Chapter Sixty-Seven

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Hello blooming readers! Its me! The next chapter I swear I'll put a FNAF pic. Well enjoy! This is just Lucifer and Bonnie.

Lucifer's P.O.V

So, it was interesting working on Bonnie.

He was actually pretty strong, but he just looked weak.

"You don't have to look like a fucking bull just at least look like you can carry a freaking 5 pund weight" I scowled.

"Fine whatever" Bonnie said, and I put at least 20 more pounds to the large weight he was doing.

"Alright give me 100 push-ups" I said, and he rolled his eyes, getting on the ground and did the push-ups. I sat on his back, and sat there until he was done.

"Now. Eat this" I gave him something and he stared at it.

"Yeah I'm not hungry" He pushed it away.

I sighed and made him eat it.

Three, years, later

Over the years, I have to say.

Bonnie has had a huge improvement.

I'm flustered everytime I see him actually. I can't help but blush. Chica hasn't divorced me yet, because I never came back home. Just focus on Bonnie.

Now, let me tell you about Bonnie now. The damn dude is stronger then me, he's the size of a average man now, and bro. But I did let him keep a bit of skinniness. But damn is he so fine.

"If you were related to me I'd hella do you" I muttered at him. Bonnie laughed with his sexy voice, taking a cigeratte from my hand and smoking it. I slightly tugged the percing on my lip, thinking about something.

"What if you got a tattoo?" I asked.

"Already got one" He chuckled.

"What when?" I asked.

"Years ago. Wanna see it?" He asked. My actual body turned the actual color red.

"S-sure" I said. He slipped his shirt from his collarbone, and I saw a dove tattoo.

"How come I never noticed that?" I asked. I mean, Bonnie works out sometimes without a shirt, so I see him shirtless all the time. And never noticed it.

"Nobody ever does" He shrugged, and I thought about it.

"Ehhhh whatever. You wanna go get ice cream?" I asked. He gave me sparkle eyes.

"Do I?! HELL OF COURSE I WANT TO! GET YOUR ASS IN THE CAR GIRL WE GETTING ICE CREAM!" He screamed. I giggled at him and we went to to the store.

"Ice cream in ya go" He said, taking all the ice cream he likes into the cart.

"God your such a kid" I laughed.

"It's my specialty" He said, nuzzling his nose with mine. (Shoutout if you can guess which movie that quote is from) I giggled and we continued to just shop for normal thing.

"Bon we need this!" I said, pointing to a huge unicorn. (I put that in there because there was this huge and fluffy unicorn at Walmart and my parents said I couldn't get it)

Bonnie gasped, looking at it.

"Hell. Yes" I ran to get another cart and he put in into that cart.

"I saw carrot cake. That's it" Bonnie suddenly said and we got a LOT of sweets.

Bonnie left me for a second to go get something and I was left near the candy section.

(We gotta have the drama as always)

"Hey" I heard. Unknown voice, unknown person.

"Don't know you so don't talk to me" I said, picking up a Sweetbread cookie box(I love those) and putting it in the cart.

"You do know me" The person said.

I turned and didn't reconigze the person.

"Nope never seen you in my life" I said. He came closer, making me back up.

"Don't you remember your boyfriend?" He smirked.

"I don't have a boyfriend. I have a wife. But no boyfriend" I scowled.

"But how could you forget me?" He asked, taking my wrists.

"Let. Go" I growled.

"Sir. Are you hassering(Nope nope nope) Lucifer?" Suddenly a males voice. Thank god Bonnie.

"Step out of this bunny boy. This is my girlfriend. Now go" The man growled.

"Funny. Because last time I checked, she was married" Bonnie growled. I struggled in the guys grip, trying to get out.

"No she's not. Now go before I call the cops on you" The man snarled. Bonnie grabbed his wrist, twisiting it back behind him, kicking him down. I rubbed my wrist and people stared at us.

"You leave Lucifer alone now before I beat the shit out of you, you sick little fucking bitch" Bonnie said darkly.

"I just want my girlfriend! And your not her brother!" The man said.

"Sir, this is not acceptable!" A empyolee said.

"I wanna go home Bonnie" I said, hugging onto my brothers back. (Not related by blood just brother and sister-in-laws)

"Let me help you sir" A random woman helped him up.

"He's trying to harasse her!" Bonnie snapped at everyone.

"I'm gonna have to ask you to leave" The manager came over.

"Now hand her over and leave you rabbit" The man who tried to take me growled at Bonnie.

"N.E.V.E.R. No one will touch Lucifer over my dead body" Bonnie snarled.

One person tried to grab me and take me, but Bonnie kicked the person down, so that she let me go. I ran to Bonnie, shaking.

"Sir I will not tell you again. Leave now" The manager said.

"She's not your sister you imposter. I'm her boyfriend" The man said.

"How do you even know 'she's' a girl?! Huh?!" Bonnie asked him.

"I'm a boy" I said. I was in my boy form so that was true.

"Your a girl. Now. Give. Her. Me" The guy said.

Bonnie punched him in the face.

I saw the manager call someone on the phone.

"Bonnie I wanna go!" I begged Bonnie.

"I know I know. Just wait. I'm not finished yet" He said.

Suddenly the cops came. But stopped when they saw me and bowed.

"Your highness" They said.

"W-what?" The manager said.

"What do you mean what?! Do you not even know your own queen?!?!!" Bonnie asked. The man went real quite.

"I would like this man arrested for harassment and attempting to comit rape" I said, shakingly pointed to the man.

"Yes miss" They bowed and took him away. Bonnie held me close.

"Stop shaking Lucifer" He told me.

I took a deep breath and controlled myself.

We got our things and Bonnie angrily gave the empolyee(Pfft) and the manager glares as they ashamedly rubbed their arms.

And left that place quick.

I.......I have no words for this chapter. This did not turn out as I planned. Um, hope you enjoyed? Have a great day!

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