Chapter Thirteen

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Hello blooming readers! It's me! Not much to say right now, but I will inform you that this will be mostly about Lin's P.O.V Why?......Because I've got nothing else for a beach day for the others. And why not? Well. Enjoy!!!

Lin's P.O.V

I was laying in the bed until I heard the sound of glass dropping. My bunny ear's perked up high and I looked around.

"Derek what was that?" I asked and got up, heading to the little kitchen.

"Can't even get a drink" He muttered. I just laughed at my boyfriend's action and my dad came into the room.

"Come on you two we're going to the beach" He said and I jumped.

"Bye teddy!!!!" I told my huge bear that my dad won for me(Might be in chapter 11 not sure) and set the big thing on the queen sized bed. I grabbed all my things for the beach and we all left the hotel.

"OLIVER GET BACK HERE!" Aunt/uncle Lucifer yelled, chasing her youngest son around the beach sand.

"Here you take her for just a moment" Mama told me, handing me my little sister Natalie. Ruby and Ruth were just running away, and Papa was trying to catch Nicodemus.

"You have too much siblings" Derek said.

"I do not!" I said and gave back Natalie to my mom.

"Linnaeus come on!" Bee smiled, taking my hand to the water.

"N-no I don't w-wanna swim" I trembled.

"Come on Lin. It won't be that bad" Derek smiled and picked me up. My small body was shaking and I was far off the ground. It's almost like when my dad picks me up. Sine he's like, 7'7.

I held onto to Derek's shirt tightly and he entered into the water. And yes I have another phobia of water.

"Your scared of water aren't you?" Derek asked.

"Yes! Do you know how much people died in there?!" I asked. He rolled his eyes and I saw my mama just floating on top of the water. He's crazy.

"I'll take my son thank you" Dad snapped at Derek, taking me away. I just waved goodbye to my boyfriend and he laughed. Papa was trying to keep mom from drowning. And my uncle Marionette was just taking a nap underwater.

"Come on. Look" Daddy took me into the deeper parts, where a normal human being couldn't reach. He's so tall that he could avenge anything.

"Too deep!" I wailed, and he rolled his eyes.

"We're not going to drown Lin" He said and finally stopped. We were very far from the sand. I whimpered, buring my head into my fathers chest. Papa swam over, gently floating.

"You know not to swim to far with the kids" He told dad.

"What? Who made that rule?" Daddy muttered.

"Bonnie did" Foxy said.

"What Bonnie doesn't know won't kill him" Freddy said.

"I'm right here" A voice said.

"Oh go fuck yourself" Daddy muttered.

"You don't listen do you?!" Mama asked, pulling dad's bear ear.

"OW! BONNIE STOP!" Freddy yelled, pushing him under the water. I was just letting my arms dangling from over my dad's shoulder.

"FREDDY HE'S PREGNANT!" Foxy yelled, pushing Freddy away and helping mama out the water.

"Too much drama" I said.

"I know right?" Dad teleported away and we weren't on the beach. We were in a beautiful valley, and we both were dried. I was in my normal long T-shirt, tiny shorts and boots and my dad just had a long shirt like me and shorts and sneackers on.

"Daddy where are we?" I asked my father. He shrugged.

"I just teleported us somewhere" He said and I turned around.

"I hear something" I said.

"Where?" He asked.

"Over there" I pointed to the lake.

"I don't trust it" He said.

"Pwease!" I begged. Freddy sighed and went over to the lake.

"Nothing" He said. Suddenly, my dad dropped me, kicking something back. I got up and there was a group of men. With knifes.

"Lin get behind me" Daddy said and I did. Holding onto his leg for dear life. I saw claws come out of my dad's hands. Since when did he have claws???

"You" Dad growled when a man with a scar over his eye walked up.

"Hello old friend!" The man smiled forcefully.

"The hell do you want?" Freddy snarled.

"Oh nothing. Just your body dead on the ground" Yeesh this guy is crazy.

"Who's the little one?" Another male asked, smirking.

I whimpered, hiding behind my dad even more.

"My! He's a omega! And if that isn't better, a rare omega! You'd sell for millions" A male almost went to me, but my dad clawed his whole face, leaving it pooled in blood. Too bloody for me.

"He's so little" The man with the scar snickered.

"You touch my son and I'll rip you limb from limb" Daddy growled. I could see his left eye was black with a dot in the middle. Odd....

"Oh we'll do more then touching~" The men ran forward and my dad did his best to try and kill them. But it's kind of hard to try and kill seven men and you have a little kid with you. The men managed to bring my dad down, and actually hurt him so bad that he was a whimpering animal.

"Get the kid" The man said and two men grabbed my arms, and I screamed for them to let go.

"LET HIM GO!" Daddy yelled. But he couldn't get up.

"Naw. Unless, you do whatever I say" The man told my father. Freddy shook his head.

"Fine then. Boys, you know what to do" A knife was held straight to my neck and Freddy's ears went down when he saw that.

"OK OK! I'LL DO WHATEVER YOU WANT! JUST DON'T HURT MY SON! PLEASE!" I've never seen my dad cry. I've never seen him beg. The man smirked, and the men let me go.

"I want you to teleport him to the others" Daddy said quitely.

"DADDY NO!" I screamed. I was suddenly back at the beach.

"Beach time is over" Mama suddenly said, clicking a gun.

"W-why do you need that?" Nicole asked.

"I know what happened"

Bonnie's always aware. He's like Santa Claus. Alway's watching. Welp I hope you enjoyed! Have a great day!

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