.

"Yeah well, Bonnie's my brother. And your his kid" He replied.

"You.....I thought you-?" I was so confused.

"Gummy look at me. I'm your uncle. It wasn't gonna work out alright?" Jackson left the room and I sighed, going back to bed.

Next morning

Jackson didn't even come to say bye. Didn't even care. I got into the car and my mother was quite.

"I just don't get it! Why would he let me go that easily?!" I asked. Bonnie pulled over, slowly stoppin the car and sighing.

"Gumi, he wasn't gonna try and make you love him all his life. He took intrest in you. And hasn't stopped. But he realized that you weren't gonna coop with it. He loves you very dearly. But you only saw him as a uncle. So he's gonna find someone else" He replied. I was quite the whole time.

(Ehhhh. The song up there fits well however)

When I got into the empty house, I was greeted by Orion.

"Hello young one" He bowed. I tried to give him a smile but it failed.

"Hello Orion" I said quitely.

I went upstairs to my old room and sat on the bed.

I didn't see Jackson as a uncle. I saw him as a crush. He's hella hot, even tho he looks he looks like my mom which is scary. I did love him. But I was more scared of him. I threw my phone across the room, angry at myself for letting my feelings take over just scaredness.

"You didn't have to throw the phone kid" I suddenly heard, and my mother emerged from the shadows, stroking his whiskers. (I had to add that I'm sorry)

"I hate everything" I sobbed, falling off the bed.

"I hate everything too kiddo" Bonnie picked me up, holding me close. I cried on his chest for a while, and slowly calmed down.

"I wish I would've shown I wasn't scared" I sniffed. Bonnie looked down at me.

"I mean, if you think you'll be happy with him, then I'll allow it" He said. His eyes gave me a kind smile but his mouth was stern.

"Thank you mama!" I smiled, hugging him tightly. He blushed a little, but not in that way. He always blushes when he gets affention. He ruffled my hair.

"You can see him tomarrow. But for now, I need company" He said. I laughed and spent a good amount of time with him.

Like how we used to be.

Ehh. I dunno how I feel about that one. How many chapters has Freddy been dead in? I dunno at this point. Sorry guys. I am so sorry Freddy died. But he's not coming back. He's gone. You'll see his P.O.V tho! Have a great day!

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