Chapter Fifteen

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Hello blooming readers! It's me! Just enjoy!

Freddy's P.O.V

When I woke up at least two day's later, I was fucking shivering cold. I sat up and saw Foxy, Bonnie and Mike snuggled into the covers. Seriously?

I yawned and got up, going to the bathroom. My skin was just freezing cold and I decided to go somewhere. I put a shirt on, shorts and sneakers.

Grabbing my keys, I got into my car and drove off. To somewhere's.

"Where are you going?" I heard after four hours of driving. My ears perked up and I looked into the car mirror. Alex.

"Your supposed to be at home" I said.

"Yeah I know. But, you need to go back" He said.

"Why?" I asked.

"Because mom's water broke" He said. I slammed on the brakes, making Alex fall out the seat with a groan.

"WHAT?!" I yelled.

"Yep. He couldn't wake mama or papa up, and almost fainted until Bee found him" My son said.

"SHIT!" I yelled, and turned right around, racing down.

"D-DAD!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!" Alex screamed, quickly putting his seatbelt.

I got back to the house within a hour. I raced out the car, bursting into the house. Mike was crying out in pain.

"Hey hey hey I'm here" I teleported him to the car and raced to the hospital. Alex stumbled out the car before I did. I jumped out the car when we reached the hospital, and rushed Mike in there.

I was forced to wait in the waiting room and they finally let me in.

"Are you ok?!" That was the first thing I asked Mike. He took a shaking breath and nodded. I wrapped my arms around his shoulders, letting out a sigh.

"I'm going to fucking kill Bonnie and Foxy" I growled. He put a hand on my cheek.

"Calm down it's not their fault their heavy sleepers" He said. I shifted a little and he gently kissed me.

"Here you go" The nurse gave us a small little bear with red hair and freckles.

"Why couldn't it be a human?! We have too many animal kids" Mike muttered. I laughed and the baby grabbed my long finger, trying to eat it while it opened it's eyes. They were a mix or blue and orange.

"He's so adorable!" Mike said.

"He? I thought it was a she" I said. He shook his head.

"The docters had a mix up. So it was corrected" Mike said.

"I thought it was a she this whole time" I muttered. He giggled and I wondered if I should tell Foxy and Bonnie. Naww.

"Sooooo, what are we gonna name him?" Mike asked.

"I dunno. I kinda think we should wait for the others" I said. He shrugged.

"Ehhh. I don't so" He said. Mhh. They didn't wake up.

"Ok" I said and thought of a name.

"Got one" Mike said.

"Mhm?" I asked.

"Ginger" He said. I laughed.

"Fine" I said and kissed his forehead.

It was time for us to take the baby home and I went into the car with Mikey. He held Ginger in his arms while I drove back home.

Bonnie's P.O.V

I woke up with Foxy and Mike and Freddy were gone.

"Where's Mike and Freddy?" I asked our kids.

"Ehh. Mom had his baby. Dad is SOOOO mad at you two" Diego snickered. Luna smacked her little brother's arm, scowling.

"Enough Diego!" She snapped.

"Freddy is going to kill us" Foxy groaned.

"HA! I'M PREGNANT! HE CAN'T HURT ME!" I yelled in his face laughing.

"No he actually can. Like I did" He said. I scowled.

Freddy and Mike got home and Mike quickly went away with the kids upstairs. And boy did Freddy not look happy. His face had that "fuck off" look you did NOT want to mess with.

"Soooo-! I'm going to get ready for my appointment" I laughed nervously. He stopped me right at the door.

"You two are in BIG trouble" He growled. I gulped and backed away from him. There's two ways this is gonna go: Forced sex(Not rape) or abuse. Mhhm. Ehh I'm feeling horny right now soo I'll take the sex.

"Which way you want to do it?" He asked, raising a knife.

"I'll take the sex~" I said.

Yeah no. I'm at home and risking this.

After all that.

Dizzy's P.O.V

"Hey Dizzy" Veronica sneered. I rolled my eyes.

"What?" I asked.

"We never finished our field trip"

I'm ending it there because I have a 35 minute video to upload to Youtube. And it's taking forever. But I hoped you enjoyed! Have a great day!

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