Chapter Seventy-Five

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Hello blooming readers! Its me! In a rush so just enjoy!

P.Bonnie's P.O.V

When we all woke up, we were chained to the wall.

"NOT AGAIN!" My future mother yelled.

"What's going on?" I asked.

"Let's just say, this is a normal thing for us. We all get kidnapped, blah blah, we get close to dying and our future Bonnie comes and saves us blah blah and it just repeats" F.Yenndo scowled.

"That must suck" P.Foxy said.

"Oh trust me it does" F.Ft.Freddy said.

"And we'll keep doing it until all animals are dead" A human came forward, holding a shotgun.


"Gladly. But, we're missing one person. A dragon" The man said.

"Arrow? Good luck getting him" F.Lucifer snickered.

"Who's Arrow?" P.Lucifer asked.

"Shut up little girl" The man said.

"HEY I AM GENDERLESS!" My enemy shouted.

"Once we find Arrow, we'll kill you all and humans will rule over again!" The man laughed and walked away.

"Who the fuck is Arrow?!" My parents yelled.

"Nobody important"

For what seemed like hours, the man came back with a human dragon on a leash.

"Got him. Now say by-!" He was inturrupted by the sound of claws running down the wall. He turned and frowned.

"Thought I heard something. Eh. Good bye!" The man held up a sword, but suddenly, dropped it, and dropped to the ground.

Standing behind him was a bloody future me, with scratches and open cuts open, panting with anger and holding a bloody bat.

"If I have to keep saving y'all asses I might as well get paid" He growled.

"Ohhhh I look so badass" I giggled.

"Now you fucking pussy's stop whinning and lets go" Bonnie snarled and broke F.Foxy's chains with just a grab and a yank. Until a knife came through my future's neck.

Oh god.

But the future me just yanked it out, turning. A whole group was behind him.

"OH YOU WANNA PLAY I'LL PLAY!" He yelled, lundging at one and ripping his head off.

We watched him fight, and I was so amazed. Twenty dead bodies layed on the floor and Bonnie went back to us, breaking all the chains.

"Are you okay?! How are you dead?!" Miss Orange asked.

"Oh I'm screaming on the inside. You can't kill the devil" Future me said, taking up a gun.

"I'm immortal~~~~" I bragged in the past Foxy's face.

"Keep it up and I'll make sure your not" He growled. I stuck my tongue out and the future me smacked the p.Foxy in the back of the head.

"YOU keep it up and I'LL make sure YOUR won't make it to the future" He snarled.

"So how do we get out?" P.Aaron asked.

"Easy. Just walk around until you get lost" And with that, Bonnie just crawled on the wall up to the ceiling, up to the vent and hung from it.

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