Chapter Fourteen

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Hello blooming readers! It's me! Enjoy the song and chapter!!!

Freddy's P.O.V

Ryan teleported me to this.....hell.

"Now. Stay here" He said and walked away. I couldn't stop crying. God I'm so fucking weak! Come on I'm a father! I should be strong like Foxy! He's only cried two times in his life time. And that was when Lucifer and Bonnie died.

I took a deep breath and hoped Lin got to the others safely.

"Hello~" I heard. I know that voice anywhere.

"OH HELL NAW!" I yelled, jumping up. Amelia jumped down from the ceiling, walking to me.

"Finally caught you~" She smirked. She's fucking obsessed with me.

"Listen woman. I'm married to three beautiful boys and have children of my own. Go fuck yourself" I growled.

"Only if you watch~" She cooed. I felt sick after hearing that. Never have I ever had sex or watch female sex. One, because I find it disturbing, two Foxy told me it sucks, and three, I just can't imagine myself doing so.

My legs got weak and I wanted to punch her hard.

"Hard~? I knew you loved me~" Amelia said. I punched her in the face. She groaned and rubbed her nose.

"I am VERY skilled at fighting" I growled.

"Ow" Blood ran from her nose but she used magic to take it away.

"You just don't know it yet. You love me" She smiled.

"No. One, you need perfume or something. Two, your smile makes me sick. Three, I hate you with every blood cell in my body. Four, that dress isn't cutting it. Bonnie could even rock a dress better then you ever could" I snarled. The smile left her face.

"Bonnie" She gritted.

"Yes Bonnie. My second husband" I said.

"Why would you want him while you could have all this~?" She asked, putting her chest out more. This is exactly why I hate females.

"I'm hella gay. It's not working" I said, crossing my arms. She frowned but then smiled and left. Thank god. I sat down on the floor, closing my eyes. Amelia tried EVERYTHING!

Revealing outfits, a kitty outfit, a maid costume, HELL SHE EVEN WENT NAKED! My eyes widened when I saw her naked.

"Oh. So you like this~?" She giggled. I turned back quickly, praying to god to give me holy water. She sat in front of me, and starting talking. She even SPLIT her legs. I screamed ever so loud, backing up.

"LET ME OUT LET ME OUT! FEED ME TO A DRAGON ANYTHING IS BETTER THEN THIS!!!" I screamed, banging on the door. Ryan walked in, but stopped dead when he saw me.


"Sooooo girl's make you suffer. Welp have a good time" He left me and I didn't dare look back. I lost my sanity. I went to the little kitchen quickly, and quickly boiled water. (Get it? Cause he's burning the hell out of it)

"What are you doing?" Amelia came close and I threw the hot water on her. She screamed in pain, and she was taken away.

I would've cried in happiness, but I had gone insane already. I sat back on the floor, holding my head.

"IwannadieIwannadieIwannadieIwannadie" I muttered over and over again. At least two weeks passed by. Amelia kept coming back. N.A.K.E.D

I managed to make her stop coming by smashing the holy water on her face. She stopped coming after two weeks. On the first of the third week, my hair was a mess, my eyes were blood-shot red and black circles were under them. I also muttered holy words to myself that I remembered from the bible.

I thought I was die from insanity.

"Freddy!" I heard and screamed.

"NO NO NO NO NO NO NO NO NO!!!!" I screamed, jumping up and ran to the other side. It was just the others.

".....It's just us...." Foxy said. I have had enough of females.

"Here" Lucifer was about to go to me, but I backed up.

"You. Stay. The. Fuck. Away. From. Me" I said. She stopped, and everyone was so confused.

" you not want to come home???" Mike asked.

"Yeah. We just c-" I jumped back from Lucifer, holding a knife to her neck.

"Stay. Right. There" I said. She backed up very quickly.

"So you want to stay here" Bonnie said. My eye twitched.

"DOES IT LOOK LIKE I WANT TO! I'VE JUST BEEN FUCKING TRAMITIZED FOR ALMOST THREE FUCKING WEEKS!" I yelled, shaking Bonnie by the shoulders hard. He almost fell over.

"Dad-" Dizzy almost touched me.

"NO! DO NOT TOUCH ME!" I yelled, smacking her hand away.

"Ow!" She hissed.

"Why are you so......jumpy?!?!" Lin asked.

"Freddy~" My ears perked. Oh hell no. I screamed the loudest I could, running away.

Lucifer's P.O.V

There was just a woman with revealing clothes on that called Freddy's name. And he went screaming like a girl and running. Bonnie just shot the girl while we all watched Freddy run away.

"What was that about?" Mike asked. We all slowly followed Freddy, and he was in a dark corner, with fear in his eyes.

"Freddy?" Foxy went close to him and Freddy didn't do anything. Just blink and look at him.

"I think he's scared of female's now" Foxy said, looking back at us.

"Well that sucks" Candy said.

I changed into a boy and took Freddy's hand, helping him up. Yep. He's scared of girls.

"Hey snap out of it!" I snapped in front of his face and he just sank back into the corner.

"You are hella tramatized" I said looking deeply into his eyes. I decided to look into his memories. And I regreted it.

"Lucifer!" I heard and blinked.

"You looked into my memories didn't you?" Freddy asked. My skin actually turned white from it's light tan. My hair and horns turned white too.

"Oh dear" I said. Almost tramatized me too.

"By your skin it's bad" Foxy said. I nodded.

"Alright. I want you females to leave Freddy alone for at least a month" I told them and they all nodded.

Poor Freddy.

Hell I'd be tramatized. Oh! My french teacher is gonna let us play Among Us in class! But we have to use french! COOL! But i hope you enjoyed! Have a great day!

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